My Little Pony Friendship is Magic / Episode List

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This episode list contains all episodes of the American - Canadian fantasy - animated series My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic , sorted by the US American first broadcast . The television series has nine seasons with 222 episodes.

Season overview

Season Number of episodes First broadcast in the USA German-language first broadcast
Season premiere Season finale Season premiere Season finale
1 26th October 10, 2010 May 6, 2011 September 19, 2011 November 23, 2011
2 26th 17th September 2011 April 21, 2012 5th November 2012 May 7, 2013
3 13 November 10, 2012 February 16, 2013 4th November 2013 3rd December 2013
4th 26th 23rd November 2013 May 10, 2014 April 4, 2015 15th September 2015
5 26th April 4, 2015 November 28, 2015 May 21, 2016 3rd July, 2016
6th 26th March 26, 2016 October 22, 2016 11th September 2016 February 10, 2017
7th 26th April 15, 2017 October 28, 2017 July 22, 2017 December 16, 2017
8th 26th March 24, 2018 October 13, 2018 7th July 2018 March 10, 2019
9 26th April 6, 2019 October 12, 2019 7th September 2019 7th December 2019

season 1

The first broadcast of the first season was from October 10, 2010 to May 6, 2011 on the US cable channel The Hub to be seen. The German-language premiere was broadcast by the German Nickelodeon from September 19 to November 23, 2011.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT) Director script Prod
. No.
1 1 An order from Princess Celestia - Part 1 Friendship is Magic, part 1 Oct 10, 2010 19 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Lauren Faust 101
Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's wizarding student, finds out while reading some books that Nightmare Moon, her sister, could return to Equestria from her thousand-year banishment on the moon during tomorrow's summer sun celebration to create an eternal night. Celestia doesn't want Twilight to take care of it any longer, but rather supervises the preparations for the party in Ponyville and makes some friends. Twilight Sparkle only meets briefly with Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy and quickly returns to the library to do further research on Nightmare Moon, but is deterred by a surprise welcome party hosted by Pinkie Pie. The next morning, Twilight's fears come true, because instead of Celestia, Nightmare Moon appears for the summer sun celebration and the sun does not rise.
2 2 An order from Princess Celestia - part 2 Friendship is Magic, part 2 Oct 22, 2010 Sep 20 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Lauren Faust 102
Together with Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle is looking for information about the weapon that Celestia used to banish Nightmare Moon to the moon 1000 years ago: the six elements of harmony. They find out that these are in the ruins of a castle in the Forest of Eternal Magic. The ponies overcome various dangers caused by Nightmare Moon in the forest and finally reach the castle, where they find five of the elements. Twilight's attempt to create the sixth element using her magic fails and Nightmare Moon destroys the elements. However, Twilight realizes that the power of the elements is still within her and her newfound friends, whereupon the elements take on new forms and are used by the six ponies to transform Nightmare Moon back into her original, good shape as Princess Luna. The sun rises, Princess Celestia appears and congratulates Twilight on using the magic of friendship to defeat Nightmare Moon. At Twilight's request, she orders that they continue their studies in Ponyville with their friends and regularly report to her on their findings on the magic of friendship.
3 3 It's not easy for a friend The Ticket Master Oct 29, 2010 21 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Amy Keating Rogers & Lauren Faust 103
Twilight Sparkle receives two free tickets from Princess Celestia for the upcoming magnificent galloping gala. However, each of her five friends gives her good reasons why she should give her the second card. When they also try to ingratiate themselves with her, Twilight can finally no longer decide who to give the card to. Finally, her friends see this too and all of them forego the card, whereupon Twilight sends both cards back to Celestia, because she does not want to go to the gala without all of her friends. Celestia sends her a card for each and another card for Twilight's baby dragon Spike so that everyone can go to the gala.
4th 4th Apple shake harvest Applebuck Season Nov 5, 2010 22 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Amy Keating Rogers 104
After Big McIntosh injures himself, Applejack wants to harvest the entire harvest of her apple orchard on his own. Meanwhile, she also saves Ponyville from a cow stampede and has given her friends various pledges for their help, which she does not want to refuse . Nor is she ready to be helped with her work. Completely overtired from work, she causes several accidents and disasters, including food poisoning in several ponies from incorrectly prepared muffins. When she finally believes she's finally done with the harvest, but Big McIntosh shows her that there is still another field to be harvested, she collapses from overexertion and finally accepts the help of her friends.
5 5 Gilda, the party brake Griffon the Brush Off Nov 12, 2010 23 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Cindy Morrow 105
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie play various harmless pranks on their friends and on each other. Pinkie wants to continue the next morning, but Rainbow has a visit from the griffin Gilda, a friend she knows from her time at the flying youth holiday camp and who wants to do some flight exercises with her. Although Gilda is very rude to all of the ponies except Rainbow Dash, after getting over her irritation, Pinkie Pie gives a welcome party for Gilda. However, she falls victim to several joke articles and pranks, for which she blames Pinkie and angrily wants to leave the party with Rainbow, but Rainbow admits that a large part of the pranks come from her and not specifically for Gilda, but for everyone present were intended. Gilda leaves the party indignantly.
6th 6th Show-off Trixie Boast busters Nov 19, 2010 26 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Chris Savino 106
A unicorn magician who calls herself the "great and mighty Trixie" has arrived in Ponyville. She performs various magic tricks and claims to have saved the town of Hoofington from a dreaded big bear. Snips and Snails are enthusiastic about her, but the other ponies think their tricks are just showing off. When Trixie challenges the Ponyville ponies to show that they can do more than they can, Twilight Sparkle refuses to demonstrate her magical abilities because she fears that she will be a show-off herself. Snips and Snails want to see more of Trixie's magical power, so they lure the big bear, larger than most buildings, to Ponyville so that Trixie can defeat him again. However, the latter is powerless against him and admits that she only made up her victory. Only Twilight can calm the angry bear and bring it back to its den. Twilight's friends are proud of her and her victory over the Big Bear, but she makes it clear that it was only a little bear, the Big Bear's baby.
7th 7th Dragon shy Dragonshy Nov 26, 2010 27 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 107
A dragon has gone to sleep near Ponyville for a 100-year-old nap, and its snores spread smoke across Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and her friends leave to get the dragon to find another place to sleep, only Fluttershy worries. After some difficulty, the ponies reach the dragon cave, but Fluttershy does not dare to enter the cave because of her fear of dragons. After neither Twilight, Rarity nor Pinkie Pie were able to convince the dragon to leave his cave, Rainbow Dash attacks him, but cannot do anything against the much larger dragon, who instead counterattacks. Fluttershy finally overcomes her fear and succeeds in convincing the kite that its size and strength do not give it the right to injure the ponies or to cover the sky with smoke, whereupon it looks for another place to sleep.
8th 8th The slumber party Look Before You Sleep Dec 3, 2010 28 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Charlotte Fullerton 108
To get away from a thunderstorm, Rarity and Applejack take refuge in Twilight Sparkle's library. Twilight suggests throwing a slumber party according to a guide from one of their books, but the down-to-earth Applejack and fashion-conscious Rarity have divergent ideas about such a party, so the party doesn't live up to Twilight's expectations. When lightning strikes a nearby tree and it threatens to fall on a house, Applejack tries to knock it down in a controlled manner, but instead falls into Twilight's bedroom. While Twilight is overwhelmed by the situation and searches for a solution in her book about slumber parties, Applejack and Rarity finally decide to work together. Rarity uses her unicorn magic to transform the tree into multiple bonsai , which allows Applejack to easily clear the rest of the trunk. Strengthened by this success, the party becomes a success after all.
9 9 The strange zebra Bridle Gossip Dec 10, 2010 29 Sep 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Amy Keating Rogers 109
A mysterious stranger brings Ponyville through her unusual looks and behavior and fear and horror. Twilight Sparkle tries to reassure the others as she realizes that she is a zebra from a distant country, but Applejack's little sister Apple Bloom independently takes on the chase of the zebra named Zecora. The other ponies follow Apple Bloom into the Forest of Eternal Magic and reach her in a field of blue flowers. Zecora tries to warn the ponies about the flowers, but they misunderstand their warning as a wicked witch's curse, even if Twilight remains skeptical, and they bring Apple Bloom back to Ponyville. The next morning the ponies notice various changes: Twilight's horn is wobbly and spotted, Pinkie Pie's tongue is swollen, Rainbow Dash's wings are upside down and don't stop beating, Rarity's mane is shaggy, Applejack is miniaturized and Fluttershy speaks deeply male voice. Apple Bloom resumes pursuit of Zecora. The other ponies also go in search of their hut. Zecora's behavior there reinforces the impression that she is doing evil witchcraft and trying to make soup out of Apple Bloom, but it turns out that the soup is actually a cure for the ponies' transformations caused by the blue flowers called the venomous sneak, and Apple Bloom is getting the last of the ingredients.
10 10 Terribly cute little animals Swarm of the Century Dec 17, 2010 Sep 30 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton MA Larson 110
While the final preparations for an upcoming visit from Princess Celestia to Ponyville are in progress, Fluttershy discovers a small, winged but extremely voracious creature on the edge of the forest of eternal magic, which begins to multiply rapidly after a short time. Most of the ponies are enthusiastic about the creatures called parasprites, while Pinkie Pie goes in exasperation in search of various musical instruments. The next morning, however, swarms of hundreds of animals have already formed, which eat all food and continue to multiply. While Pinkie Pie is still looking for instruments, the other ponies try unsuccessfully to master the plague. Also, a Twilight Sparkles spell, which is supposed to stop the parasprites from eating food, only causes them to devour everything else and devastate Ponyville instead. Shortly before the princess arrives, Pinkie Pie has enough instruments and she succeeds in luring the Parasprites back into the forest of eternal magic with their music.
11 11 Early spring in Ponyville Winter wrap up Dec 24, 2010 Oct 4, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Cindy Morrow 111
At the end of winter, the ponies prepare Ponyville for spring. The Pegasi form the weather team, clear the snow clouds and bring back migratory birds from the south. The planting team removes the snow from the fields and sows plants, and the animal team takes care of waking animals from their hibernation. With Twilight Sparkle's first spring in Ponyville, she doesn't know which team to join. The traditional rules of Ponyville, founded by earth ponies, also forbid her to use her magic. All attempts to get involved in the teams fail and when she tries to use her magic, she accidentally triggers an avalanche that destroys parts of the work. Eventually, however, Twilight realizes that in addition to magic, she has a second special ability, her talent for planning and organization. By taking over the coordination of the three teams, spring can start on time.
12 12 Something very special Call of the Cutie Jan. 7, 2011 Oct 5, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 112
Apple Bloom fears embarrassing itself at an upcoming party because it is the last pony in its class that has not yet had a beauty mark that a foal receives when it discovers its special talent. So she tries to find her talent before the party. At first she helps Applejack sell apples, but without much success. Several attempts to get the beauty mark with Rainbow Dash's help also fail. Eventually she tries to get to the spot by helping Pinkie Pie bake cupcakes , but she doesn't turn out to be a skilled baker either. In fact, she is teased by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon at the party, but the foals Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who have no beauty mark either, take Apple Bloom's side. Together they found the Cutie Mark Crusaders (in German translation: beauty spots club) in order to keep their beauty spots together.
13 13 The race of leaves Weather Friends case Jan. 28, 2011 Oct 6, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Amy Keating Rogers 113
