Moussa Hamadou Djingarey

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Moussa Hamadou Djingarey (born July 9, 1973 in Zinder ) is a Nigerien film director and film producer .


Moussa Hamadou Djingarey went to primary school in Talladjé , a district of the capital Niamey . Then he attended the middle school CEG 10 and most recently from 1994 to 1997 the Lycée Issa Korombé in Niamey. In 1999 Djingarey traveled to Saudi Arabia for an ʿumra . He started to work there for a production company that mainly worked for Saudi television. He learned camera and editing in practice and did not return to Niger until 2002.

In the same year Moussa Hamadou Djingarey founded the production company MD digital production in Niamey . He initially specialized in commissioned and advertising films. His clients included the state broadcaster ORTN , international NGOs and foreign embassies. From 2005 he directed several short films , primarily documentaries, and won various prizes at smaller film festivals in Niger and Ivory Coast . Djingarey received several French grants for film training abroad, including in Saint-Louis in Senegal in 2005 , in Paris in 2008 and in Val-de-Marne in France in 2009 .

With Hassia 2010 his first feature released feature film . The film deals with the forced marriage of the title heroine and, after a long absence, meant a return to the main program of the FESPACO and other larger film festivals for Nigerien filmmakers . Djingarey's further feature films followed. In 2018, the director became the first deputy general secretary of the Fédération des Associations des Cinéastes du Niger , a newly established association of Nigeria's film organizations chaired by Harouna Niandou .


  • 2005: La mystérieuse croix d'Agadez
  • 2006: Lutte contre la désertification au Niger
  • 2006: Tagalakoy
  • 2008: Casting pour un mariage
  • 2008: Sorkos, maîtres de l'eau entre tradition et modernisme
  • 2010: Le chemin de l'intégration
  • 2010: Djamma, Madame Courage
  • 2010: Hassia, Amour ou Châtiment
  • 2012: Mon retour au pays
  • 2013: Koré
  • 2015: Tourmi
  • 2016: Le pagne

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Moussa Hamadou Djingarey. In: Africiné. Retrieved August 13, 2018 (French).
  2. ^ Souley Moutari: Interview: Moussa Hamadou Djingarey, cinéaste-réalisateur nigérien. In: Niger Diaspora. June 27, 2017, accessed August 13, 2018 (French).
  3. ^ A b c Claude Forest: Moussa Hamadou Djingarey: "Faire des films d'Africains pour les Africains". In: Africultures. October 28, 2017, accessed August 13, 2018 (French).
  4. Méhaou Dodo: Les Filmmakers Nigeriens créent leur fédération: Unis comme à jamais pour contribuer au développement national. In: Niger Diaspora. August 8, 2018, accessed August 13, 2018 (French).