Middle way 36

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Middle way 36

description German social science and contemporary history journal
publishing company Hamburg edition
Headquarters Hamburg
First edition 1992
Frequency of publication bi-monthly
Sold edition 1300 copies
editor Hamburg Institute for Social Research
Web link his-online.de
ISSN (print)

Mittelweg 36 is a German social science and contemporary history journal published by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research (HIS).

The magazine, which is named after the postal address of the institute, has been published every two months in Hamburg since 1992 , and in the Hamburg edition since 1994 . Articles from the journal also regularly meet with a response outside of the academic world. Mittelweg 36 is a founding member and partner of the cultural magazine network Eurozine .

Authors and editors

In addition to the employees of the HIS, authors are also scientists and journalists from Germany and abroad. The editorial team consists of eight people. Martin Bauer has been the managing editor since 2002. Thomas Neumann (1937–2002) and Gaby Zipfel shaped the founding phase, structure and development of the magazine.

Topics and content structure

The HIS documents its research results with the journal, takes part in current debates or initiates them, mostly in the form of scientific articles, interviews and essays. A major concern of the magazine is the observation of society. At first, special issues on topics such as Stuttgart 21 , political economy , friendship and unemployment were published in loose succession .

Since 2015, the sets middle 36 on special issues , not least because this sale as individual books. More recently, the magazine has increasingly addressed sociological issues in the areas of the sociology of violence and the sociology of money and finance. Furthermore, she examines the relationship between democracy and statehood using historical, sociological and politically theoretical approaches.

From 1998 to 2004 a debate about social exclusion took place in the magazine , to which not only an anthology of the Hamburger Edition referred in 2006 , but also in 2008 a volume from the Suhrkamp Taschenbuchwissenschaft series .

Many booklets contain a literature supplement that discusses current publications on social science and contemporary historical topics or offers overview-like articles on literary or historical issues and trends. In recent years, for example, the portrayal of soldiers in post-war novels has been dealt with, Reinhart Koselleck's ethics of history have been analyzed, and the work of François Dubet has been presented.

In the section From the Protest Chronicle at the end of each issue, which appeared from 1992 to 2019, the political scientist Wolfgang Kraushaar illuminates one episode from the history of political resistance, such as the German student movement of the 1960s .

Each issue also contains an introductory quote on page 1 and a picture on page 2, which can relate to the topic and the contributions in the respective issue or to current debates. From 2010 to 2017, Mittelweg 36 regularly published the results of the Berlin Colloquia on Contemporary History , which the HIS organized together with the Einstein Forum Potsdam .

Web links


  • Lars Clausen : The first ten years “Mittelweg 36” . In: Mittelweg 36 , 3/2002, pp. 49–53.
  • Magazine: Mittelweg 36 . In: Projects, Events, Publications 2010–2013 , Hamburg Institute for Social Research, April 2012, pp. 83–93.
  • Martin Bauer: The public of the journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research . In: Projects, Events, Publications 2012–2015 (PDF) Hamburg Institute for Social Research, April 2014, pp. 90–93.

Individual evidence

  1. See for example those in the brochure Projects, Events, Publications, 2008–2011 , Hamburg Institute for Social Research, February 2010, p. 78 f. gathered press reviews.
  2. Overview of the editorial team , accessed on December 17, 2018.
  3. ^ Jan Philipp Reemtsma : Obituary . In: Mittelweg 36 , 3/2002, pp. 46–48.
  4. Heinz Bude , Andreas Willisch (ed.): The problem of exclusion. Excluded, dispensable, superfluous , Hamburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-936096-69-9 .
  5. See Hilde von Balluseck: Review of August 13, 2009 on: Heinz Bude, Andreas Willisch (Ed.): Exclusion. The “superfluous” debate . Suhrkamp Verlag (Frankfurt / M.) 2008. Orig.-Ausg., 1st edition. 335 pages. ISBN 978-3-518-29419-2 . In: socialnet reviews , ISSN  2190-9245 (accessed on August 19, 2014).