Rainbow Dash and Applejack aim to compare their athletic skills in a series of competitions. Since Rainbow Dash uses her wings, she can win most of the competitions. Although the rules do not explicitly rule it out, Applejack sees this as cheating and tells Rainbow Dash to compete against them without using their wings in tomorrow's annual leaf race, in which the ponies shake the autumn leaves from the trees with their hooves. Twilight Sparkle also wants to take part in the race. During the race, Rainbow Dash and Applejack take the lead from the start but use increasingly unsporting methods to impede each other and cross the finish line at the same time, in last place, while Twilight takes fifth place, which they do for their first Regards racing as a success. Applejack and Rainbow Dash realize their rivalry has only handicapped them and together they shake the last remaining leaves from the trees.
14th 14th The fashion show Suited for Success Feb 4, 2011 Oct 7, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Charlotte Fullerton 114
The big galloping gala is approaching and Rarity wants to tailor appropriate clothes for her friends. However, they are not satisfied with their first drafts and ask for changes according to their wishes. Rarity can meet all of these, but is not satisfied with the end result itself. Meanwhile, the fashion designer Hoity Toity from Canterlot learns about the designs and wants to examine them at a fashion show, but they do not find his favor. Devastated by Hoity Toity's verdict, Rarity locks herself in her boutique for several days. However, Rarity's friends manage to get them to complete their original designs and show off Hoity Toity. This time he is enthusiastic and orders a dozen of each dress to display in his boutique in Canterlot.
15th 15th Pinkie wisdom Feeling Pinkie Keen Feb 11, 2011 Oct 10, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Dave Polsky 115
Pinkie Pie demonstrates the ability to predict the immediate future from twitching and other reactions in her body. Twilight Sparkle remains skeptical and tries to get to the bottom of this, but cannot find a scientific explanation for Pinkie's predictions. Eventually, Pinkie senses that something is going to happen in the deserted frog swamp where Fluttershy is right now, but she can't specify what exactly. Twilight, Spike, Applejack and Pinkie Pie find Fluttershy and a hydra there, but they can escape from it. Pinkie realizes that the Hydra attack wasn't the event she anticipated, and Twilight realizes that while she can't explain Pinkie's ability, it still exists. She realizes that this very realization was the foreseen event.
16 16 Rainbows big day Sonic Rainboom Feb. 18, 2011 Oct 11, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton MA Larson 116
Rainbow Dash plans to compete in a youth aviation competition in Cloudsdale to impress the Wonderbolts, an elite air force, even if they haven't yet perfected their best trick, the Sonic Rainboom. So that they can accompany them to the cloud city, Twilight Sparkle uses a magic that gives Rarity wings and enables Applejack, Pinkie Pie and you to walk like a Pegasus on clouds for the near future. During a tour of the weather factory in Cloudsdale, Rarity also decides to take part in the competition. Due to time constraints, Rarity and Rainbow have to compete at the same time. While Rainbow Dash is so nervous that her tricks fail, Rarity shows a dance performance but flies too close to the sun, burning her wings and crashing her. The Wonderbolts endanger themselves trying to save them. Rainbow swoops towards her and is able to save her, flying fast enough to trigger a Sonic Rainboom. For this she is declared the winner of the competition.
17th 17th Babysitter Fluttershy Stare master Feb 25, 2011 Oct 13, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Chris Savino 117
With Rarity busy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stay at Fluttershy's. In various unsuccessful attempts to find their special talent, they wreak havoc in their house and finally pursue, against Fluttershy's instructions, a chicken they startled into the forest of eternal magic. Fluttershy follows them and meets Twilight Sparkle, who has been turned to stone by a cockatrice . When Fluttershy finds the Crusader, they meet the Cockatrice shortly afterwards, which first petrifies the chicken and then begins to petrify Fluttershy as well. However, she can intimidate him so much with her penetrating gaze that he releases herself, the chicken and Twilight Sparkle again, which also gives her the respect of the Crusaders, who promise to listen to their word from now on.
18th 18th The show stars The Show Stoppers 4th Mar 2011 Oct 12, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Cindy Morrow 118
After Applejack left their old clubhouse to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Apple Bloom repaired it, the Crusaders tried in various ways to finally discover their special talent and thus their beauty mark, but without success. Their teacher, Cheerilee, tells them about an upcoming talent competition in which they want to perform a rock ballad. While Sweetie Belle makes the costumes and props, Scootaloo does the vocals and Apple Bloom does the dancing. With mutual help they try to at least master the basics of it, but Scootaloo's voice is not very popular during the performance, Apple Bloom dance consists only of kung-fu kicks and Sweetie Belle's set collapses. Still, the Crusaders win an award for best comedy show.
19th 19th Diamond dogs A dog and pony show 11th Mar 2011 Oct 14, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Amy Keating Rogers 119
While Spike helps Rarity hunt for gems, both are attacked by Diamond Hounds who capture Rarity. Spike calls in the other ponies who are trying to find their friend. In the meantime, the dogs force Rarity to look for diamonds for her. By the time their friends arrive, the diamond dogs are so annoyed by Rarity's complaints about their treatment that they leave them to the ponies without a fight and even give each one a wagon full of precious stones.
20th 20th Fluttershy on the catwalk Green isn't your color 18 Mar 2011 Nov 15, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 120
Fashion photographer Photo Finish wants to take some pictures of Rarity's designs, so Fluttershy asks to model for her. Photo Finish is enthusiastic and starts another photo shoot for the next day, but it turns out that she is by no means interested in Rarity's designs, but only in Fluttershy as a model. Rarity insists that Fluttershy take this opportunity for her sake. However, she is secretly jealous of Fluttershy, while she has no interest in modeling herself, but only does it because she believes that Rarity expects this of her. Both ponies entrust this to Twilight Sparkle, but only on condition that Twilight Sparkle does not tell any further. Twilight tries to help Fluttershy without breaking her promise to Rarity by getting her to screw up her next fashion show through various embarrassments, but Rarity, still convinced that Fluttershy likes to do so, saves the show because of her jealousy now sorry. In the end, however, Rarity confesses to Fluttershy that it is not her wish that she continues to model, but herself, and Fluttershy also reveals her feelings and ends her modeling career.
21st 21st Buffalo herds and apple trees Over a barrel 25th Mar 2011 Nov 16, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Dave Polsky 121
The six ponies and Spike are on their way to see Applejack's relatives in the recently established settlement of Appleloosa. Applejack wants to bring the Bloomberg apple tree as a gift. On the way, however, their train is attacked by a herd of buffalo, which kidnap the last wagon along with Spike and Bloomberg. While Rainbow and Pinkie Pie independently search for Bloomberg and Spike, the other ponies in Appleloosa find out that the buffalo are demanding that the settlers give up their apple orchard, which is their main source of food, and have therefore kidnapped Bloomberg. Meanwhile, Pinkie and Rainbow find the buffalo and learn from them that the settlers' apple orchard is on a traditional buffalo trail. The ponies try to reach an agreement between the buffalo and the settlers, but to no avail. The next lunchtime, the buffaloes attack the village, the settlers defend themselves with thrown apple pie. In battle, the buffalo chief is hit by an apple pie and is impressed by its taste. It allows the settlers to keep their trees if they keep a path clear for the buffalo through the plantation and give them some of their apples.
22nd 22nd Celestia's pet A bird in the hoof Apr 8, 2011 Nov 17, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Charlotte Fullerton 122
During Princess Celestia's visit to Ponyville, Fluttershy notices that Celestia's caged bird Philomena is not in the best of health. Unasked, she takes the bird home to foster it. However, all attempts to help Philomena fail. Twilight Sparkle tries to convince Fluttershy to bring the bird back, but the royal guard has already noticed their disappearance. Together they try to bring Philomena back into an acceptable condition, but the bird escapes them. After being chased through the city, the bird, within sight of the guards, goes up in flames, leaving only a pile of ashes. Fluttershy takes responsibility for events from Celestia and is ready to accept any punishment, but she makes it clear that Philomena is a phoenix who occasionally goes up in flames and then rises from its ashes.
23 23 Beauty Mark Stories The Cutie Mark Chronicles Apr 15, 2011 Nov 18, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton MA Larson 123
The Cutie Mark Crusaders, still in search of their special gifts and beauty marks, ask the other ponies how they got their beauty marks. Applejack reports that as a foal she tried to find happiness in the big city of Manhatten. However, when she saw a rainbow over Ponyville, she returned to Sweet Apple Acres and realized that growing apples was her talent. Fluttershy says that while Rainbow Dash was racing, she was accidentally pushed out of Cloud City and fell to the ground. There she made friends with the animals there and realized that this was her talent. Rarity received her beauty mark when she was led to a stone by her horn. After it was split apart by an inexplicable rainbow explosion, she discovered it was full of precious stones and received her beauty mark for tracking down jewels. Twilight Sparkle says she was supposed to hatch a dragon egg during her entrance exam for her magic school. At first she didn't succeed, but a rainbow spurred her on and she managed to pass the exam and discover her talent for magic. Pinkie Pie, who grew up on a monotonous stone farm, found her joy in laughing and her ability to make other ponies laugh through a rainbow. Rainbow Dash finally tells, in the presence of the other ponies, that she received her beauty mark when she managed a Sonic Rainboom in the race in which she knocked Fluttershy to the ground. The ponies realize that they were connected by their beauty marks even before their first encounter.
24 24 Owl good, all good Owl's Well That Ends Well Apr 22, 2011 Nov 21, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Cindy Morrow 124
Twilight Sparkle finds the owl Owlowiscious, who takes over some of Spike's tasks to relieve him. Spike is jealous because he thinks Owlowiscious could replace him as Twilight's assistant and tries to make him look bad in front of Twilight, but fails because Twilight catches him preparing. Spike misunderstands a comment by Twilight that she doesn't see him as the Spike she knows and loves, and decides to run away. He is housed in a dragon's cave until the dragon that lives there returns home and attacks Spike. However, Twilight and Owlowiscious manage to save him. Spike then realizes that he is still Twilight's friend and best assistant.
25th 25th In party fever Party of One Apr 29, 2011 Nov 22, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 125
After the birthday party hosted by Pinkie Pie was a success for her pet alligator Gummy, she plans an after-birthday party for him the next day, but her friends find various excuses why they cannot come and Pinkie creeps into the suspicion that this is one party want to celebrate without them. Pinkie interrogates Spike and forces him to admit that her friends don't like her and their parties anymore. She desperately and therefore throws a party with four imaginary friends until Rainbow Dash shows up at her place and, when she does not want to come with her voluntarily, she is dragged to Applejack's barn by force. There she and the other of her friends make it clear that they had secrets from her not because they want nothing to do with her, but because it is Pinkie Pie's birthday and they have prepared a surprise party for her.
26th 26th The great galloping gala The Best Night Ever May 6, 2011 Nov 23, 2011 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Amy Keating Rogers 126
The big galloping gala is coming up. At first, the ponies' expectations of the gala seem to be fulfilled, but they are soon disappointed. Pinkie Pie isn't having the fun at the party she's hoping for. Rarity's dream prince Blaublut turns out to be significantly less charismatic than expected. The animals in the park, with whom Fluttershy wanted to befriend, are afraid of her. The Wonderbolts invite Rainbow Dash into their VIP area, but then largely ignore her. Princess Celestia is too busy greeting guests to take care of Twilight Sparkle. Applejack can barely sell anything at their booth. Their attempts to stir up the party find no resonance until they finally cause several columns to collapse and Fluttershy drives a herd of animals into the ballroom. The six friends decide to flee from the party to a nearby donut bar, where they spend a pleasant evening with Spike.

