Momčilo Ninčić

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Momčilo Ninčić (born May 28, 1876 in Jagodina , † December 23, 1949 in Lausanne ) was Serbia's foreign minister and economist .

After studying law , he did his doctorate in Paris . From 1902 he was a professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Belgrade . He later held various ministerial posts in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia , including finance and justice minister and foreign minister from 1921 to 1924 and 1924 to 1926. From 1926 to 1927 Ninčić was President of the General Assembly of the League of Nations and during this time he also held the office of Yugoslav Foreign Minister, which he also did during the Second World War . After the war he was exiled ( Switzerland ) because he is said to have helped Dragoljub Draža Mihailović , the leader of the Jugoslovenska vojska u otadžbini (German Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland). He died in 1949 in Lausanne, Switzerland.


  • Holm Sundhaussen: Ninčić, Momčilo . In: Biographical Lexicon on the History of Southeast Europe . Volume 3. Munich 1979, p. 331 f.