Miron Pavlovich Seiliger

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Miron Pavlovich Seiliger born Meier Pinchussowitsch Seiliger , ( Russian Мирон Павлович Зейлигер , maiden name Меер Пинхусович Зейлигер ; born October 8 . Jul / 20th October  1874 greg. In Odessa , † 1952 ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Seiliger studied at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute and then taught there. His main focus was the thermodynamics of combustion processes in the internal combustion engine . In 1910 he discovered the Seiliger cycle named after him , also known as the Dual Combustion Cycle as well as the Trinkler cycle in Russia and the Sabathé cycle in Italy .

After the October Revolution , Seiliger emigrated and lived in France from 1924 . In Paris he was a professor at the Russian Higher Technical Institute (RWTI) and gave lectures on drive technology with internal combustion and on thermodynamics (1933–1934). He was a member of the Council of Head of Department of RWTI and member of the Society Russian engineers, in which he gave lectures.

Seiliger's niece was the poet Margarita Iossifowna Aliger .

Works (selection)

  • Graphic thermodynamics and calculation of combustion machines and turbines , Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 1922, ISBN 978-3-662-42983-9 .
  • The high-performance diesel engines , Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 1926
  • Compressorless diesel engines and semi-diesel engines , Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 1929, ISBN 978-3-662-25489-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Л. Мнухин, М. Авриль: Российское зарубежье во Франции 1919-2000 . Nauka , Moscow 2010, p. 586 ( ЗЕЙЛИГЕР Мирон Дмитриевич [accessed December 7, 2017]).
  2. James E. Hassell: Russian Refugees in France and the United States Between the World Wars . American Philosophical Society, 1991, p. 74 .
  3. Myron Seiliger: The high-performance diesel engines . J. Springer, Berlin 1926.