season 2

The first broadcast of the second season was from September 17, 2011 to April 21, 2012 on the US cable channel The Hub to see. The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the German Nickelodeon from November 5, 2012 to May 7, 2013.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT) Director script Prod
. No.
27 1 Friendship above all - part 1 The Return of Harmony Part 1 17 Sep 2011 Nov 6, 2012 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton MA Larson 201
Discord, long ago turned to stone by Princesses Celestia and Luna, has returned, wreaking havoc on Equestria. Since Celestia and Luna are no longer connected to the elements of harmony, Celestia asks Twilight Sparkle and her friends to use the elements against Discord. However, it turns out that Discord has already taken these and hidden them. Discord wants to give the ponies a chance and makes hints of where the elements may be, which Twilight interprets to mean that he has hidden them in the center of the maze in Canterlot. Discord sees this as a game and insists that none of the ponies fly or use magic and that all of the ponies play along. Should a pony break it, Discord wins. He separates the friends in the labyrinth and begins to corrupt them one by one. He shows Applejack that the friendship of the six ponies will end after their current mission, which is why she lies to the others when she sees them again. Across from Pinkie Pie, she pretends that her friends are laughing at her, not with her, which makes her lose her sense of humor. Rarity makes him know that a rock is a gigantic diamond in order to arouse greed in her. Fluttershy can withstand Discord's whisperings, but he uses his supernatural powers to replace their friendliness with cruelty. Finally, he plays Rainbow Dash that their hometown Cloudsdale is threatened. He offers her her wings in order to reach them in time. By accepting them, she violates the rules, which is why Discord wins the game and spreads its mayhem across the country.
28 2 Friendship above all - part 2 The Return of Harmony Part 2 Sep 24 2011 Nov 7, 2012 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton MA Larson 202
Discord admits that the elements of harmony were never hidden in the maze, but that Twilight just misinterpreted his words. She ponders his words one more time and concludes that they must be at her home in Ponyville. She gets Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie to head to where she actually finds the elements. In the absence of Rainbow Dash, Spike takes over and the ponies attempt to use the elements to defeat Discord, but in their corrupted state they cannot use the elements. Twilight's former friends leave her, and she gives up hope of ever defeating Discord. Back in her library, she discovers that Princess Celestia has returned all of her friendship reports. As she reads it, she realizes how much she loves her friends and that they are worth fighting for their friendship. With a memory spell, she wakes up her friends' memories of their time together and can thus overcome Discord's manipulation. Together, the six friends manage to use the elements of harmony against Discord and turn it back into stone.
29 3 Twilight freaks out Lesson Zero Oct 15, 2011 Nov 8, 2012 James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 203
Twilight Sparkle finds she's behind on her weekly report on her friendship findings with Princess Celestia, so she tries to learn a lesson by sundown. However, none of her friends have a problem that she can help with, and they don't take Twilight's problem seriously. Unable to find a friendship problem, she decides to create a problem and give the Cutie Mark Crusaders their old rag doll Smarty Pants in the hopes that they will fight over the doll and she will settle the dispute. However, they are not enthusiastic about the doll and instead argue who does not have to have it. Twilight enchants the Smarty Pants so that everyone wants them, but the magic gets out of control and all of Ponyville fights for the doll. Only when Princess Celestia arrives at sunset can she break the spell. Twilight's friends protect her and the princess makes it clear that a weekly report is not so important to her, that all ponies should report to her whenever they learn a lesson.
30th 4th Luna's transformation Luna Eclipsed Oct 22, 2011 Nov 9, 2012 Jayson Thiessen MA Larson 204
During the scary night, Princess Luna Ponyville decides to pay a visit. But the city's ponies still fear her as Nightmare Moon, which is compounded by her loud and intimidating traditional royal Canterlot voice. Her attempts to win the trust of the population fail, which is why she, disappointed, cancels the horror night forever. However, Twilight realizes that the ponies enjoy being scared every now and then and gets the other ponies to explain this to Luna too, whereupon she continues the tradition of the scary night.
31 5 The Farriery Sisters Festival Sisterhooves Social Nov 5, 2011 Nov 12, 2012 James Wootton Cindy Morrow 205
Sweetie Belle tries to help her sister Rarity around the house, but is so clumsy that she does more harm than good. Eventually she uses some of Rarity's gems on a painting and cleans up the organized mess, which is why she gets mad at them. Rarity also refuses to take part in the Hoof Sisters Festival with her sister, whereupon the two fall out. Only too late does Rarity realize that Sweetie Belle meant everything well and she no longer wants to have anything to do with her. Instead, she adopts Applejack as her big sister and even agrees to take her to the Hoof Sisters Festival. Both almost succeed in winning it, and it turns out that Applejack swapped places with Rarity shortly after the start. Sweetie Belle realizes how much fun she was having with her real sister, and the two make up again.
32 6th Far too many beauty marks The Cutie Pox Nov 12, 2011 Nov 13, 2012 Jayson Thiessen Amy Keating Rogers 206
To finally get her beauty mark, Apple Bloom drinks a Zecora magic potion. At first this seems to be successful, she actually receives a beauty mark and her special talent, but gradually more beauty marks appear on her and she cannot stop showing the associated talents. Twilight Sparkle recognizes that their systems are similar to cosmetic smallpox, but for which there is no known cure. Zecora, on the other hand, has seeds from a plant that can help Apple Bloom. These don't thrive until Apple Bloom admits how they got their beauty marks and can make them go away again.
33 7th A favorite animal for Rainbow Dash May the Best Pet Win! Nov 19, 2011 Nov 14, 2012 James Wootton Charlotte Fullerton 207
Rainbow Dash is no longer the only one of her friends who doesn't want a pet. Fluttershy offers her a selection of different animals. Since Rainbow cannot decide between these, she wants to find out which animal suits her best through a competition between them. After a series of preliminary rounds, she lets a hawk, an eagle, a bat and an owl compete against her in a race through a ravine. The animal that crosses the finish line with her should become her pet. A turtle also takes part, although Rainbow doesn't even consider it as a pet. In the course of the race, however, Rainbow triggers a rock fall and is jammed. While the other animals ignore her and finish the race, the turtle helps her free herself and carries her to the finish line. Rainbow therefore declares her to be her pet and gives her the name Schildi (in the original tank) because of her perseverance and unstoppability.
34 8th Rainbow Dash, the savior The Mysterious Mare Do Well Nov 26, 2011 Nov 15, 2012 Jayson Thiessen Merriwether Williams 208
Rainbow Dash succeeds in some heroic deeds in Ponyville and she enjoys the resulting fame, but also becomes much more boastful and arrogant, but a little later she is trumped by a mysterious, masked pony. Even her biggest fan, Scootaloo, is more impressed with this pony, dubbed the good mare, than with Rainbow Dash. When Rainbow finally succeeds in unmasking the good mare, she finds out that Pinkie Pie is under the mask. Her friends make it clear to her that they have all taken turns in the role of the good mare to make it clear to her that she is exaggerating with her showing off.
35 9 Rarity wants to be one of them Sweet and Elite Dec 3, 2011 Nov 16, 2012 James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 209
Rarity meets Fancy Pants in Canterlot, who opens the door to the city's upper class for her. However, this forces her to decide whether to go to the elite Canterlot garden party or her friend Twilight Sparkle's birth party. She decides to cancel Twilight and writes that her cat is sick, which is why she cannot come. Twilight, on the other hand, is simply moving their party to Canterlot, so Rarity tries to attend both parties at the same time. Eventually her friends notice that she is also attending the other party, but think this is a good idea for her to market her clothes for the big gallop gala, but decide to go to the party as well. This leads to the fact that the aristocrats at the party find out that Rarity comes from Ponyville, but Fancy Pants is so enthusiastic about a dress sewn by Rarity that he defends her and her designs from the other ponies.
36 10 Spike gets greedy Secret of My Excess Dec 10, 2011 Nov 19, 2012 Jayson Thiessen MA Larson 210
When Twilight Sparkles baby dragon Spike receives several presents for his birthday, this arouses his greed in him and he demands more presents from all ponies. With his greed, he begins to grow himself the next day. He loots Ponyville, destroys buildings and kidnaps Rarity. All attempts to stop him fail. Only when he notices a Rarity jewel that he once gave her and she makes it clear that, unlike little Spike, he is a greedy beast, he remembers his past and becomes a baby dragon again.
37 11 Large theatre! Hearth's Warming Eve Dec 17, 2011 Nov 22, 2012 James Wootton Merriwether Williams 213
On the Friendship Fire Evening (originally Hearth's Warming Eve), the ponies in Canterlot put on a traditional play. Rainbow Dash takes on the role of Commander Wirbelsturm, Fluttershy plays Privat Pansy (Ensign Fluttershy), Pinkie Pie Kanzler (German Pony No. 1) Puddingkopf, Applejack plays Smart Cookie, Rarity Princess Platinum and Twilight Sparkle Clover the clever one, while Spike the narrator gives. The play takes place before Celestia becomes a princess, when the earth, pegasus and unicorn ponies still live separate from each other as tribes and distrust each other. When their country is ravaged by an ice age, the three tribes blame each other for their plans to settle in warmer climes. Commander Wirbelsturm and Privat Pansy lead the expedition of the Pegasi, Chancellor Puddingkopf and their secretary Smart Cookie that of the Earth ponies and Princess Platinum and Clover the clever one of the unicorns. The three expeditions take possession of the same land and their leaders begin to argue about it, while their companions try to mediate, whereupon the newly discovered land sinks in snow. The ponies escape into a cave, but when the leaders begin to argue about it too, it storms and snows inside the cave. Cyclone, custard and platinum freeze in the cold. It turns out that the cold comes from windigos, ice spirits that are strengthened by discord. The remaining ponies become friends, which can drive away the windigos and the cold, whereupon the ponies found Equestria there.
38 12 The story of Ponyville Family Appreciation Day Jan. 7, 2012 Nov 20, 2012 James Wootton Cindy Morrow 211
Apple Bloom is supposed to bring a family member to school for Family Day. However, since the harvest of the colored apples, which only ripen once a year and must be harvested within one day, is due for this day, neither her sister Applejack nor her brother Big McIntosh have time, which is why only her grandmother Granny Smith remains. Apple Bloom fears that as an old and senile woman, she will embarrass her in front of her class. The other Cutie Mark Crusaders try to help her prevent Granny's appearance, but are unsuccessful. Against Apple Bloom's fears, Granny shares how she and her discovery of colored apples helped found Ponyville and impressed Apple Bloom's class.
39 13 Pony offspring Baby cakes Jan. 14, 2012 Nov 21, 2012 Jayson Thiessen Charlotte Fullerton 212
Pinkie Pie is supposed to look after the Babies in the Cake family while they take care of an important delivery, but she can't handle them. The babies cry, do not eat their porridge and do not have their diapers changed. However, Pinkie wants to prove she is responsible enough to get the job done, so she declines Twilight Sparkle's offer of help. When Pinkie tries to put the babies to bed, they escape and she fails to catch them again. The babies realize that they are driving Pinkie to despair and become friends with her.
40 14th The last rodeo The Last Roundup Jan. 21, 2012 Nov 23, 2012 Jayson Thiessen Amy Keating Rogers 214
Applejack takes part in a rodeo competition in Canterlot and promises to use the hoped-for prize money to repair the damaged town hall. When his return is expected, the other ponies only receive a letter from her instead of Applejack, in which she writes that she will not be back and will send the money shortly. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity set out in search of her and eventually find her in Dodge Junction, but she refuses to tell her friends why she doesn't want to go home. When she disappears from the city the next morning, the others go back in pursuit. When they ask them, they find out that although she won several medals at the rodeo, she did not have a first prize and therefore no prize money and therefore tried to earn the money elsewhere. They manage to convince her to come back to Ponyville.
41 15th Apple juice for all ponies The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Jan. 28, 2012 Nov 26, 2012 James Wootton MA Larson 215
The founders and business ponies Flim and Flam challenge the Apple family to a competition for the sole marketing rights of cider (in the German translation apple juice) in Ponyville. If you manage to produce more cider in an hour, you get the monopoly on this drink. Since the Apples cannot run their farm economically without selling cider, their very existence is at stake for them. In the beginning, the Apples with their conventional machine cannot keep up with the modern machine from Flim and Flam, but when Applejack's friends help the Apples, they force Flim and Flam to increase the performance of their machine and forego quality control in order to stay ahead stay. This is how Flim and Flam succeed in winning the competition. Since their cider is not favored by the other ponies due to the lack of quality control, they flee the city, which is why the Apples can keep their plantation and continue to sell cider.
42 16 Rainbow Dash, the bookworm Read It and Weep Feb 4, 2012 Nov 27, 2012 Jayson Thiessen Cindy Morrow 216
Rainbow Dash breaks a wing and has to spend a few days in the hospital. Twilight Sparkle recommends that she use the time to read a novel about Daring Do, but Rainbow considers reading to be uncool and only for smart people. Out of boredom she finally begins to read the book and is immediately enthusiastic about it. However, when she arrives at the climax, she is released from the hospital while the book remains there. Since Rainbow doesn't want her friends to be a smart girl herself, she doesn't dare to ask Twilight to lend her the book from her library, but decides to break into the hospital at night to steal the book. However, she is caught and caught after being chased by Ponyville, whereupon she admits that she likes to read and is a smart guy. Twilight makes it clear to her that every pony can have fun reading.
43 17th Heart and Hoof Day Hearts and Hooves Day Feb 11, 2012 Dec 3, 2012 James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 217
With their teacher Cheerilee single, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to find the perfect stud for her and pair him up with her. Your choice falls on Apple Bloom's brother Big McIntosh. Since a romantic picnic is not enough to bring the two ponies together, the Crusaders decide to brew a love potion for the two, but notice that they are now so in love with each other that they ignore everything else. The only way to stop the effects of the potion is to prevent the lovers from looking each other in the eyes for an hour. The Crusaders try to keep Cheerilee and Big McIntosh separate, but their superior strength makes it difficult for them. By stopping him with a pitfall, they can keep the two of them from looking at each other long enough.
44 18th A very special friend A friend in deed Feb. 18, 2012 Nov 28, 2012 Jayson Thiessen Amy Keating Rogers 218
Pinkie Pie tries to befriend a donkey named Cranky Doodle Donkey, who moves in to Ponyville, but he has no interest in making friends. During her attempts to get to know him better, she accidentally destroys his photo album, whereupon Cranky wants nothing more to do with her. From a look she was able to take into the album and some comments from Cranky, Pinkie concludes that he had been looking for the donkey Matilda, a friend of Pinkies, for years. When Pinkie introduces this Cranky, he explains to Pinkie Pie that he was in love with her years ago, but lost sight of her and looked all over Equestria except Ponyville, where he wanted to retire. Happily united with Matilda, he is ready to accept Pinkie's friendship.
45 19th Fluttershy prevails Putting Your Hoof Down 3rd Mar 2012 Nov 29, 2012 James Wootton Synopsis: Charlotte Fullerton
Acting: Merriwether Williams
To overcome her shyness, Fluttershy took a self-assertion seminar at Iron Will. This promises that participation only costs something if you are satisfied with the result. The course turns Fluttershy into a brutal thug. Only when she is unkind to her friends Pinkie Pie and Rarity does she realize what has become of her and lock herself in her hut. Iron Will tries to collect the fee for his course from Fluttershy from her, but she refuses to pay because she is no longer satisfied. In doing so, she realizes that she used to be happier and resumes her shy and reserved character traits.
46 20th Time travel It's about time 10 Mar 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Jayson Thiessen MA Larson 220
Twilight gets a visit from itself from the future. Her future self, who traveled back to her next Tuesday morning, is trying to tell her something important about the future, but since Twilight interrupts her other self, her communication cannot finish before her time travel charm ends and she disappears again. Twilight concludes that a catastrophe is imminent, which it wanted to avoid and does everything in its power to prevent it. Any attempt to make Equestria safe from disasters only makes her look more and more like her future self, which is why she decides to break into the library in Canterlot with Spike and Pinkie Pie to meet one there magic to stop time until it finds a solution. But Tuesday morning breaks before she finds that spell, and no disaster happens. Twilight realizes she's gone crazy about nothing, and Pinkie finds a spell that allows Twilight to travel back in time for a few moments. She uses it to tell herself that she does not need to worry, but cannot do this because she is interrupted by her past self.
47 21st Spike, the dragon pony Dragon Quest 17th Mar 2012 Feb 6, 2013 James Wootton Merriwether Williams 221
To find out more about his origins, Spike decides to follow the great dragon migration. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Rarity follow him disguised as dragons. After initial difficulties, Spike is accepted by a group of young dragons and wants to stay with them. When the other dragons cut a phoenix nest with him, he refuses to smash an egg that he has captured. With the help of Twilight, Rainbow and Rarity he can escape from the other dragons and realizes that he is physically a dragon, but prefers the ponies as friends.
48 22nd Fluttershy and aviation Hurricane Fluttershy 24 Mar 2012 May 7, 2013 Jayson Thiessen Cindy Morrow 222
In order to supply Cloudsdale's cloud production, the Pegasi Ponyvilles are supposed to transport water from one of their reservoirs to the cloud city by means of a tornado. Rainbow Dash hopes not only to achieve the necessary 800 wing thicknesses, but also to break the record for the strongest tornado. She sets the goal that all Pegasi should achieve at least 10.0 wing strengths, Fluttershy, anyway not the best aviator, only manages 0.5 wing strengths due to her nervousness and therefore does not want to participate in the creation of the tornado. She can convince her animals to give their best, but even after hard training she does not get over 2.3 wing strengths. When 8 Pegasi fell ill on the day of the tornado, the remaining ones did not succeed in generating a sufficiently strong tornado in the first attempt, and on the second attempt they stagnated at 795 wing strengths, until Fluttershy decided to intervene and could provide the missing wing strengths.
49 23 Gabby Gums makes history Ponyville Confidential 31 Mar 2012 Feb 7, 2013 James Wootton MA Larson 223
The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to get their beauty marks by writing articles for their school newspaper. Their editor-in-chief Diamond Tiara, however, is not enthusiastic about their first articles and instead demands that they contain gossip about other ponies, which they publish under the stage name Gabby Gums . At first, their stories are well received even outside of school, but the more ponies they publish, the more they start to hate Gabby Gums. When it finally comes out that the Crusaders are behind Gabby Gums, this hatred is directed against them want to quit their job at the newspaper, but Diamond Tiara blackmails them with photos of their newspaper photographer to continue writing. Therefore, they submit an article at the last moment so that she no longer has the time to review it. The article turns out to be an open letter in which the Crusaders apologize to the town's ponies while Diamond Tiara is removed from her position as editor-in-chief by her teacher.
50 24 Investigate Pinkie and Twilight MM Mystery on the Friendship Express Apr 7, 2012 Feb 8, 2013 Jayson Thiessen Amy Keating Rogers 224
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rarity are transporting a marzipan cake to a dessert competition for the cakes. Also on board the train are their competitors Gustave le Grand with his éclairs, Donut Joe with the donut town Donutopia and Mulia Mild with her moose made from mousse au chocolat. When the next morning several bites are missing from the cake, Pinkie one after the other suspects the other three bakers, but without having any evidence. After the train has driven through a tunnel, bites from the other three desserts are missing, so Twilight takes over the investigation. She finds evidence that Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity munched on the cake as they found it irresistible from Pinkie's description. Pinkie eventually finds out that the other bakers tried each other's work after Pinkie described them during her suspicions. Pinkie suggests merging the remains of the four desserts into one complete one that wins first prize before Pinkie devours it.
51 25th Wedding in Canterlot - Part 1 A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 Apr 21, 2012 Nov 5, 2012 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Meghan McCarthyin 225
Twilight Sparkle and her friends are invited to the wedding between Twilight's brother Shining Armor and her former foal sitter Princess Mi Amore "Cadance" Cadenza in Canterlot. Shining Armor is busy using his magic to form a shield around Canterlot as the city is threatened by an unknown enemy and Cadenza is unusually cool and unfriendly to Twilight. When Twilight also notices Cadenza enchant Shining Armor, she confronts Shining Armor during the rehearsal, but her demeanor is dismissed with the stress of wedding preparations and the spell should help Shining Armor against his migraines, according to Shining Armor. Twilight is left alone until Cadenza returns to her and magically disappears into the ground.
52 26th Wedding in Canterlot - Part 2 A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 Apr 21, 2012 Nov 5, 2012 Jayson Thiessen & James Wootton Meghan McCarthy 226
Twilight Sparkle finds herself in a cave below Canterlot, where she encounters Cadance, who clarifies that the Cadenza who met Twilight previously imprisoned and replaced her. Twilight and Cadance try to come to the surface and can reach it during the wedding ceremony, where they confront Cadenza. This gives her identity as Chrysalis, queen of the change ponies, shape changers who feed her on the love of other ponies, price. She forces Shining Armor to drop the shield around the city so that their subordinates can invade the city. Princess Celestia attacks Chrysalis, but is defeated by her. Twilight and her friends try to get the elements of harmony to fight Chrysalis, but fail to fight their way between the invading ponies and reach the elements. However, Cadance manages to strengthen Shining Armor with her magic and her love, so that the latter can rebuild the shield, which drives the swap ponies out of town. A little later, the actual wedding between Cadance and Shining Armor takes place.

