Nudibranch noise bird

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Nudibranch noise bird
Nudibranch din in the Serengeti

Nudibranch din in the Serengeti

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Turacos (Musophagiformes)
Family : Turacos (Musophagidae)
Subfamily : Noise birds (Criniferinae)
Genre : Corythaixoides
Type : Nudibranch noise bird
Scientific name
Corythaixoides personatus
( Ruppell , 1842)
Drawing by Joseph Smit

The bare-faced go-away-bird ( Corythaixoides personatus ) is a bird art from the family of turacos . He lives in eastern Africa, in the Ethiopian part of the Great Rift Valley , in Uganda , in western and southern Kenya , in western and central Tanzania , in eastern Rwanda and Burundi and in the extreme north of Malawi , in northeastern Zambia and in southeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is a resident of dry areas and lives mainly in acacia- lined tree savannas . In the mountains this species can be found up to altitudes of 1850, sometimes up to 2000 meters.


The birds, which grow to a length of half a meter, are gray on top, and their stomach and head are white. They wear a gray feather hood on their heads, which is put up in excitement. The face is featherless and black, the tail long and gray.

The bird's warning call, a bleating "gaarr, warrr" and its featherless face gave it its common name, bare-faced go-away-bird.

Way of life

Nudibranch diners are sociable and feed on berries , especially those of the star bush Grewia bicolor , buds and seeds of the yellow-bark acacia and fruits. When foraging for food, they skilfully slip through dense thorn bushes. The little shy animals are often seen in East African national parks near the lodges . The birds are not very faithful to their location and migrate widely in their range.


Nudibranch diners breed in Ethiopia in March, in southern Uganda in May and from September to November, in Tanzania from May to October and in northern Malawi in October. They build their nest, a platform of loosely interwoven twigs and grass, in forks of acacia trees, usually at a height of around five meters. They lay two to three white eggs that are incubated by both parents.


There are two subspecies, C. p. personatus in Ethiopia and C. p. leopoldi in the rest of the distribution area. With the gray noise bird ( Corythaixoides concolor ), Corythaixoides personatus forms a super species .


Web links

Commons : Nacktkehl-Därmvogel  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files