Murder in the Dachau district court

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The murder in the Dachau district court is a criminal case in recent German legal history. On January 11, 2012, a defendant shot and killed a public prosecutor during the session of criminal proceedings in the Dachau district court and also tried to kill the judge, his lawyer and the secretary.

Sequence of events

On January 10 and 11, 2012, a fraud trial took place in the Dachau district court against a former Dachau transport company Rudolf U., who employed bogus self- employed persons and had not paid social security contributions of EUR 44,000. On the second day of the trial, the court issued a suspended sentence. Immediately after the verdict was pronounced, the defendant drew a gun and fired from about three meters away, and met the prosecutor, Tilman Turck, twice. Then he shot the judge, who had already ducked. He fired two more shots after being pulled to the ground by two men. After unsuccessful attempts at resuscitation by the emergency doctor and an emergency operation, Turck was pronounced dead less than an hour after the incident. As a motive, the shooter later gave "hatred of Bavaria's justice and the feeling of having been permanently treated unfairly".

The fatality

The murdered public prosecutor, Tilman Caspar Turck (born March 31, 1980 in Munich ), studied law at the University of Munich . In both state examinations he was one of the best in his class (1st in 2005 with 12.58 points, 2nd in 2007 with 12.79 points and number 3). He specialized in private law, civil procedure law and European contract law and became a research assistant at the Institute for International Law at the University of Munich, where he prepared his doctoral thesis on the subject of "Priority in European Insolvency Law". 2009/10 he obtained a Vanderbilt scholarship at the New York University the " Master of Laws ". On January 1, 2011, he became a public prosecutor at the Munich II Public Prosecutor's Office and was responsible for economic crimes in the district of the Munich II Regional Court . He also worked part-time as a lecturer at a legal revision course . He was married.

Processing and consequences

The Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer ordered the occasion of the funeral of the January 23, 2012 mourning flagging at all state office building in Bavaria. Hessen joined this regulation. The case sparked a nationwide discussion about security in court buildings and tightened access controls in all Bavarian justice buildings.

At the beginning of April 2012, the Munich II public prosecutor brought charges of murder and triple attempted murder against the entrepreneur. He initially tried to break the process due to a willful incapacity to stand trial , but on November 23, 2012, the Munich District Court II sentenced the perpetrator to life imprisonment and also determined the particular gravity of the guilt. The perpetrator died at the age of 56 six months after the conviction in the Munich correctional facility .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ In exercise of the civil service in FAZ from January 26, 2012, page 8
  2. ^ Obituary notice in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
  3. ↑ The trial of Dachau's shooters threatens to burst . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, October 18, 2012.
  4. ^ Dachau gunman sentenced to life imprisonment . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, November 29, 2012.
  5. Dachau shooter died in prison . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 10, 2013.