season 3

The first broadcast of the third season was from November 10, 2012 to February 16, 2013 on the US cable channel The Hub to see. The Swiss and German Nickelodeon broadcast the German-language first broadcast from November 4 to December 3, 2013, almost simultaneously.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (CH) Director script Prod
. No.
53 1 The Crystal Kingdom - Part 1 The Crystal Empire - Part 1 Nov 10, 2012 Nov 4, 2013 James Wootton & Jayson Thiessen Meghan McCarthy 301
Princess Celestia informs Twilight Sparkle that a thousand years ago King Sombra ruled the Crystal Kingdom to the north. Although it was overthrown, it could also make the kingdom disappear. Now this has returned and Sombra tries again to bring it under his control. Celestia has already sent Princess Cadance and Shining Armor there, Twilight and her friends are supposed to support them in the fight against Sombra. She sees this as a test for her student, Twilight, and insists that it is Twilight alone who offers the two of them the final help. Cadance can keep Sombra away with a spell, but cannot keep it permanently. Since the ponies of the kingdom have no memories of the time before Sombra's fall, they cannot help Twilight, but in the library she finds information about a crystal fair that should keep the love and unity of the empire alive. The ponies revive this tradition in order to keep Sombra away through the unity it has restored. In fact, they bring back the memories and joie de vivre of the crystal ponies, but only notice while the festival is already running that its central component is a crystal heart that Sombra has hidden from his fall. Furthermore, Cadance's spell breaks down and Sombra begins to invade the city.
54 2 The Crystal Kingdom - Part 2 The Crystal Empire - Part 2 Nov 10, 2012 Nov 5, 2013 James Wootton & Jayson Thiessen Meghan McCarthy 302
Cadance is able to resume her spell, but part of Sombra's Horn has already invaded the city and is beginning to spread. While Twilight Sparkle's friends keep the party going and prevent the crystal ponies from finding out that they don't have the right crystal heart, she goes on a search for the heart herself. She allows Spike to accompany her, but not to help her, as Celestia instructed her to do this alone. Eventually she finds the heart, but is captured by a spell sombras. She realizes that if she kept trying to bring the heart to Cadance and Shining Armor by herself, she would endanger the entire Crystal Kingdom, which is why she instructs Spike to take the heart, even if that means she's testing Celestia's trial does not exist. After Spike brings the crystal heart to Cadance, the crystal ponies can fill it with their love and unity and defeat Sombra. Celestia later assures Twilight that she passed her test.
55 3 Too many pinkie pies Too Many Pinkie Pies Nov 17, 2012 Nov 6, 2013 Jayson Thiessen Dave Polsky 303
In order not to have to decide which of her friends Pinkie Pie wants to have fun with, she uses a magical mirror pond to duplicate herself. But the situation soon gets out of control: the duplicates continue to duplicate themselves and are only interested in fun, which is why they wreak havoc across Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle finds a spell that enables her to send the duplicates back into the pond, but has to find out which Pinkie Pie is the real one, so as not to accidentally send them into the mirror pond. All duplicates claim they are the original, only the real Pinkie Pie is unsure. But she knows that the real one would do anything for her friends and therefore suggests that all pinkies be given a boring task. The one who wouldn't give up would be the real one. The plan works and Twilight can send back any duplicates until only the real one remains.
56 4th Visit from Manehhattan One Bad Apple Nov 24, 2012 Nov 7, 2013 James Wootton Cindy Morrow 304
Apple Bloom's cousin Babs Seed is visiting from Manhatten. With no beauty mark yet, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hope she would join them, but instead she joins the Bullys Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She destroys their car for the harvest parade and takes away their clubhouse. However, since they don't want to be seen as bogus, don't reveal them to Applejack. In order to get revenge, the Crusaders build a new car, but they sabotage it so that it fails during the parade, and trick Babs into taking it away from them. Only when she is already on the way do the Crusaders realize that Babs only shot Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon because she was a victim of bullys in Manehhattan. They manage to save Babs from the sabotaged car, whereupon she joins the Crusaders and wants to open a branch in Manhatten after her return home.
57 5 The unicorn amulet Magic Duel Dec 1, 2012 3rd Dec. 2013 Jayson Thiessen MA Larson 305
Trixie purchases a magical artifact, the unicorn amulet (orig .: Alicorn amulet ), which increases her magical abilities but corrupts her. She challenges Twilight to a duel, the loser has to leave Ponyville. Since Twilight's magic is no match for that of the amulet, she loses and is banished from Ponyville by Trixie, where she takes control. Twilight's friends, however, find a book with information about the amulet and bring it to Twilight. After training under Zecora, Twilight returns with another amulet that she received from Zecora. Trixie agrees to another duel, but this time Twilight can perform magic tricks that even surpass those of the unicorn amulet. Impressed by this, Trixie Twilight takes off her amulet and replaces her unicorn amulet with it, but it turns out that Twilight's amulet was worthless and her spells were just tricks and illusions with the aim of getting Trixie to take off the unicorn amulet, like that that it was freed from its influence.
58 6th Sleepless in Ponyville Sleepless in Ponyville Dec 8, 2012 Nov 11, 2013 James Wootton Corey Powell 306
The three Cutie Mark Crusaders as well as Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are on a camping trip. Scootaloo takes this opportunity to try to look good in front of her idol Rainbow Dash, but is so intimidated by their ghost stories around the evening campfire that she can hardly sleep from nightmares and is overtired the next day. Rainbows ghost story the next night causes her nightmares again, but this time Luna also appears, who as the princess of the night is responsible for the dreams of the ponies. This makes it clear to her that her greatest fear does not only exist in her nightmares, but also when she wakes up and has to face them. When she wakes up, she believes that one of her nightmare figures is in the cave where the ponies have taken shelter for the night and tries to escape. She falls into a river and threatens to fall down a waterfall, but Rainbow Dash realizes in time that she is no longer in her sleeping bag and can save her. Scootaloo confronts her fear that Rainbow Dash might think she is a coward and admits that fear drove her out of the cave. But Rainbow Dash admits that these stories also scared her in the past and promises to take Scootaloo under her wing from now on.
59 7th Not for every price Wonderbolts Academy Dec 15, 2012 Nov 12, 2013 Jayson Thiessen Merriwether Williams 307
Rainbow Dash is inducted into the Wonderbolts Academy. After a first test under Captain Spitfire, the pegasi there are divided into pairs of lead ponies and flank ponies. Rainbow Dash is hoping for a position as lead pony, but will become Lightning Dust's flank pony, as this shows a greater willingness to go to their limits, but also a greater willingness to take risks. During a competition to find out which team can clear the most clouds, Lightning Dust brings Rainbow Dash to create a tornado with her, but it gets out of control and hits the balloon of Rainbow Dash's friends who want to bring her a care package Crashes. Rainbow manages to save her friends, while Lightning Dust is only interested in the fact that her tornado has successfully cleared all the clouds. Since Rainbow Dash believes that this behavior will be tolerated by the Wonderbolts, she wants to leave them, but Spitfire instead throws Lightning Dust out for her reckless behavior and appoints Rainbow Dash as the lead pony.
60 8th The Apple family festival Apple Family Reunion Dec 22, 2012 Nov 14, 2013 Jayson Thiessen Cindy Morrow 309
The Apple family reunion is coming up and Applejack is doing the preparations. Applejack plans it down to the last detail in an attempt to make the meeting perfect, and the activities she schedule leaves guests with no time for conversation or reminiscence. Finally, the hay cart they are taking a ride through the apple orchard comes off the track and tears down the family's barn. When they rebuild the barn together, the Apples can finally spend time together and have fun, so that they can still have pleasant memories of the family reunion.
61 9 Spike at your service Spike at Your Service Dec 29, 2012 Nov 15, 2013 James Wootton Merriwether Williams & Dave Polsky 310
Timber wolves attack Spike in the Everfree Forest. Since Applejack saves him, he owes her his life and therefore offers her his eternal service. Since she doesn't want Spike to feel obliged to help her, she tries to enable him to repay his debt. So her friends help her fake a Timber Wolf attack, from which Spike is supposed to save her. However, Spike realizes that the wolf is a fake, however, the fake calls of the wolf attract real timber wolves to attack Applejack. Spike can save her from the wolf and repay his debt.
62 10 Discord becomes a good dragon Keep Calm and Flutter On Jan. 19, 2013 Nov 18, 2013 Jayson Thiessen Dave Polsky & Teddy Antonio 311
Princess Celestia asks Fluttershy and her friends to convert Discord so that he can use his magic for good. The six use the elements of harmony to free him, whereupon he immediately begins to spread chaos. Threatening to turn him to stone again, the ponies force Discord to undo this, but do not notice that he has bewitched some beavers. While the other ponies distrust Discord, Fluttershy tries to gain his friendship and trust by giving him some freedom and being nice to him, even showing some success until the ponies realize that the beavers enchanted by Discord have built a dam, the Sweet Apple Acres flooded. Discord agrees to lift the enchantment only if Fluttershy promises never to use her element of harmony against him. While the other ponies think this is too risky, Fluttershy agrees and leaves her element. Discord doesn't keep his promise, instead turning the flood into a sheet of ice, then realizing that if he continued to spread chaos he would lose Fluttershy as the only friend he ever had, and agrees to practice his magic to be used for good in the future, at least mostly.
63 11 Jewel cake and pets Just for sidekicks Jan. 26, 2013 Nov 13, 2013 James Wootton Corey Powell 308
While the ponies set off for the Crystal Kingdom, Spike promises to look after their pets for six gems. Since Spike is only interested in baking a cake from the gemstones, he asks the Cutie Mark Crusaders to take care of the animals for one of the gemstones. By the time he realizes that they can't cope with it, they have already given out the gem. Zecora realizes that Spike's greed for precious stones is more important to him than caring for the animals and offers to free him from his bad luck with them for a precious stone, which she donates to charity. He has to give the third gemstone to Granny Smith so that she won't tell a pony how Spike treats the pets. Since Fluttershy's rabbit Angel escapes on a train, he has to spend the fourth gemstone to buy tickets for himself and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and capture the rabbit, but the train leaves for the Crystal Kingdom before they can leave it. Spike has to spend the fifth gem on board the train, as the animals destroy a buffet car. In the Crystal Kingdom, Spike finally has to use the last gem as a projectile so that no one notices the animals. When the ponies driving home from the kingdom sit down on the train in the compartment in which Spike, the Crusaders and the animals are hiding, he realizes that he should have looked after the animals better and apologizes to them, yes he hasn't eaten all day and his growling stomach threatens to give him away, whereupon Angel gets the last gem back so that Spike can eat it.
64 12 The Equestria Games Games Ponies Play Feb 9, 2013 Nov 19, 2013 James Wootton Dave Polsky 312
While Spike takes care of their pets, Twilight Sparkle and their friends head to the Crystal Kingdom to help Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance find the kingdom as the next venue for the Equestria Games. Cadance plans to wear a hairstyle to greet the inspector, as the traditions of the empire dictate when greeting important guests, but her hairdresser is ill, which is why Rarity takes on this task while the other ponies want to pick up the inspector from the station and keep the inspector busy until Rarity has completed its job. However, they mistake the inspector for a tourist and leave her standing at the train station while they offer the tourist a tour of the castle and the sports facilities. When the ponies notice this, they go looking for the right inspector, but she meets the tourist who tells her how warmly she was welcomed into town. The inspector is so enthusiastic about the hospitality of the Crystal Kingdom that she awards him the next games.
65 13 Princess Twilight Magical Mystery Cure Feb 16, 2013 Nov 20, 2013 Jayson Thiessen MA Larson 313
Twilight Sparkle's girlfriends' beauty marks are reversed, and with them what they consider to be their special talents and tasks. Rarity controls Ponyville's weather, Rainbow takes care of Fluttershy's animals, Fluttershy tries to entertain the town's ponies, Pinkie Pie cultivates Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack sews clothes, but all to no avail. Twilight suspects this was caused when she was trying to complete an unfinished spell from Starswirl the Bearded. She gets her friends to help each other with the tasks they normally do, reminding them of their true talents and getting their real beauty marks back. Twilight completes Starswirl's spell, which activates the elements of harmony in the other ponies. These move Twilight to a place outside Equestria, where Princess Celestia explains to her that she has come a long way and that it is now time for a change. Back in Ponyville, Twilight realizes that she now has wings and has become the Alihorn, a Pegasus unicorn. According to Celestia, this has also given her the status of a princess, which she will be crowned.

