Mnesarchus of Athens

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Mnesarchos of Athens ( Greek  Μνήσαρχος Mnḗsarchos ) was a stoic philosopher in the age of Hellenism . He lived in the 2nd and early 1st century BC. Chr.

Mnesarch is said to have been a pupil of Diogenes of Babylon and Panaitios of Rhodes . After his death he was probably together with the stoic Dardanos Scholarch of the Stoa. Philon of Larisa and Antiochus of Ascalon are named as his pupils . Mnesarch apparently continued the line of Panaitios essentially.

Source edition

  • Tiziano Dorandi (ed.): Filodemo, Storia dei filosofi, La stoà da Zenone a Panezio (PHerc. 1018) (= Philosophia Antiqua. Volume 60). Brill, Leiden et al. 1994, ISBN 90-04-09963-8



  1. Cicero, De oratore 1.45.
  2. Philodemos von Gadara , Index Academicorum 33.14; Enzo Puglia: Le biography di Filone e di Antioco nella Storia dell'Academia di Filodemo. In: Journal of Papyrology and Epigraphy . Volume 130, 2000, pp. 17-28, here p. 18, online (PDF; 139 kB) .
  3. Eusebius , Praeparatio evangelica 14,9,3; Augustine , Contra Academicos 3.41; Philodemos von Gadara, Index Academicorum 34,22-24, in addition Kilian Fleischer: The stoic Mnesarch as teacher of Antiochus in the Index Academicorum. In: Mnemosyne . Volume 68, No. 3, 2015, pp. 413-423, doi : 10.1163 / 1568525X-12341610 .