Moritz Wilhelm Grebel

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Moritz Wilhelm Grebel (born July 10, 1800 in Dresden , † January 14, 1853 ) was a German mathematician .


Moritz Wilhelm Grebel was the son of an appellate councilor working in Dresden. He attended the grammar school in Neustadt-Dresden and the Princely School in Meißen and studied mathematics and physics in Leipzig from Easter 1818 to Michaelmas Day 1821 . In the winter of 1821/22 he continued his studies in Paris and returned to Germany at Easter 1822 to take up the teaching post for mathematics and physics at the Protestant grammar school in Glogau . He held this position until 1842. During his teaching activity at the time, he wrote a treatise on the measurement of mountain heights ( De metienda montium altitudine ope barometri , Glogau 1823), a paper on the shortest twilight ( De crepusculo minimo , Glogau 1826) and textbooks on sub-areas der Mathematik ( Compact systematic overview of differential and integral calculus , Glogau 1825; The spherical trigonometry , Glogau 1828).

In 1842 Grebel was appointed professor and senior teacher of mathematics at the Zeitz grammar school . There, the duties of his position were so demanding that he had little time left for the writing activity and the printing of a previously written treatise in the field of optics ( On lens glasses with regard to their thickness , Zeitz 1843). He was also now afflicted by various physical ailments, to which he succumbed in 1853 at the age of 52.