Season 4

The first broadcast of the fourth season was from November 23, 2013 to May 10, 2014 to be seen on the US cable station Hub Network . The German Disney Channel broadcast the first twelve episodes in German from April 4 to May 9, 2015. The rest of the season was published on September 15, 2015 on Netflix . It was broadcast on free TV from October 24 to December 12, 2015 on Disney Channel.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT, CH) Director script Prod
. No.
66 1 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1 23 Nov 2013 Apr 4, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy 401
While her friends are in Ponyville, Princess Twilight is helping Sparkle in Canterlot to prepare for the upcoming summer sun celebration. During the night, however, the princesses Celestia and Luna disappear. In addition, day and night rule at the same time and the Everfree Forest spreads to Ponyville. Twilight flies to Ponyville and, together with her friends, suspects that Discord is behind the events, but the latter denies any guilt. Instead, he suggests that the ponies ask Zecora because she lives in the forest. She offers Twilight Sparkle a magic potion that shows her visions from the past. She finds herself in the throne room of the old castle of Celestia and Luna when Luna becomes Nightmare Moon.
67 2 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 23 Nov 2013 Apr 4, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy 402
Twilight Sparkle experiences how Celestia fights against Nightmare Moon and finally defeats her with the elements of harmony. Not providing her with any useful information, she takes another sip of the potion and sees Celestia and Luna's victory over Discord. Then she experiences how Celestia and Luna found the elements of harmony as part of the tree of harmony. Twilight realizes that she must save the tree in order to curb the uncontrolled growth of the Everfree Forest. She and her friends go into the forest, but they insist that she return to Ponyville, because after the disappearance of Celestia and Luna, another princess should not be in danger. Only Discord succeeds in convincing her to follow her friends. The ponies return their elements of harmony to the tree, which then returns the forest to its natural state and frees Celestia and Luna. In addition, Twilight receives a box with six keyholes from a bud of the tree. Back in Ponyville, on Discord's advice, Twilight takes another sip of the potion and sees that the tree has been weakened by roots from seeds that Discord planted just before Luna and Celestia defeated it and took longer to take effect when Discord accepted.
68 3 Pony horror in the castle Castle Mane-ia Nov 30, 2013 Apr 11, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Josh Haber 403
Twilight Sparkle goes with Spike to the ruins of the old castle of Celestia and Luna in the hope of finding a book with information about their recently obtained box. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Rarity comb the castle in search of antique tapestries and Rainbow Dash and Applejack visit it because they want to find out which of them is braver and can stay longer in the ruin that is supposedly haunted by a ghost, the shadow pony. Knowing nothing about each other, they are repeatedly frightened by each other and by a mysterious pony that plays the organ of the castle and thus triggers various mechanisms, only Twilight stays calm and finds a book that offers information about the history of the castle and explains the mechanisms of the organ. When the ponies meet, Twilight can finally calm them down and clear up the situation. The organist turns out to be Pinkie Pie.
69 4th Where's Daring? Daring don't Dec 7, 2013 Apr 11, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 404
Since the publication of the next book on Daring Do by AK Yearling has been postponed for two months, Rainbow Dash and her friends want to visit the author to help her finish the novel. When she arrives, however, it turns out that Yearling is Daring Do, who is attacked by some other ponies. The attackers can steal a magical, golden ring from her and thus escape with the aim of selling it to Daring Dos arch-rival Ahuizotl. Daring Do wants to pursue this alone, but through Rainbows careless intervention, Ahuizotl takes her prisoner. To save her, Rainbow Dash's friends launch a head-on assault on Ahuizotl's fortress while Rainbow frees Daring Do. Daring Do makes it clear that she was deliberately captured in order to infiltrate Ahuizotl's fortress. Together with Rainbow Dash, she can thwart Ahuizotl's plans with the ring, destroy his fortress and escape while he swears vengeance.
70 5 Fight to the end Flight to the finish Dec 14, 2013 Apr 18, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Ed Valentine 405
In order to be selected as the flag-bearer of Ponyvilles for the Equestria Games, the Cutie Mark Crusaders study a choreography that is supposed to represent the coexistence of earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi in the city. A first performance before Rainbow Dash is well received, but Scootaloo fears that she cannot fly and cannot represent the Pegasi. Therefore she tries to learn to fly until the presentation of the choreography in the Crystal Kingdom and to incorporate this into the choreography. The Crusaders train all night and are so exhausted at the dress rehearsal that it fails. Since Scootaloo does not manage to fly until the next day either, she is so disappointed with herself that she does not leave for the Crystal Kingdom with the other ponies. However, Rainbow Dash convinces Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to return to her. Together they get them to perform the original choreography with which they win the position as flag bearers.
71 6th Power ponies Power ponies Dec 21, 2013 Apr 18, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Charlotte Fullerton, Betsy McGowen & Meghan McCarthy 406
While Twilight Sparkle and her friends are renovating the ruined castle of Celestia and Luna, Spike reads a superhero comic in which the power ponies fight the antagonist , the mane madman. In doing so, however, he and the ponies are put into the comic and transformed into the power ponies. Twilight becomes the Masked Matterhorn, which can shoot various rays from its horn. Pinkie Pie becomes Fili-Second who has super speed. Rainbow Dash plays the role of Zapp, who can create lightning and tornadoes. Rarity can summon useful items as a Radiance. Applejack, who becomes Mistress Mare-velous, can attack with her lasso and horseshoe. Finally, Fluttershy, in her role as Saddle Rager, can transform into a Hulk- like figure when she gets angry. Only Spike, as the Sidekick Hum-Dumm, has no super powers. The ponies try to prevent the mane madman from using a weapon that would give her control of the city of Mare-tropolis, but are caught by her with a jet of hairspray that paralyzes them and neutralizes their superpowers taken. Only Hum-Dumm lets her go, because she sees no threat in him as a sidekick without superpowers. However, he succeeds in incapacitating some of the lackeys of the mane madmen and prevents them from using the hairspray jet against the power ponies. Together they manage to defeat the mane mad with their superpowers, whereupon they are transported back to their world.
72 7th Fluttering bat Bats! Dec 28, 2013 Apr 25, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Merriwether Williams 407
Applejack's apple orchard is infested with vampire fruit batwing dogs, who drink the juice from all of their apples. Fluttershy suggests creating a reserve for the fruit bats in the plantation as they also have useful properties, but Applejack believes it will take too long and the fruit bats would do too much damage in the meantime. Twilight Sparkle suggests using a spell to prevent the animals from falling further on the apples, but she needs Fluttershy's help, as only she can hold the fruit bats in one place long enough with her stare. Fluttershy initially votes against this plan, but then lets her friends persuade her to do so. The magic works, but the next morning apples are sucked out again. To investigate this, the ponies monitor the plantation at night. It turns out that Fluttershy has been transformed into a vampire fruit bat because Twilight's spell has accidentally transferred the properties of the vampire fruit bats to her. By sacrificing the largest apple on her plantation, with which she wanted to win a prize, Applejack can attract Fluttershy and Twilight manages to reverse her spell and turn Fluttershy back into a normal Pegasus. According to Fluttershy's original proposal, a reserve is being built for the vampire fruit bats.
73 8th Rarity in Manehatten Rarity Takes Manehattan Jan. 4, 2014 Apr 25, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 408
Rarity travels to Manhatten with her friends to show off her latest fashion designs at a competition. One of her competitors, Suri Polomare, asks Rarity for some of her fabrics to improve her collection, but uses it to have her assistant Coco Pommel make a plagiarism of Rarity's designs. Rarity fears that her clothes will be mistaken for plagiarism, so her friends offer to help her design new clothes. Rarity takes advantage of their offer and gets them to keep working so long that they miss a musical in the city they wanted to visit and, once they are finished, brings the clothes to the competition without thanking their friends. Only when, after the presentation of the dresses, she sees that her friends are not in the audience, does she notice how unfriendly she was towards them and starts looking for them. When she finds them, they make it clear that they understand Rarity's plot and only missed the performance because they overslept after working for Rarity, but regret hearing from Suri that Rarity did not win the competition. Rarity then invites her to an exclusive performance of the musical, which she organizes for her. After the performance, Coco joins the ponies, hands Rarity the trophy and tells her that she did win, but Suri hoped that if Rarity didn't pick up her prize, she would be declared the winner, so Coco quit her job with her. In addition to the trophy, she gives Raritiy a present that turns out to be a rainbow-colored spool of thread.
74 9 Pinkie Apple Pie Pinkie Apple Pie Jan. 11, 2014 May 2, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Natasha Levinger 409
Pinkie Pie finds out through a genealogical scroll that she may be related to the Apple family. However, with the crucial part of the scroll smeared, Applejack is unsure, so she sets off with Apple Bloom, Big McIntosh, Granny Smith, and Pinkie to visit her relative Goldie Delicious, who has the relevant records. During the trip, Apple's Pinkie want to show their family at its best, but their touring car breaks down on the way, despite Big McIntosh claiming to have checked it out beforehand. As the ponies continue their journey by raft, Apple Boom loses their map, Granny Smith directs them in the wrong direction, and Applejack breaks the steering wheel, causing them to blame each other. However, they eventually realize that everyone contributed to the misadventures themselves and fear that Pinkie will be disappointed in them. Pinkie, seeing that the Applees will stick together despite the quarrels, is even happier to possibly be part of this family. When Goldie Delicious arrives, she looks in her ancestral book, but the crucial passage is just as smeared as the scroll, which is why she can neither prove nor disprove Pinkie's membership of the Apple family, Applejack still sees her as part of the family after their shared experiences .
75 10 Rainbow comes to her senses Rainbow Falls Jan. 18, 2014 May 2, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Corey Powell 410
Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps form Ponyville's team to qualify for the Equestria Games relay race. Since neither Fluttershy nor Bulk Biceps are the most talented fliers, their hope for qualification is Rainbow. Her strongest competitors are Spitfire, Soarin 'and Fleetfoot, three wonderbolts from Rainbow's old home, Cloudsdale. When Soarin 'injured himself during training, the Wonderbolts offer Rainbow, as long as Soarin' fails, to take on his role in training. Unnoticed by her teammates, she takes up this offer until the Wonderbolts offer her to fly with them during the race. Unable to choose between the Cloudsdale and teams, she pretends to be injured. However, when she realizes that Soarin 'is no longer incapable of flight, she realizes that neither of the teams can qualify and get the Wonderbolts to fly with Soarin' while she is flying for Ponyville, so that the two teams clash can qualify. Spitfire then gives Rainbow her Wonderbolt badge.
76 11 Three is one too many Three's A Crowd Jan. 25, 2014 May 9, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy & Ed Valentine 412
While Twilight Sparkle wants to spend some free time with her sister-in-law Cadance, Discord shows up in Ponyville. Since he is seriously ill, he asks Twilight and Cadance to take care of him. In order to create an antidote for his illness, the three of them set out to a hill on the edge of Equestria, on which a flower grows, from which an elixir can be brewed. Discord waits outside the hill while Twilight and Cadance climb it. The flower represents itself as the size of a tree and out as Twilight and Cadance pluck with her unicorn magic, breaking a Tatzlwurm from the ground and engages both. They can defeat the worm together and return to Discord, where it turns out that this was not sick at all, but only wanted to find out whether Twilight would actually travel to the end of Equestria for him. However, the Tatzlworm attacks again and infects Discord with a real disease. Twilight and Cadance take him back to Ponyville, where Fluttershy nurses him to health.
77 12 Pinkie's pride Pinkie Pride Jan. 31, 2014 (online)
Feb. 1, 2014 (TV)
May 9, 2015 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Jayson Thiessen & Amy Keating Rogers 411
Pinkie Pie plans a party for Rainbow Dash's birthday and the anniversary of her moving into Ponyville. In the course of the preparations, the party planner Cheese Sandwich comes to town and offers Rainbow to organize an even better party. Fearing she might no longer be the best party pony in Ponyville, Pinkie challenges Cheese to a fun duel with Rainbow as the referee who should decide who should host her party. Pinkie, however, realizes that the competition is not going to lead to a good party and voluntarily lets Cheese go first. No longer seeing herself as the Ponyville party pony, she plans to leave town, but her friends convince her that Cheese is just a guest party pony while she's always there for the people of Ponyville. Cheese himself agrees, too, and admits that he didn't become a party pony until he was at one of Pinkie's parties a long time ago. Cheese and Pinkie prepare Rainbows Party together so that it becomes a success. Afterwards, Cheese gives Pinkie his rubber chicken Fig Chicken before he leaves town.
78 13 The simple life Simple ways Feb 8, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
October 24, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Josh Haber 413
