Nəsib bəy Yusifbəyli

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Nəsib bəy Yusifbəyli

Nəsib bəy Yusifbəyli , Germanized Näsib bäy Yusifbäyli (* July 5, 1881 in Elisawetpol , today Gəncə, Elisavetpol Governorate , Russian Empire ; † May 31, 1920 in Kürdəmir , Azerbaijani SSR ) was an Azerbaijani publicist and statesman. He was Minister of Education, Religion and Finance and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1919–1920).


Yusifbəyli was born in Elisavetpol (in today's and second largest city of Azerbaijan Gəncə) as the son of an aristocratic family ( Bey ). There he graduated from grammar school in 1902 and began studying law at the Imperial Neurussian University (today Odessa National I.-I.-Metschnikow University ). Due to the revolutionary activities of the students, the university was temporarily closed by the tsarist authorities in 1905 and Yusifbəyli was denied a degree. He moved to Bakhchysaray on the Crimean peninsula where he published the newspaper "Tercuman" with the famous Crimean Tatar intellectual Ismail Gazprinsky .

After the Young Turkish Revolution in 1908 , Yusifbəyli went to İstanbul and continued his work as a publicist. There he founded the so-called “Turkish Society”. In 1909 Yusifbəyli returned to Elisavetpol and worked for a while in the city administration. At the same time he devoted himself to journalistic, cultural, educational and charitable activities.

Yusifbəyli (seated in the middle) with Məhəmməd Əmin Rəsulzadə and other officials of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan

After the February Revolution in 1917 , Yusifbəyli and his colleagues established the “Turkish Federalist Party”. He took part in Muslim congresses in Baku and Moscow and was an advocate of the idea of ​​national-territorial autonomy for the Turkish peoples within the Russian Empire. The chairman of the Müsawat party and one of the later founding fathers of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic, Məhəmməd Əmin Rəsulzadə, were of the same opinion . This led to the merger of both parties in June 1917 to form a unified organization called the "Party of Federalists Müsawat". Like the other party members, Yusifbəyli described the violent seizure of power by the Bolsheviks as illegal. After the October Revolution , Yusifəyli was elected as a member of the Constituent Assembly of Russia , where he represented the “Muslim National Committee and Musawat” faction.

With the forced dissolution of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks in January 1918, all hopes for the federalization of the Russian Empire and broad autonomy rights for national minorities vanished. The deputies of the South Caucasus region categorically rejected communist power and founded the short-lived Transcaucasian Sejm in February 1918 . Yusifbəyli held the post of Minister of Education in the Government of the Transcaucasian Federation.

Prime Minister Yusifbəyli (seated in the middle) with the members of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

The idea of ​​a confederate Transcaucasian state did not last long in view of the growing differences between the Georgian , Armenian and Azerbaijani delegates. At an extraordinary meeting of the Azerbaijani representatives of the Transcaucasian Sejm in Tbilisi on May 27, 1918, the National Council of Azerbaijan was established. This body, to which Yusifbəyli belonged, proclaimed the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (DRA) the next day. Yusifbəyli became Minister of Education, Finance and Religious Affairs. From the beginning he called for close military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey .

From April 1919 to March 1920, Yusifbəyli was Prime Minister of the DRA. He also headed the country's interior ministry between March and December 1919. During this time, Azerbaijan was able to develop good neighborly relations with Georgia and successfully defend itself against the Armenian independence movement in Nagorno-Karabakh . In January 1920, Azerbaijan's independence was officially recognized by the Triple Entente .

On April 28, the Bolsheviks put an end to the DRA. Many state officials were arrested or murdered. Yusifbəyli tried to escape, but was shot dead in Kürd (mir on May 31, 1920 by unknown persons (members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation are suspected ).


Yusifbəyli was married to Schafiga Gaspirali, the daughter of Ismail Gasprinski.

Literature and individual references

  1. Усуббеков (Юсифбейли) Насиб бек Юсиф оглы. In: Кавказский Узел. October 4, 2002, Retrieved October 14, 2019 (Russian).
  2. Биографический Указатель. Усуббеков Насиб-бек Юсиф оглы. In: Hrono.ru. Retrieved October 14, 2019 (Russian).
  3. Видные Азербайджанцы. Усуббеков, Насиб-бек Юсиф оглы. In: Президентская Библиотека Республики Азербайджана. Retrieved October 14, 2019 (Russian).
  4. Р.А.ВЕКИЛОВ: История возникновения Азербайджанской Республики . Издательство "Элм", Баку 1998, ISBN 5-8066-0889-1 .
  5. Насиб бек Усуббеков - человек, стоявший у истоков азербайджанской государственности. May 28, 2011, Retrieved October 14, 2019 (Russian).