Siena Music Week

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The Siena Music Week (Italian: Settimana Musicale Senese ) is a classical music festival that takes place annually in the northern Italian city of Siena - in 2014 for the 71st time. It was founded in 1939 by the Italian composer, conductor and music critic Alfredo Casella (1883–1947). The original purpose was the musical rediscovery of then neglected composers, in particular Antonio Vivaldi . The earlier dates were all in September , but were moved to July around 2000 . The first organizer was the Ente Autonomo Settimane Musicali Senesi , since 1968 it has been the Fondazione Accademica Musicale Chigiana . Mario Fabbri was the artistic director until the 1970s .

Thematic orientation

The music week is mainly dedicated to little-known works of small orchestral and chamber music as well as the further training of young musicians. Stylistically, it ranges from classical to romantic composers and recently - triggered by audience requests - also to contemporary and pop music .

In the beginning, mainly recovered works by Italian composers ( Scarlatti , Pergolesi , Galuppi , Caldara , Salieri ) or parts of operas by Rossini , Donizetti and Cherubini were performed. As the music week became more popular, it became more international. Some programs are complemented by viola or flute concerts , others by short buffo operas . The music week also brought world premieres of somewhat unknown works or recovered writings several times . One evening there is traditionally a theater with singing.

In some years the music weeks were dedicated to the memory of composers with a round anniversary, for example in 1968 at the 25th music week Rossini and Debussy on the 100th and 50th anniversary of death.

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