Rarity, who is preparing the festivities for Ponyville's founding day, wants to impress the trendsetter Trenderhoof, with whom she is in love. Instead, he falls in love with Applejack, who has no interest in Trenderhoof. In order to win over Trenderhoof, Rarity Applejacks tries to imitate the rural way of life and even wants to turn the founding party into a country party. It is only when Applejack begins to imitate Rarity in return that she not only realizes that her approach is not only unsuccessful, but also that she is no longer herself, and gives up her attempts at imitation.
79 14th Flutter vanilli Filli Vanilli Feb 15, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
October 25, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Amy Keating Rogers 414
The music group Pony Tones is planning a performance at a fundraiser for Fluttershy's animals. However, Big McIntosh, one of its members, loses his voice shortly before the performance. Fluttershy brings him to Zecora, who, however, is unable to heal him in time. However, she offers to make a remedy out of poisonous sneak that makes Fluttershy's voice sound as deep as Big McIntosh's. However, since Fluttershy is afraid to appear in public, Big McIntosh is only supposed to move his lips on stage while Fluttershy sings hidden behind the curtain. The fundraiser becomes a success; Fluttershy enjoys her covert performances and wants to continue singing for Big McIntosh. However, during one of her performances, she accidentally pulls the stage curtain to the floor, allowing the audience to see that she is singing. Although they are enthusiastic about her, she is overwhelmed by her fear and flees. However, her friends can get her to overcome her fear and perform together with the Pony Tones, even if only in front of a small audience for the time being.
80 15th Twilight time Twilight Time Feb 22, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 1, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 415
When word gets around that Princess Twilight Sparkle is teaching Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, their schoolmates hope to get closer to the princess through her. These take advantage of their newfound popularity to get favors from them. Since all of her schoolmates are with her to her next meeting with Twilight, she offers to teach them all, but then finds out that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo only used them to increase their own popularity. Also, since they haven't had time to progress in the skills that Twilight is teaching them, she wants to end her offer to teach them for now. However, she agrees to continue to meet with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo if they do not make this public.
81 16 Not easy to be a breezie It Ain't Easy Being Breezies 1st Mar 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 7, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Natasha Levinger 416
The Breezies, tiny insect-like creatures, cross Ponyville. However, this separates one group from the others. While one of them, Seabreeze, is pushing for an early departure, the other Breezies want to relax at Fluttershy first. Since Fluttershy fulfills all of their wishes, they don't want to leave her anymore, despite Seabreeze ordering the onward flight. So he sets off alone, but is attacked by a swarm of bees, from which Fluttershy is able to save him. She realizes that it is not good for the Breezies to be pampered and to stay by her. She therefore makes them fly on, while she suggests Seabreeze to be kinder to his fellow species so that they will listen to him. It turns out, however, that the group is too small to make the way on their own, which is why Twilight briefly transforms herself and her friends into Breezies so that they can accompany them. Once in their homeland, Seabreeze Fluttershy presents a flower as a parting gift.
82 17th The watchdog pony Somepony to Watch Over Me March 8 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 8, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Scott Sonneborn 417
Applejack wants to deliver a batch of apple pie , but is so worried about her little sister Apple Bloom, who is at home alone, that she turns back. She begins to protect Apple Bloom from all conceivable threats and treat it like a baby, which is why she tries to prove that Applejack doesn't have to take care of her all the time. To do this, she wants to deliver the cakes with which Applejack has returned, but discovers that the path leads through a swamp in which she is attacked by a chimera . Applejack, who noticed her absence and followed her, is able to save her, but is so impressed that Apple Bloom has come so far on its own that she no longer wants to care for her around the clock in the future.
83 18th Maud Pie Maud Pie 15th Mar 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 15, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Noelle Benvenuti 419
Pinkie Pie’s sister Maud Pie is visiting Ponyville. Pinkie tries to introduce her to her friends, but Maud's closed manner makes it difficult for them to befriend her. Pinkie is therefore building an activity that brings together the interests of her friends and Mauds. During the demonstration, she is trapped in a pile of stones built for Maud and almost killed by a rock from which Maud can save her. Maud is sorry Pinkie put herself in danger to be friends with her friends and returns home. Twilight Sparkle realizes that their mutual friendship with Pinkie Pie forms a bond between them and Maud, which is why they can follow her and still be friends with her.
84 19th Sweetie Belle in action For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils 22 Mar 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 21, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 420
Rarity helps her sister Sweetie Belle to make costumes for a theatrical performance, but these become so outstanding that the audience is only amazed by them, not the actual performance. Sweetie Belle therefore accuses her sister of intending to do so in order to push her out of the spotlight and recalls a similar situation on her fifth birthday. So she secretly sabotages a dress that Rarity made for one of her most important customers, Sapphire Shores. During the night she dreams that she will receive an award for her play, but that it will be destroyed by Rarity. Then Luna, the princess of the night, appears and shows her her birthday party from Rarity's perspective, which makes it clear to her that she only acted in her interest to save the party. She then shows her a vision of Rarity's idea of ​​the dress at Sapphire Shores, which fails due to Sweetie Belle's sabotage, which destroys Rarity's career as a fashion designer. So Sweetie Belle is sorry for what she did and the next morning she follows Rarity to Sapphire Shores. She steals the package of the sabotaged dress before Sapphire Shores tries it on, and admits what she did to Rarity. Sweetie Belle repairs the dress and even adds a little tweak, which is why Sapphire Shores is delighted.
85 20th The magical Flim-Flam miracle potion Leap of Faith 29 Mar 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 22, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Josh Haber 421
Flim and Flam have returned to Ponyville and are trying to sell an alleged panacea. In a demonstration they manage to cure a pony of its ailments, which is why Granny Smith acquires the elixir. She is also feeling better immediately and she wants to use this to continue her previous career as a high diver. However, Applejack finds out the drug has no effect, and the healed pony, Silver Shill, has been paid to pretend the drug was helping him. Applejack sees that Granny, who believes the elixir works, is happier now, so she doesn't tell her it is ineffective. This allows Flim and Flam to sell even more elixirs and promote Silver Shill to the seller. Only when Granny believes that the potion can make a dungeon into a pool that is too small does Applejack stop her and tell the truth about the remedy. Silver Shill also realizes that it was wrong to sell the ineffective drug, quit his job at Flim and Flam and gives Applejack a gold coin that he earned through the sale as a souvenir.
86 21st The story of the wonderbolts Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 Apr 5, 2014 Sept. 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 28, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Amy Keating Rogers 422
Rainbow Dash's friends help her prepare for a Wonderbolts history exam that she must pass to be accepted into their reserve. However, neither Twilight Sparkles classes nor alternative teaching methods from Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity are successful. However, Twilight realizes that Rainbow Dash has increased alertness while she is flying. By showing her the story of the Wonderbolts while Twilight flies with Rainbow, the other ponies can help her memorize them, which will help her pass the test.
87 22nd The trade fair Trade Ya! April 19, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
November 14, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Scott Sonneborn 418
Twilight Sparkle and her friends head to the Rainbow Falls Trade Show for barter deals. In addition, as a princess, Twilight is responsible for compliance with the local rules. At the same time, Rarity and Applejack each discover an item that they can only afford if they pool their barter items. Since they cannot agree who can buy the property they want, they decide to buy each other a small gift. Meanwhile, Twilight wants to sell some of her books, but Pinkie Pie's attempts to advertise them make it clear to her that the books have a higher sentimental value to her. At the same time, Rainbow Dash tries to buy a first edition Daring Do book with Fluttershy's help . The dealer who sells this book is ready to exchange it for an Orthos . With a series of barter deals Rainbow and Fluttershy manage to acquire such an animal, but since the trader cannot raise the animal herself, she also demands that Fluttershy stay with her in order to take over this. Rainbow agrees to this instantly and Fluttershy doesn't want to contradict her. Only then does Rainbow realize what the exchange means for Fluttershy and she asks Twilight to invalidate it. However, since no rule is violated, she is not able to do so, but Rainbows request convinces the dealer to reverse the exchange. Instead, Rainbow trades the Orthos for a bird whistle that Fluttershy had requested.
88 23 Inspiration manifestation Inspiration manifestation Apr 26, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix) Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy & Corey Powell 423
When a customer does not like a creation by Rarity, it fears that it has lost its creativity. To help her, Spike gets her a magical book from the ruins of Celestia's old castle. Rarity uses the magic contained in it, which drives her creativity and with her magic to bring it about, but also corrupts it. She refuses to give the book back and uses her creative magic on other ponies and their possessions without being asked. It is only when Spike explains what has become of her that this breaks the spell and she returns to her old self.
89 24 The Equestria Games Equestria Games May 3, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
December 6, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 424
Spike is scheduled to light the Games torch with his breath of fire at the Equestria Games Opening Ceremony. However, when he realizes how many spectators he should appear in front of, his nerves fail and he is unable to light the fire, which is why Twilight Sparkle does this unnoticed with a spell. Disappointed, Spike wants to make up for his mistake by singing the anthem after the relay flight, but since Ponyville only comes second and Cloudsdale wins, he should sing their anthem. However, he does not know their text and improvises, which does not appeal to the audience and continues to disappoint him. When in the final competition, the ice archery, a shot ice arrow hits a cloud over the stadium, it freezes and threatens to fall. However, Spike can melt this with his fiery breath, which not only saves everyone present, but also regains his self-confidence.
90 25th Twilight's Kingdom, Part 1 Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1 May 10, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
December 12, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy 425
Tirek, who once tried to steal Equestria's magic with his brother Scorpan, but Scorpan abandoned this plan and allied himself with the peaceful pony, whereupon Tirek was beaten and shot in Tartarus , has escaped and tries again to absorb the magic of all ponies. Twilight Sparkle offers to stop him, but Princess Celestia decides to send Discord to capture Tirek instead. Twilight and her friends go to Celestia's and Luna's old castle. Before Discord goes in search of Tirek, he gives Twilight the diary that she keeps with her friends, in which he has marked some places. When he finds Tirek, he manages to convince Discord to join him. Twilight finds in her diary that each of her friends received an item when they demonstrated the quality of their element of harmony in a special way. In conjunction with the box that Twilight received some time ago, these objects turn into five of the six keys required to open the box. Meanwhile, with Discord's help, Tirek can steal the magic of not only unicorns but also that of pegasi and earth ponies. So that Tirek is not able to steal her magic too, Celestia decides that she and the other princesses have to part with her magic.
91 26th Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2 Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2 May 10, 2014 Sept 15, 2015 (Netflix)
December 12, 2015 (TV)
Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy 426
Since the princesses are unable to completely part with their magic, they decide to keep it in Twilight Sparkle, as she is the only princess Tirek has no knowledge of. Tirek then banishes the other princesses to Tartarus and takes control. As a token of his appreciation and loyalty, he gives Discord his amulet, who then reveals to him Twilight's home. But since she set off again to Celestia's and Luna's old castle, he and Tirek can only take their friends prisoner. Tirek steals their magic, then the Discord betrays and steals his magic too. He makes it clear that the amulet comes from his brother, who betrayed him, and therefore has no meaning for him. Tirek tracks down Twilight, and they fight in which he destroys their library, but neither can get the upper hand. He offers her the release of her friends if she hands him the magic of the princesses in return. Twilight agrees, but also requires Tirek to release Discord. As a token of his friendship, Discord gives Twilight the amulet that turns out to be the last key to the box. The rainbow magic contained therein can not only defeat Tirek, transport him back to Tartarus and return the stolen magic to all ponies, but also build a castle for Twilight in Ponyville, of which she, with her friends at her side, is to reside as the princess of friendship .

