Miroslav Fiedler

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Miroslav Fiedler (born April 7, 1926 in Prague ; † November 20, 2015 ) was a Czech mathematician , known for his contributions to linear algebra and algebraic graph theory .


As a schoolboy, Fiedler won a problem-solving competition held by a mathematical journal and studied mathematics and physics at Charles University in Prague from 1945 . For a work on plane algebraic curves by Bohumil Bydžovský (1880–1969) he received a Dr. rer. nat. (Rerum Naturalium Doctor) He then did research at the Central Institute for Mathematics in Prague with Eduard Čech , which was soon assigned to the Academy of Sciences. In 1955 he received his doctorate for his dissertation The Geometry of Simplex (Czech) (candidate title). After that, he not only worked on geometry, but also matrix theory and graph theory as well as application in optimization and completed his habilitation in 1963 (doctorate in the system at that time). In 1965 he became a mathematics professor at the Charles University in Prague.

In 1964 he was at Caltech , 1969/70 and 1979/80 at Auburn University and in 1984 and 1987 at the University of South Carolina .

In 1973 he used the eigenvalues ​​of the Laplace matrix of graphs to describe the relationship between graphs, which found many applications.

In 1993 he received the Hans Schneider Prize for Linear Algebra. In 1978 he received the Czechoslovak National Prize with Vlastimil Pták and in 1985 the Bernard Bolzano gold medal. In 2006 he received the De Scientia et Humanitate Optime Meritis from the Czech Academy of Sciences.

He was a member of the learned society of the Czech Republic and an honorary member of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.


  • with Karel Culik, Vaclav Dolezal: Combinatorial Analysis in Practice (Czech), 1967
  • with J. Zemánek: Selected Problems of the Mathematical Olympiads (Czech), Prague 1976
  • Matrices and graphs in Geometry, Cambridge University Press 2011
  • Special matrices and their applications in numerical mathematics, 1986, Dover 2008 (Czech original 1981)
  • with Josef Nedoma, Jaroslav Ramik, Jiri Rohn, Karel Zimmermann: Linear optimization problems with inexact data, Springer 2006
  • Algebraic connectivity of graphs, Czechoslovak Math. J., Vol. 23, 1973, pp. 298-305
  • Laplacian of graphs and algebraic connectivity, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Volume 25, 1989, pp. 57-70

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Before the official introduction of academic degrees based on the Soviet model in post-war Czechoslovakia in 1953 and then classified as a diploma.