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As Molli brine is referred to in accordance with the USDA Soil Taxonomy neutral to slightly acidic soils in temperate latitudes, of grasses are covered (Poaceae). They can be found in the Argentine pampas , the prairies of the American Midwest and the steppes of a broad band that extends from Southeast Europe to Central Asia , and also in China .

Mollisoles usually show a well-developed soil profile. On the surface there is the up to one meter deep, dark A-horizon , which is colored black due to the high humus content and is constantly renewed, for example by dead plant roots. Below is the B horizon, which is enriched with calcium carbonate , especially in dry regions .

Mollisols contain numerous minerals such as magnesium , calcium , potassium and sodium in a form available for plants, so that Mollisols are extremely useful soils for agriculture. Especially cereals such as wheat thrives on Molli sols.

Mollisoles are also an important habitat for numerous animals, such as earthworms , ants , termites , moles and prairie dogs .

Some molluscs are formed from the deposit of loess ; if the vegetation cover is removed, they are particularly prone to erosion , as can be seen in the region of the Midwestern United States now known as the Dust Bowl or in northern China.

Globally, around 9 million square kilometers or 7 percent of the ice-free land area is covered with molluscs.


There are 8 subordinates:

Web links


  • Soil Survey Staff: Soil Taxonomy: A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. US Department of Agriculture Handbook 436.Washington DC, USA, 1999.
  • Soil Survey Staff: Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 12th edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. US Department of Agriculture. Washington DC, USA, 2014.