Napoleon Peyrat

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Napoléon Peyrat ( January 20, 1809 in Bordes sur Arize - April 4, 1881 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye ) was a French Reformed pastor, author and historian from Les Bordes-sur-Arize .


Napoléon Peyrat was born on January 20, 1809 in Bordes sur Arize , a small village in the Protestant part of the Ariège. From 1823 he attended a school of Pastor Jacques Rosselloti in Châtillon-sur-Seine . In 1826 he began studying theology at the University of Montauban . In 1844 he became assistant pastor and from 1954 chief pastor in the Paris Church of Saint Germain en Laye. He wrote a five-volume history of the Albigensians . For research , as he wrote in the preface to his work, he asked less the books than the caves and forests. Peyrat was an ardent patriot whose publications from around 1870 contributed to a mythologization of the religious history of the Midi in France . He was the first author to pay special attention to Montségur , the 'sacred mountain' of the Cathars. He described the Cathars as Albigensians and gave them a politically instrumentalized profile: Allegedly, the Albigensians had the function of emphasizing the resistance of the culturally highly developed south against the barbarism of the Nordic crusaders , understood as a struggle for freedom . To support his theses, he combined contemporary anti-clericalism with local patriotic tendencies. On this slide, young poets and writers founded the Félibriges Association in order to dedicate themselves to the recovery of the Occitan language as a cultural language.

Peyrat died April 4, 1881 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye .

Pseudoscientific historical falsifications

The eerily beautiful story of a terrible fate of the last Cathars, described by Peyrat in his Histoire des Albigeois , published in 1870, allegedly in the southern French caves of Lombrives (French: Grotte de Lombrives ) by the henchmen of the Inquisition as punishment alive with large bodies Boulders were walled in lacks any historical factuality: in the Inquisition files the punishment is given as immuratio . Peyrat had thoroughly misunderstood this word, because the word murus means dungeon , and the derived immuratio means prison punishment. Peyrat declared the Cathars to be the forerunners of the Jacobins of the French Revolution .


The German historian Daniela Müller comes to the conclusion that Peyrat's work was "more tied to fantasy than reality". In his publications on the history of the Albigensians, Peyrat embedded all sorts of myths and legends in an idiosyncratic manner unrealistic . B. of underground passages in the Montségur mountain .


Antoine Gadal , head of the tourist association of the southern French spa town of Ornolac-Ussat-les-Bains , was heavily influenced by Peyrat's work and Gadal's book The Ways of the Holy Grail was published by the Dutch New Religious Movement Lectorium Rosicrucianum in Haarlem . The group of Lectorium Rosicrucianum grabbed Gadals thoughts, and coupled it with their own origination legend .

Web link

Qui est Napoléon Peyrat? Website of the Association des Amis de Napoléon Peyrat (

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Napoléon Peyrat (1809-1881).
  2. a b Hans-Jürgen Lange: Otto Rahn and the search for the Grail. Verlag Zeitwende, Engerda 1999, ISBN 978-3-927940-45-1 . P. 38.
  3. ^ A b Daniela Müller : Heretic and Church: Observations from two millennia. Lit-Verlag 2014. pp. 345f.
  4. ^ Daniela Müller: Heretic and Church: Observations from two millennia. Lit-Verlag 2014. pp. 333f.
  5. Ulrich Linse In: Uwe Puschner : The völkisch-religious movement in National Socialism: a relationship and conflict history. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012, p. 553.
  6. ^ Daniela Müller: Heretic and Church: Observations from two millennia. Lit-Verlag 2014. p. 346.


  • Histoire des Albigeois. 3 volumes. Paris 1870–72
  • Histoire des pasteurs du désert: depuis la révocation de l'Édit de Nantes jusqu'à la révolution. 2 volumes. M. Aurel Paris, 1842
  • Les reformateurs de la France et de l'Italie au douzième siècle. Meyrueis Paris 1860
  • Béranger et Lamennais: correspondance, entretiens et souvenirs. Ch.Meyrueis Paris 1861
  • La Grotte d'Azil , précédée d'une Notice on Siméon Pécontal. Grassart Paris 1874