Mnium stellar

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Mnium stellar
Mnium stellare (c, 153348-482405) 0195.JPG

Mnium stellar

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Bryales
Family : Mniaceae
Genre : Mnium
Type : Mnium stellar
Scientific name
Mnium stellar

Mnium stellar , the True Star moss is a moss - kind from the family Mniaceae .


Mnium stellare forms soft, dark green, brownish-rhizoid-tomentose inside, about 2 to 6 centimeters high. Young plants are light green. The stem leaves stand upright and smooth when moist, slightly twisted and wavy when dry, up to 4 millimeters long and 2 millimeters wide, lanceolate to broadly ovate and sharply pointed. The leaf margin has no margin (other European Mnium species have a margin) and is mostly bluntly serrated in the upper half of the leaf. The leaf vein, smooth underneath, ends well before the leaf tip.

The leaf cells are irregularly hexagonal, 18 to 44 µm long and 15 to 25 µm wide, not spotted and have slightly thickened cell corners.

The moss is diocesan . Sporogons grow individually, carry on the 1.5 to 3.5 centimeter long, reddish seta an elongated and horizontal to inclined spore capsule with a high-domed, blunt lid. Spores are finely papilous, yellow-green and about 22 to 33 µm in size. Spore ripening is in May and June, but the species rarely produces fruit.


Mnium stellare grows in damp and shady locations on calcareous or base-rich subsoil and colonizes forest soil, open-earth slopes, overground rocks and crevices here.


The moss occurs in Europe from the low-lying to the lower alpine level and is quite common overall. There are other occurrences in Asia, North Africa and eastern North America.


Web links

Commons : Mnium stellare  - collection of images, videos and audio files