Moluccan scops owl

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Moluccan scops owl
Moluccan Scops Owl.jpg

Moluccan scops owl ( Otus magicus )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Real owls (Strigidae)
Genre : Scops Owls ( Otus )
Type : Moluccan scops owl
Scientific name
Otus magicus
( Müller , 1841)

The Molukken-Zwergohreule ( Otus magicus ) is an owl from the genus of scops owl . She inhabits different groups of islands in Indonesia .


The length is 23 to 25 centimeters with a weight of 114 to 165 grams. The species varies greatly in size and basic color, which can be brown, yellowish brown, reddish brown, gray-brown or sepia brown. The banding is strong or weak. Lighter areas on the shoulder feathers form an indistinct band. On the underside there are strong spots, black lines and scribbles standing across. The feather ears are short, the eyes yellow, the beak light yellowish gray. The last six to nine millimeters of the gray-brown feet are feathered.

Way of life

The Moluccan scops owl inhabits lowland forests, secondary vegetation and mangrove swamps, but also appears in orchards and coconut plantations near settlements up to an altitude of 1,500 meters. It probably lives mainly on insects. The voice is a deep, rough, raven- like kuaark at intervals of several seconds.


She lives on the Lesser Sunda Islands , the Moluccas and maybe on the Aru Islands . O. m. magicus occurs on Seram , Ambon and the southern Moluccas . O. m. bouruensis from Buru and the southern Moluccas is quite uniformly brown above and white below. O. m. morotensis on Morotai , Ternate and the Northern Moluccas has a fairly light face and is less spotted at the top. O. m. leucospilos on Halmahera , Bacan and the northern Moluccas is similar but brighter. At the. obira on Obira and the northern Moluccas is smaller, as is O. m. albiventris on Lombok , Sumbawa , Flores , Lomblen and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Some island populations could be species in their own right. Originally, the Wetar scops owl , which is smaller and has toes feathered up to the base of the toes, and the Sula scops owl were also considered subspecies.


  • Heimo Mikkola: Handbook owls of the world. All 249 species in 750 color photos. Original title: Owls of the World. A photographic guide. 2012, German-language edition, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co.KG, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-440-13275-3 , p. 184.