With three hundred horsepower full throttle

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Original title With three hundred hp - full throttle
Country of production Germany
Publishing year 1919
length 4 acts, 1245 meters, at 16 fps 68 minutes
Director Valy Arnhem
script Valy Arnheim, Paul Rosenhayn
production Rhenania Film GmbH Düsseldorf
camera ?

With three hundred horsepower full throttle was the name of a silent crime drama that Valy Arnheim realized in 1919 for the Düsseldorf-based “Rhenania Film” as part of his “Harry Hill” detective series based on a script that he had written based on a template by Paul Rosenhayn .


The secretary in an automobile plant is suspected of theft. Detective Harry Hill can exonerate him and arrest the real thieves.


The film, a Rhenania Film production, premiered in September 1919 at the Sportpalast-Lichtspiele Berlin. When it was submitted to the Reichsfilmzensur on December 3, 1920 , it imposed a youth ban on it under the number B0710.

According to GECD and IMDb, there was also a version with 4 acts and 1,600 meters in length.


The film was mentioned in

  • Cinema letters No. 30, 1919
  • Cinema letters No. 33, 1919
  • The film No. 39, 1919
  • Film technology No. 12, 1919
  • Film technology No. 14, 1919
  • Paimann's film lists No. 386, 1923
  • Paimann's film lists No. 392, 1923

and is recorded at

  • Lamprecht Vol. 19 No. 399

The “Colosseum” in Magdeburg, Breiter Weg 147, showed “With 300 HP full throttle - 4 acts - 2nd sensational experience of the master detective Harry Hill” on Tuesday, December 2, 1919 and the following days, like an advertisement in the Magdeburg “Volksstimme” ”Announced.

The Berlin-based “Concordia Lichtspiele”, Andreasstraße 64, as the “leading theater in the East”, even featured a corps de ballet made up of five dancers as an additional attraction in the pre-program for “With 300 HP full throttle” in 1919 .

The eponymous “300 PS” still seems to be a magical number for automobile lovers today. The Austrian music cabaret group Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung wrote a song to this effect in 1994, “Autofahr'n, 300 PS”.

Web links


Detlef Krenz: Melting celluloid, annoyed musicians and scantily clad dancers. A look behind the scenes of the movie theaters. In: Friedrichshainer ZeitZeiger, August 1, 2016. On line at fhzz.de

Gerhard Lamprecht: German silent films , Vols. 1–8 and general index: German silent films from the years 1903 to 1931. Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin 1970.

Volksstimme daily newspaper  : Social democratic organ for the Magdeburg administrative region. Magdeburg: Pfannkuch Verlag. On line at library.fes.de

Individual evidence

  1. "In 1919 the official opening of a cinema took place in the house, advertised as" the largest cinema in the world "with 3000 seats. Regular cinema operation was over again as early as 1921. ”Cf. square7.de
  2. it would run for 87 minutes at 16 fps.
  3. Information according to GECD # 29895
  4. 30.Jg. No. 281, December 2, 1919, PDF , p. 10
  5. ^ "Concordia, Andreasstr. 64, the leading theater in the east. Film premieres. First class Stage show. Big orchestra. ", Cf. Fig. At fhzz.de
  6. cf. Detlef Krenz at fhzz.de (August 1, 2016): “The detective series“ Harry Hill ”was very popular, with five scantily clad dancers performing in the opening act for“ With 300 HP Full Throttle ”(1919). However, only large houses could afford such a thing, like the “Concordia-Lichtspiele” in Andreasstrasse 64 or the “Luna-Palast” in Große Frankfurter Strasse 121. "
  7. cf. Text at eav.at  : "The tires must smoke like hot meat loaf , 300 PS, 300 PS!"