Murat Yetkin

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Murat Yetkin (* 1959 in Gaziantep ) is a Turkish journalist and editor in chief in Istanbul appearing English daily newspaper Hurriyet Daily News .


Yetkin began his career in 1981 with the magazine Arayış, published by Bülent Ecevit , and later worked as both a print and television journalist; for Turkish media ( Sabah , Show TV and NTV ) as well as for international media ( BBC , Deutsche Welle and AFP ). In 2001 he became head of the capital city office of the daily Radikal in Ankara . Even after being on the post of chief editor of the also for 2011 media group Doğan belonging Hurriyet Daily News changed, he remained the radical to obtain its closure in March 2016 as an author.

Today his columns appear in English in the Hürriyet Daily News and in Turkish in the Hürriyet . He is considered to be one of the most profound experts on Turkish foreign policy and is often quoted in international media for his comments and analyzes.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Information at
  2. ^ Yetkin: Death of a newspaper , Hürriyet Daily News, March 28, 2016.
  3. ^ Author page at Hürriyet Daily News .
  4. ^ Author's page at Hürriyet .
  5. Oleg Matsnev / Sewell Chan: Syria Talks Proceed Despite Assassination of Russian diplomat in Turkey , New York Times, December 20, 2016th
  6. Boris Kálnoky: All Erdogan phone calls from two years leaked , Die Welt, March 4, 2014.
  7. ^ Sophie Shihab: La Turquie face à la question du génocide arménien , Le Monde, October 13, 2006.