Mompha idaei

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Mompha idaei

Mompha idaei

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Gelechioidea
Family : Fringed moths (Momphidae)
Genre : Mompha
Type : Mompha idaei
Scientific name
Mompha idaei
( Zeller , 1839)

Mompha idaei is a butterfly ( moth ) fromthe fringed moth family (Momphidae).


The moths reach a wingspan of 17 to 20 millimeters. The head is dark brown and has a yellowish white forehead ( frons ). The antennae have a dark brown sheen, the thorax is also dark brown. The forewings are yellowish to yellowish brown, the basal half of the inner wing edge is lighter. A gray-brown spot is located on the base of the forewing and extends as a long line along the costalader to a white spot at 3/4 of the forewing length. Gray spots are at 1/4 and in half of the forewing length, they are merged with the gray line on the Costa loader. Two subdorsal lines with tufts of dark brown and yellow protruding scales are located in front of half and at 2/3 of the fore wing length. A gray line runs around the apex . Spots of gray-brown and white scales are scattered over the wing. The hind wings are dark gray-brown. The abdomen and the tufts of the anus are brownish gray in the males and whitish yellow in the females.

In the males, the uncus is large and cup-shaped. The cucullus is short and wide and has a rounded apex. The sacculus is about as long as the cucullus, tapers somewhat distally and has a pointed apex. The gnathos is large and studded with a multitude of needles. The anellus lobes are short, spatulate and bristled. The aedeagus is short and strong, has a hook-shaped cornutus and an area provided with needles.

In females, the rear edge of the 8th tergite is convex. The antevaginal lamella is trapezoidal, the postvaginal lamella has two large, slightly curved and hairy lobes. The ostium is broad and flat, cup-shaped. The ductus bursae is twice as long as the corpus bursae. It is narrow and provided with square sclerites that have lateral edges directly below the ostium. The corpus bursae is oval with sickle-shaped signs embedded in the center of an irregular sclerite.


Mompha idaea is widespread in the Holarctic and is common in Northern Europe . In the south the species is restricted to mountain regions. It is also native to the Caucasus , the mountains of Central Asia up to heights of 2900 meters, Siberia and the Russian Far East . In North America , the species occurs in Canada and the USA .


The caterpillars develop on narrow-leaved willowherb ( Chamaerion angustifolium ), arctic willowherb ( Chamerion latifolium ) and rosemary willowherb ( Epilobium rosmarinifolium ). The caterpillars live from late summer to April under the bark of the rhizomes of older perennials, occasionally they also go into the sapwood and young wood. Usually several specimens are found on one plant. The species forms one generation per year, the moths fly from May to June. Sandy places are preferred, for example along roads or railway lines. During the day the moths rest in the herb layer on the leaves of the host plants.


The following synonyms are known from the literature:

  • Elachista idaei Zeller , 1839
  • Butalis idaeella Duponchel , in Godart , [1843]
  • Laverna grandisella Chambers , 1875
  • Leucophryne tricristatella Chambers , 1875
  • Laverna subiridescens Walsingham , 1882
  • Cyphophora polaris Sinev , 1986


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d J. C. Koster, S. Yu. Sinev: Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae, Chrysopeleiidae . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 5 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2003, ISBN 87-88757-66-8 , pp. 43 (English).
  2. Karl Traugott Schütze: The biology of the small butterflies with special consideration of their nutrient plants and times of appearance. Handbook of Microlepidoptera. Caterpillar calendar arranged according to the illustrated German Flora by H. Wagner. Frankfurt am Main, publishing house of the International Entomological Association e. V., 1931, p. 143


Web links

Commons : Mompha idaei  - collection of images, videos and audio files