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Muselmann (also Muselman , Muselmane ; from Persian musilmān to Turkish mülüman , French musulman, Italian musulmano; originally Persian muslimān - from Arabic muslim + Persian plural ending -ān , "the Muslims") is a joke and outdated name for Muslims , according to the Duden . The German ending -mann , plural -männer , is of folk etymological origin.

Use of the term

Until the late 19th century, “Muselmann” was the common German-language term for Muslims. It also exists as a surname in German-speaking countries.

Further examples

In Lessing's drama Nathan the Wise (1779) it says approvingly about Nathan: "Jud 'and Christ and Muselmann and Parsi, everything is one to him."

Novalis used the term in his war song :

"On brothers to war / Be good for the fatherland / And teach the musul men to flee / Need your right hand. / Just think of our Prince Eugene / The Turks are still terrible. / How he deceived at Zent, ​​Salankemen / The Turk's pride. / Didn't help her great Mohammed / The Musulmen / Their prophet strengthened them / Their legs only to run. / On; swing the saber, trust in God / Who has never left you / And if you still need trouble / Evil Satan pointed out. "

The term can also be found in Schiller's ballad Ritter Toggenburg (1797). So he writes: "And the name of Toggenburg / Scares the Muselmann."

The text of Canon C-affee by Carl Gottlieb Hering reads:

Coffee, don't drink so much coffee! The Turkish drink is not for children, it weakens the nerves, makes you pale and sick. Don't be a Muslim who can't leave him!

Even with Nietzsche the term can still be found in his work Beyond Good and Evil (1886) in the late 19th century .

The term had a special meaning in the times of the Nazi regime among concentration camp prisoners, see also Muselmann (KZ) .

Judgment on the use of terms

The name was recognized as a " corrupt " form of the Arabic word muslim as early as 1800 . The Economic Encyclopedia by Johann Georg Krünitz stated in 1805: “ Muselmann , a name that the followers of Mahomed, or the so-called Turks themselves in common life , and in Arabic actually Moslem , d. i. Confessor of Islam , or true faith, which name Mahomed gave his teaching as early as 612, means, and from which the Europeans have corrupted to Muselmann . "

During the 19th century, other terms such as Muslim , Muslim and Mohammedan became more common.

In 2009, the Fürstenfeldbruck District Court ruled that the name Muselmann in the context of the specific case to be negotiated should be viewed as a swear word and insult, while the Hagen District Court did not recognize any racist insult in a 2015 judgment and the name as "calm and objective approach not objectionable within the framework of Article 5 of the Basic Law ”.


  • Kathrin Wittler: "Muselmann". Notes on the history of a designation. In: Journal of History. 61 (2013), Issue 12, ISSN  0044-2828 , pp. 1045-1056.

Web links

Wiktionary: Muselman  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Duden, Muselmann
  2. ^ Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Works. Edited by Kurt Wölfel. Vol. 1. Frankfurt am Main 1967. p. 503.
  3. Novalis, Schriften, Sixth Volume, First Partial Volume, ed. by Hans-Joachim Mähl , founded by Paul Kluckhohn and Richard Samuel , Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne 1998, p. 89.
  4. ^ Knight Toggenburg - text, table of contents, interpretation - Schiller. In: Friedrich Schiller Archive. September 21, 2015, accessed on September 27, 2019 (German).
  5. ^ Friedrich Nietzsche - Chronicle & Beyond Good and Evil - Gloss and Elend magazine for literature and contemporary criticism. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  6. Economic Encyclopedia, ed. by Johann Georg Krünitz u. a., vol. 98, Berlin 1805, col. 449.
  7. "Muselmann" costs 1200 euros, August 19, 2009
  8. According to the Hagen District Court, "Muselmann" is not an insult, October 29, 2015