Season 5

A fifth season, consisting of 26 episodes, was shown from April 4, 2015 to November 28, 2015 on the US cable channel Discovery Family . It was first broadcast in German from May 21, 2016 to July 3, 2016 on Disney Channel .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT, CH) Director script Prod
. No.
92 1 The map - part 1 The Cutie Map - Part 1 Apr 4, 2015 May 21, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Scott Sonneborn & MA Larson
Idea: Meghan McCarthy
When Twilight Sparkle and her friends sit on their thrones in Twilight's new castle for the first time, a map of Equestrias reveals itself, on which their beauty marks mark a position. As they follow the map, they discover a village in which all residents have a fake laugh and whose beauty marks are equal to symbols. It turns out that the ponies there, led by Starlight Glimmer, have given up their special skills and thus their beauty spots in order not to be separated from one another by their differences. However, some of the ponies are dissatisfied with their way of life and tell Twilight's group that Starlight is collecting the distant beauty marks in a nearby cave. However, Starlight ambushes them there and robs them of their beauty marks and talents.
93 2 The map - part 2 The Cutie Map - Part 2 Apr 4, 2015 May 22, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Scott Sonneborn & MA Larson
Idea: Meghan McCarthy
Imprisoned by Starlight Glimmer and subjected to ongoing brainwashing attempts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends decide to claim that Fluttershy is convinced by Starlight and wants to join them. Although she does not manage to get the stolen beauty mark back, she discovers that Starlight still has her real beauty mark and the equals sign is only painted on. Twilight and Fluttershy use this information to show the villagers that Starlight is betraying them and that their differences are what bind them together. While they clean their beauty spots, Starlight escapes with those of Twilight's group. However, the villagers use their regained talents to wrest the beauty marks from Starlight before she can escape.
94 3 Home sweet home Castle Sweet Castle Apr 11, 2015 May 28, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco 503
Since Twilight Sparkle eschews her new castle and doesn't see it as a real home, her friends shoot at trying to re-furnish and decorate it for her. However, at first they each work for themselves, which is why the decoration looks cluttered and contradictory. In trying to fix this, they remove all of the others' furnishings, which will bring the lock back to its original state. They then realize that their mistake was to decorate the castle to their own liking instead of considering that Twilight especially misses their old Golden Oak Library, which they associate with many pleasant memories. So they use the roots of this old tree house library as the basis for a chandelier with crystals in which various shared experiences are embedded. However, some of the original decorations remain in other rooms.
95 4th Dreams and nightmares Bloom & Gloom Apr 18, 2015 May 28, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Josh Haber 504
Apple Bloom worries that she might get a blemish that she doesn't like. The next night she dreams of having a beauty mark in pest control. Since this does not suit her, she follows a shadowy voice that offers her the opportunity to remove the beauty mark. So she does not succeed in saving Ponyville from a pest infestation. Next, she dreams of having a beauty mark in alchemy. However, since she is no longer accepted as a friend by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, she follows the voice again and has her beauty mark removed, which means that her friends, who are now getting their beauty marks, still want nothing to do with her. After all, she dreams of being rejected by her family because she has a blemish that is not an apple. Princess Luna then appears, who makes it clear to her that no matter what kind of beauty mark she will get, it will not change what she really is, and the shadowy voice is her own fear.
96 5 Farewell to Schildi Tanks for the memories Apr 25, 2015 May 29, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Cindy Morrow 505
Rainbow Dash is looking forward to spending the approaching winter with her turtle Schildi, but then learns that she has to hibernate. So she decides to stop the winter. Since her attempts to stop the work of all the other weather ponies on her own are unsuccessful, she instead sneaks into the Cloudsdale weather factory to sabotage it. In doing so, however, it causes an overload that suddenly covers Ponyville with snow. Desperate Rainbow withdraws to her cloud house, but her friends manage to make it clear to her that she has to accept a winter without Schildi, which is why she is finally ready to let it hibernate.
97 6th Wanted: Trouble Shoes Appleoosa's Most Wanted May 2, 2015 May 29, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 506
The Cutie Mark Crusaders accompany Applejack to the Appleloosa Rodeo and want to take part there too, in the hope of preserving their beauty marks . However, since there is an incident in the run-up to the rodeo, which seems to be behind the outlaw Troubleshoes Clyde, Applejack forbids them to participate, as he thinks it is too dangerous. The foals sneak away to pose trouble shoes, but find out that this is not a villain at all, but that all incidents with him were only caused by his clumsiness. Trouble Shoes, who thinks his bad luck is his fate, helps them back to Appleloosa, but is arrested by Sheriff Silberstern. The Cutie Mark Crusaders help Trouble Shoes escape and trick him into secretly attending the rodeo as a rodeo clown, using his awkwardness to amuse the other ponies. When it turns out he's under the disguise, they convince the villagers to look into Trouble Shoes for his clumsiness.
98 7th Make new friends with Discord's permission Make New Friends But Keep Discord May 16, 2015 4th June 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Natasha Levinger 507
Discord is disappointed that Fluttershy invites not him, but her friend Baumliebchen to go to the Gala Gala with her. When he finally receives his own ticket, he decides to appear there together with the Smooze, a slime creature, and to wreak havoc there with it. When the Smooze gets out of control, only tree lovers manage to calm it down again. Discord threatens to banish tree lovers to another dimension in order to have Fluttershy to themselves. But Fluttershy can make it clear to him that he can continue to be her boyfriend, even if he has another girlfriend.
99 8th The treasure of Greifenstein The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone May 23, 2015 4th June 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Amy Keating Rogers 508
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie follow a call from the magical map to the ancient griffin kingdom of Greifenstein. However, they find the once prosperous kingdom run down and neglected and the local griffins are greedy for money and only think about themselves. Rainbow also find his former girlfriend Gilda there, with whom he has now fallen out. While Rainbow tries to find the trophy from Boreas, which once made Greifenstein great, Pinkie Pie tries to get Gilda to be more kind to the other griffins. By optimizing Gilda's recipe for her griffin tarts, she has initial successes with it. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is stuck in the bottomless pit in search of the trophy. Pinkie gets Gilda to help her save Rainbow. Gilda finds the trophy, but then decides to leave it behind and save Rainbow. Back in town, Gilda promises to spread the message of friendship in Greifenstein in the future.
100 9 Life choices Slice of Life June 13, 2015 5th June 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller MA Larson 509
Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda are about to get married, but Derpy has printed the wrong date on the invitations, so they have to try to bring the wedding forward. Since Twilight and her friends are busy fending off an attack by a bee bear, it is up to the various other residents of Ponyville to cope with this so that the two donkeys can finally be married by the mayoress.
101 10 Princess Spike Princess Spike 20th June 2015 5th June 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Neal Dusedau 510
With Princess Twilight Sparkle exhausted after preparing for the Equestria Pony Summit, it's up to Spike to make sure she can sleep in undisturbed. In doing so, however, he makes some dubious decisions. So he relocates a Cricktet game and prevents the pruning of kite trees and the mending of a water pipe, as he fears that the noise could wake Twilight. His decision-making power finally goes to his head and he makes various decisions in Twilight's name that have nothing to do with his assignment. This eventually leads to a misdirected ball from the game of polo knocking over the kite weeping trees, which in turn causes the water pipe to burst. Spike destroys a statue made of precious stones from the cities of the conference participants. Since the decision that led to it seemed to have come from Twilight, they turn against the princess, but Spike makes it clear that he had ordered this himself. He apologizes to the ponies and rebuilds the statue together with them.
102 11 Party stress Party pooped June 27, 2015 June 11, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Nick Confalone 511
A delegation of three yaks from Yakyakistan, led by Prince Rutherford, arrive in Ponyville. To win their friendship, Twilight Sparkle wants to make sure that they feel at home. The yaks keep getting angry because of small flawed details, which is why Twilight hires Pinkie Pie to reconcile the yaks with a party. To prepare for this, she makes her way to Yakyakistan. Meanwhile, the yaks' mood continues to deteriorate and they eventually threaten Equestria with war. With no sign of Pinie's return, Twilight and her friends try to host the party themselves and save the situation. In the process, they discover a secret room owned by Pinkie Pie, where she keeps preparations and plans for countless parties. Pinkie's journey fails shortly before its destination and she returns to Ponyville. Pinkie realizes that it was a mistake to imitate the homeland of the yaks in Equestria, but instead arranges the party to demonstrate the friendliness of Equestria to the yaks. This appeases the yaks and they make friends with the ponies.
103 12 Old friendships Amending fences 4th July 2015 June 11, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller MA Larson 512
When Twilight Sparkle remembers that she had already neglected her old friends Canterlot when she lived near them, and has now lost sight of them for good, she decides to renew her friendship with them. While she can quickly become friends again with Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts, Moondancer has lost contact not only with Twilight, but also with her other friends. She is dismissive and only engrossed in her studies. It turns out that when Twilight didn't show up at their party a long time ago, Moondancer felt so repulsed that she isolated herself from everyone else. Twilight turns to Pinkie Pie to help host a new party for Moondancer. Initially, Moondancer is unwilling to accept Twilight's apology. But when she shows that, contrary to her opinion, she still has friends, like the librarian, the bookseller or her sister, she realizes that the others are still close to her heart and that she wants to be friends with them again.
104 13 Do princesses dream of sheep? Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep? July 11, 2015 June 12, 2016 Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Scott Sonneborn 513
Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover they shared a nightmare about a blue fog monster. Princess Luna explains to her that this creature is the Tantabus, one of her nightmares, who has now escaped and haunted other dreams. In order to prevent the Tantabus from breaking out into the real world, Luna tries to find it in the dreams of Twilight and the others, but in the process the Tantabus can also invade the dreams of all the other ponies in Ponyville. In order to get hold of the Tantabus, Luna puts them all in a shared dream. Together the ponies fight the Tantabus, but the more Luna blames herself for the situation, the more powerful it becomes. Only when Twilight convinces Luna that she is neither to blame for the Tantabus nor for her actions as Nightmare Moon, the latter loses his power.
105 14th The Canterlot carousel Canterlot Boutique Sept 12, 2015 June 12, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Amy Keating Rogers 514
To expand her business, Rarity has opened a boutique in Canterlot with Sassy Saddles supporting her as a manager. But instead of taking care of a large number of individually adapted clothes there, Sassy Rartiy gets a single model to be mass-produced and ultimately even wants to switch production to assembly line work. Rarity therefore decides to close their new shop and offer individual dresses again for the sale. She remembers how much she enjoys this work and wants to keep her boutique open. Sassy promises to do these for Rarity by their rules while she is in Ponyville.
106 15th Rarity's investigation Rarity Investigates! 19th Sept 2015 June 18, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy, MA Larson, Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco 516
When Rainbow Dash is charged with a crime she did not commit, Rarity must prove her innocence.
107 16 Mission in Mähnhattan Made in Manehattan Sept. 26, 2015 19th June 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Noelle Benvenuti 517
Applejack and Rarity are called to Manehattan to solve a friendship problem. There they help Coco Pommel with a large project in the neighborhood, but notice that they have set themselves more than they can manage.
108 17th The Hoof Brother Festival Brotherhooves Social Oct 3, 2015 19th June 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Dave Polsky 518
When Applejack can't compete with Apple Bloom at the Farriers' Festival, Big McIntosh steps in for her.
109 18th The beauty mark Crusaders of the Lost Mark Oct 10, 2015 June 25, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Amy Keating Rogers 519
When Pip Squeak runs for election as class president, the Cutie Mark Crusaders support him, but realize that they are unexpectedly helping Diamond Tiara.
110 19th Pinkie's secret The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows Oct 17, 2015 June 25, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller GM Berrow 520
Pinkie Pie tries to keep Princess Cadance and Shining Armor a secret.
111 20th The family celebration Hearthbreakers Oct 24, 2015 June 26, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Nick Confalone 521
Applejack is looking forward to spending the friendship fire evening with Pinkie Pie's family, but finds out that the Pies celebrate this festival differently on their stone farm.
112 21st Creepy fluttershy Scare Master October 24, 2015 (Canada)
October 31, 2015 (US)
June 18, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Natasha Levinger 515
Fluttershy decides to face her fears and celebrate the scary night together with her friends.
113 22nd Having fun with Discord What About Discord? November 7, 2015 June 26, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Neal Dusedau 522
After trying to rearrange her library, Twilight finds out that her friends have gotten closer to Discord and wonders if Discord is up to anything.
114 23 The Hooffields and the McColts The Hooffields and McColts November 14, 2015 2nd July 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Johanna Lewis & Kristine Songco 523
Princess Twilight and Fluttershy get the job of the magical card to settle a quarrel between two warring families who don't even know why they are fighting.
115 24 The main attraction The Mane Attraction November 21, 2015 2nd July 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Amy Keating Rogers 524
An old friend of Applejack's has become a famous pop star, but Applejack fears the manager isn't having his best interests in mind.
116 25th The beauty mark duel - part 1 The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1 November 28, 2015 3rd July, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Josh Haber 525
Starlight Glimmer casts a spell that can change the past, present and future of Equestria to take revenge on Twilight and her friends.
117 26th The beauty mark duel - part 2 The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2 November 28, 2015 3rd July, 2016 Denny Lu, Jayson Thiessen & Jim Miller Josh Haber 526
Princess Twilight and her friends continue to battle Starlight's attempts to change the past, but fear their efforts may be in vain.

Season 6

The first twelve episodes of the sixth season consisting of 26 episodes were broadcast from March 26, 2016 to June 11, 2016 on the US cable channel Discovery Family . The remaining episodes were released from July 30, 2016 to October 22, 2016. Disney Channel broadcast the German translation of the first 22 episodes of the season from September 11 to December 11, 2016. The remaining four episodes were broadcast from February 7 to probably 10 February 2017.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT, CH) Director script
118 1 Friendship Lesson No. 1 - Part 1 The Crystalling - Part 1 March 26, 2016 11th September 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Josh Haber
Twilight Sparkle and her friends attended the crystal christening of Cadance and Shining Armor's new baby in the Crystal Kingdom. Twilight has the opportunity to teach Starlight Glimmer her first friendship lesson.
119 2 Friendship Lesson No. 1 - Part 2 The Crystalling - Part 2 March 26, 2016 17th September 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Josh Haber
Twilight Sparkle and her friends are trying to save the Crystal Kingdom from an eternal winter. Starlight tortures itself after a failed reunion with an old friend.
120 3 PSSD The Gift of the Maud Pie 2nd April 2016 18th September 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Josh Haber, Michael P. Fox & Wil Fox
Rarity and Pinkie Pie are looking for the ideal location for Rarity's new store and the perfect gift for Pinkie Pie's sister in Manhatten.
121 4th On your marks ... On your marks April 9, 2016 September 25, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Dave Polsky & Josh Haber
Now that their beauty marks have finally gone, the Cutie Mark Crusaders pondered what to do next; The joy does not all agree on how to approach their fate.
122 5 The new dragon lord Gauntlet of Fire April 16, 2016 October 1, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
To save his friends, Spike must fight the dangerous battle of fire for the title of Dragon Lord.
123 6th No second chance No second prances April 30, 2016 October 2nd, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Nick Confalone
When Starlight Glimmer begins to befriend Trixie, a formerly evil pony, Twilight Sparkle tries to stop her.
124 7th Wonderbolt Rainbow Crash Newbie Dash May 7, 2016 October 8, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Dave Rapp & Dave Polsky
When Rainbow Dash fulfills her dream of becoming a wonderbolt, she makes a terrible first impression and is given a horrific nickname.
125 8th A friendly fire festival for Starlight A Hearth's Warming Tail May 14, 2016 October 9, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Michael Vogel
Since Starlight is not interested in the Friendship Fire Evening, Twilight Sparkle tries to help her by reading her favorite Friendship Fire Evening story, The Friendship Fire Fairy tale .
126 9 Rarity for you The Saddle Row Review May 21, 2016 October 16, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Nick Confalone
When Rarity opens their flagship store in Manhatten, a treacherous article threatens to reveal how her friends nearly ruined the opening.
127 10 More time to relax Applejack's "Day" Off May 28, 2016 October 22, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Neal Dusedau, Michael P. Fox & Wil Fox
While Rarity tries to get Applejack to relax at the spa, Twilight Sparkle and Spike take over Applejack's work on the farm. However, it turns out that this is more difficult than expected.
128 11 Little brother Zephyre Flutter Brutter 4th June 2016 October 23, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Dave Rapp (plot by Meghan McCarthy)
When Fluttershy convinces her brother to move out of his parents' house, he moves in with her instead, forcing Fluttershy to stand up to him and help over his fear of failure.
129 12 Canterlot's kitchen Spice Up Your Life June 11, 2016 October 29, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Michael Vogel
Pinkie Pie and Rarity discover a family struggling to keep their restaurant open, creating tension in their relationship.
130 13 Daring Do and their fans Stranger Than Fan Fiction July 30, 2016 October 30, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Josh Haber & Michael Vogel
Rainbow Dash meets a pony at a Daring Do convention that Daring Do hates as much as she likes them.
131 14th The Applewood Derby The Cart Before the Ponies August 6, 2016 5th November 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Ed Valentine & Michael Vogel
The Cutie Mark Crusaders get the chance to take part in the Applewood Derby. Your teammates Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash take over the competition.
132 15th Joke cookies 28 Pranks Later August 13, 2016 November 6, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy & FM De Marco
When Rainbow Dashs take excessive pranks, the ponies decide to reward her with their own coins.
133 16 Spike and the changing pony The Times They Are A Changeling 20th August 2016 November 12, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Michael Vogel, Kevin Burke & Chris Wyatt
When Spike travels to the Crystal Kingdom with Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer to visit Flurry Heart, they find the kingdom in turmoil over a report of a pony spy.
134 17th Men's evening Dungeons & Discords August 27, 2016 November 13, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Nick Confalone
When Twilight and her friends leave town, Discord decides to join Spike and Big McIntosh's men’s night out. However, this turns out to be a fantasy - RPG evening out.
135 18th Game, fun and victory Buckball Season 3rd September 2016 20th November 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Jennifer Skelly
Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy turn out to be Ponyville's best buckball players. Applejack and Rainbow Dash take on the task of training them for the game against Appleoosa.
136 19th A griffin with a beauty mark The Fault in Our Cutie Marks September 10, 2016 15th October 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Ed Valentine, Josh Haber and Meghan McCarthy
An enthusiastic young Griffin asks the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help her get her beauty mark.
137 20th Viva Las Pegasus Viva Las Pegasus 17th September 2016 November 27, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Michael Vogel, Kevin Burke & Chris Wyatt
The card sends Applejack and Fluttershy to Las Pegasus. There they meet Flim and Flam who work in a resort called Gladmane's.
138 21st A difficult friendship lesson Every Little Thing She Does September 24, 2016 4th December 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Michael Vogel
While Starlight Glimmer is making headway in her magical studies, it appears to be neglecting her friendship lessons. Hoping to impress her teacher, Starlight tries to tackle several friendship problems at once, with dubious results.
139 22nd My story, your story PPOV (Pony Point of View) October 1, 2016 December 11, 2016 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Kevin Burke, Chris Wyatt, Michael P. Fox & Wil Fox
Twilight Sparkle must find out the truth after Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie tell three different versions of what happened on their boat trip and are mad at each other.
140 23 Lies have bad apples Where the Apple Lies October 8, 2016 February 7, 2017 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy and Dave Rapp
When Apple Bloom invents a white lie to hide a mistake, Applejack tells the story of how she came to appreciate the value of honesty after telling a series of lies that nearly destroyed the farm and took the Apple family to the hospital.
141 24 Wingman modesty Top bolt October 10, 2016 ( UK ) October 15, 2016 (USA) February 8, 2017 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Meghan McCarthy, Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco
Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are sent to the Wonderbolt Academy to help two friends, Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger, solve a friendship problem that could prevent them from being accepted into the Academy.
142 25th The return of the swap ponies - part 1 To Where and Back Again - Part 1 October 6, 2016 (UK) October 22, 2016 (USA) February 9, 2017 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Josh Haber and Michael Vogel
Without the help of Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer assembles a strange team of heroes to protect Equestria from the return of one of its greatest threats.
143 26th The return of the swap ponies - part 2 To Where and Back Again - Part 2 October 7, 2016 (UK) October 22, 2016 (USA) February 10, 2017 Denny Lu, Tim Stuby & Jim Miller Josh Haber and Michael Vogel
Starlight Glimmer leads a strange squad of rescuers against one of the ponies' oldest and greatest opponents in order to save their friends and Equestria.

