Night of the jugglers

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Original title Night of the jugglers
Country of production Switzerland
original language German
Publishing year 1996
length 90 minutes
Director Michael Steiner
script Jürg Brändli
music Adrian Frutiger
camera Pascal Walder
cut Jürg Brändli
Maeve Farias
Michael Steiner

Night of the Jugglers is a Swiss feature film by Michael Steiner released in 1996 .


During a Kafkaesque journey through pictures in black and white, the film tells the fate of the sensitive and adaptive auditor Klaus Koska, who witnessed a political murder in a European fascism of the past and then of all things came under false suspicion himself. Having come into the sights of the inhuman surveillance state, the witness flies inwards and outwards in order to escape the henchmen of the system who wish him dead.


“A surreal crime thriller with Kafkaesque features, whose story, however, proves to be unsustainable in the long run. After all, a sympathetic debut film that tells its story in a refreshingly rough way. "

Production details

The film was shot in Switzerland, Berlin and Budapest .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Night of the jugglers. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed April 26, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used