Season 7

The first eleven episodes of the seventh season, consisting of 26 episodes, were broadcast from April 15, 2017 to July 17, 2017 on the US cable channel Discovery Family. Disney Channel has broadcast the German translation of the season since July 22, 2017.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT, CH) Director script
144 1 Twilight's master plan Celestial Advice April 15, 2017 July 22, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
When Twilight Sparkel worries about Starlight Glimmer's future, she receives advice from her mentor, Princess Celestia.
145 2 Bottled anger All bottled up April 15, 2017 23rd July 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
While the friends go on a friendship vacation, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Twilight's friendship card lose. Starlight is afraid that her anger will get out of hand and tries to hold her in check with a spell while searching for the map.
146 3 No time for flurry A Flurry of Emotions April 22, 2017 29th July 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Sammie Crowley and Whitney Wetta
After planning a full day of appointments, Twilight Sparkle agrees to take care of her niece Flurry Heat. But with Flurry by her side, Twilight has a hard time defending her reputation as the best aunt of all time and stopping Flurry from joking.
147 4th Granite, stone and friendship Rock Solid Friendship April 29, 2017 July 30, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Nick Confalone
When Pinkie Pie learns that Maud might be moving to Ponyville, she goes out of her way to let her sister see that Ponyville has more to offer than rocks.
148 5 Fluttershy prevails Fluttershy Leans In May 6, 2017 5th August 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Gillian M. Berrow
Fluttershy wants to make her career dreams come true with the help of some very special bangs. But when her vision is not exactly realized, she has to find a way to assert herself and fight for her ideas.
149 6th Foals become ponies Forever Filly May 13, 2017 August 6, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Michael P. Fox and Wil Fox
Rarity surprises Sweetie Belle with a day together where they do all of their favorite things. But Rarity has to learn quickly that her little sister is no longer the little foal she used to be.
150 7th Embarrassing parents Parental Glideance 20th May 2017 August 12, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Hamilton
Rainbow Dash's parents learn that she is one of the Wonderbolts and show up at every event to cheer them on. But her unabashed enthusiasm is embarrassing for Rainbow Dash and almost makes her go nuts.
151 8th Love stories Hard to say anything May 27, 2017 13th August 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Becky Wangberg
The Beauty Mark Club finds out Big Mac is in love for the first time and vows to help him win the heart of Sugar Belle before rival Feather Bangs does.
152 9 Fashion expert Applejack Honest Apple 3rd June 2017 19th August 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Kevin Lappin
153 10 Princess problems A royal problem June 10, 2017 20th August 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
154 11 The pride of the yaks Not asking for trouble 17th June 2017 26th August 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby May Chan
155 12 Discordant harmony Discordant Harmony 5th August 2017 27th August 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Michael P. Fox and Wil Fox
156 13 apples and pears The Perfect Pear 5th August 2017 3rd September 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
157 14th The misfortune of popularity Fame and Misfortune August 12, 2017 September 9, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby MA Larson
158 15th Spike in the stress of responsibility Triple threat 19th August 2017 November 11, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Hamilton
159 16 Campfire stories Campfire Tales 26th August 2017 November 12, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Barry Safchik and Michael Platt
160 17th A distinctive alternating pony To change a changing 2nd September 2017 November 25, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Kevin Lappin
161 18th The end of all adventures Daring Done? September 9, 2017 18th November 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Gillian M. Berrow
162 19th The most beautiful mane from Equestria It Isn't the Mane Thing About You 16th September 2017 November 26, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Haber
163 20th On the trail of the remedy A Health of Information 23 September 2017 19th November 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Sammie Crowley and Whitney Wetta
164 21st Open for everything Marks and Recreation September 30, 2017 3rd December 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby May Chan
165 22nd Princess vacation Once Upon a Zeppelin October 7, 2017 2nd December 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Brittany Jo Flores
166 23 The cake case Secrets and Pies October 14, 2017 December 9, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Hamilton
167 24 A reunion after a long time Uncommon Bond October 21, 2017 December 10, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Haber and Kevin Lappin
168 25th The shadow pony - part 1 Shadow Play - Part 1 October 28, 2017 December 16, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Haber
169 26th The shadow pony - part 2 Shadow Play - Part 2 October 28, 2017 December 16, 2017 Denny Lu and Tim Stuby Josh Haber

Season 8

The eighth season was broadcast from March 24, 2018 to October 13, 2018 on the US cable channel Discovery Family. Disney Channel has broadcast the German translation of the season since July 7, 2018.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT, CH) Director script
170 1 The School of Friendship - Part 1 School Daze - Part 1 March 24, 2018 7th July 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel and Nicole Dubuc
171 2 The School of Friendship - Part 2 School Daze - Part 2 March 24, 2018 July 8, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel and Nicole Dubuc
172 3 Maud's no-surprise party The Maud Couple March 31, 2018 July 14, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nick Confalone
173 4th First appearance, then being Fake It ′ Til You Make It April 7, 2018 15th July 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Hamilton
174 5 The wild grannies Grannies Gone Wild April 14, 2018 July 21, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Gillian M. Berrow
175 6th Top or bottom? Surf and / or turf April 21, 2018 July 22, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Brian Hohlfeld
176 7th Celestia, the stage star Horse play April 28, 2018 28th July 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Kaita Mpambara
177 8th At home it's ... problematic The Parent Map 5th May 2018 29th July 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Dave Rapp
178 9 Teamwork Non-compete clause May 12, 2018 4th August 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Kim Beyer-Johnson
179 10 Put an end to it The Break Up Breakdown 19th May 2018 5th August 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nick Confalone
180 11 The dandruff change effect Molt Down May 26, 2018 11th August 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber
181 12 Too good for Twilight's school Marks for Effort 2nd June 2018 12. August Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
182 13 The bad 6 The Mean 6 June 9, 2018 18th August 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel
183 14th The deputy director A matter of principals 4th August 2018 19th August 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
184 15th Holiday Stories The Hearth's Warming Club 4th August 2018 August 25, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Brian Hohlfeld
185 16 The friendship university Friendship University 11th August 2018 August 26, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Chris "Doc" Wyatt and Kevin Burke
186 17th The end of friendship The End In Friend 18th August 2018 2nd September 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Gillian M. Berrow
187 18th The Vovidophone Yakity sax August 25, 2018 17th November 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael P. Fox and Wil Fox
188 19th A friendship trip On the Road to Friendship 1st September 2018 November 24, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber
189 20th The washouts The washouts September 8, 2018 November 25, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nick Confalone
190 21st Rockhoof's modern times A Rockhoof and a Hard Place 15th September 2018 1st December 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Kaita Mpambara
191 22nd What is hidden underneath What Lies Beneath 22nd September 2018 2nd December 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel
192 23 Silence is silver, speech is gold Sounds of Silence 29th September 2018 March 9, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Gregory Bonsignore
193 24 A kite life for a pillow Father Knows Best October 6, 2018 March 10, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber
194 25th The Lost Magic - Part 1 School Raze - Part 1 October 13, 2018 15th December 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
195 26th The Lost Magic - Part 2 School Raze - Part 2 October 13, 2018 December 16, 2018 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber

Season 9

The ninth season was broadcast from April 6 to October 12, 2019 on the US cable channel Discovery Family. It will be broadcast in Germany from September 7th to December 7th on Disney Channel.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D, AT, CH) Director script
197 1 The beginning of the end - part 1 The Beginning of the End - Part 1 April 6, 2019 7th Sept 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
198 2 The beginning of the end - part 2 The Beginning of the End - Part 2 April 6, 2019 8th Sept 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
199 3 Tree monuments Uprooted April 13, 2019 Sept. 14, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
200 4th The sibling head Twilight's Seven April 20, 2019 Sept. 15, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Story: Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. Germain, Tara Strong and Cathy Weseluck
Teleplay: Josh Haber and Nicole Dubuc
201 5 The imperfect balance The point of no return April 27, 2019 Sept. 21, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Gillian M. Berrow
202 6th Similarities Common Ground 4th May 2019 September 22, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber
203 7th One like Yona She's all yak May 11, 2019 Sept. 28, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Brian Hohlfeld
204 8th Friends and enemies Frenemies May 18, 2019 29th Sept 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel
205 9 Garble, the beat poet Sweet and Smoky May 25, 2019 Oct 5, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Kim Beyer-Johnson
206 10 The great apple harvest Going to Seed June 1, 2019 Oct 6, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Dave Rapp
207 11 Silverstream with the basilisks Student cousel 8 Jun 2019 Oct 12, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber
208 12 The end of the blemish club The Last Crusade June 15, 2019 Oct 13, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
209 13 Princesses Vacation Between Dark and Dawn Jun 22, 2019 Oct. 20, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Gail Simone
210 14th Who laughs last … That's a laugh 3rd Aug 2019 Oct. 26, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael P. Fox and Wil Fox
211 15th 2, 4, 6, - it crashes! 2, 4, 6, Greaaat 10 Aug 2019 Oct. 27, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Kaita Mpambara
212 16 The quiz gallop A trivial problem 17th Aug 2019 Nov 2, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Brittany Jo Flores
213 17th The summer sun celebration The Summer Sun Setback 24 Aug 2019 Nov 3, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel
214 18th She's talking to Angel She Talks To Angel 31 Aug 2019 9 Nov 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nick Confalone
215 19th Spiked Dragon Dropped 7th Sept 2019 Nov 10, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber
216 20th The safe candidate A horse shoe-in Sept. 14, 2019 Nov 16, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Ariel Shepherd-Oppenheim
217 21st Doubts about Daring-Do Daring Doubt Sept. 21, 2019 17th Nov 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
218 22nd Suddenly grown up Growing up is hard to do Sept. 28, 2019 23 Nov 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Ed Valentine
219 23 Big Mac and Sugar Belle The Big Mac Question Oct 5, 2019 Nov 24, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber and Michael Vogel
220 24 The end of the end - part 1 The Ending of the End - Part 1 Oct 12, 2019 Nov 30, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Nicole Dubuc
221 25th The end of the end - part 2 The Ending of the End - Part 2 Oct 12, 2019 Dec. 1, 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Michael Vogel
222 26th Friendship remains The last problem Oct 12, 2019 7th Dec 2019 Denny Lu and Mike Myhre Josh Haber

Web links


  1. ↑ Referred to as Pinky Apple Pie within the episode . Jim Miller, co-director of the episode, confirmed on Twitter that Pinkie Apple Pie is the correct title.
  2. Title within the episode and in all announcements. iTunes , however, briefly used the name Flutterfear .
  3. ↑ Cited within the foresight Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 .
  4. Already published on September 21, 2015 on iTunes , but removed again afterwards.
  5. Already broadcast on Sept. 7, 2016 in Polish.
  6. Aired in Canada on April 30, 2017.
  7. Aired in Canada on May 6, 2017.
  8. Aired in Canada on May 7, 2017.
  9. Already aired on May 13, 2017 in Canada.
  10. Already aired on May 14, 2017 in Canada.
  11. Aired in Canada on May 20, 2017.
  12. Already aired on May 21, 2017 in Canada.
  13. Already aired on June 20, 2017 in Australia.
  14. Aired in Australia on June 21, 2017.
  15. Already published on September 3, 2017 on Youtube .
  16. Already broadcast in Russian on September 18, 2017.
  17. Aired in Canada on October 15, 2017.
  18. Already aired in Canada on October 21, 2017.
  19. Aired in Canada on October 22, 2017.
  20. Aired in the UK on June 6, 2018.
  21. Already aired on August 5, 2018 in Australia.
  22. Already aired on August 11, 2018 in Australia.
  23. The episode was screened out as part of the "Summer Surprise" program block
  24. Already broadcast on August 18, 2018 in Australia with the title "Road to Friendship".
  25. Already aired on August 19, 2018 in Australia.
  26. Already aired on August 25, 2018 in Australia.
  27. Aired in Australia on August 26, 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. Meghan McCarthy: Twitter / MMeghanMcCarthy: That credit for BATS! is wrong. Twitter , December 28, 2013, accessed December 28, 2013 .
  2. The special My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever has number 196