Uwe Puschner

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Uwe Puschner

Uwe Puschner (born September 21, 1954 in Gelsenkirchen ) is a German historian .


Uwe Puschner studied history, German, sociology and political science at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 1986 he did his doctorate with Eberhard Weis . From 1983 to 1996 he was a research assistant at the House of Bavarian History , at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich and at the Free University of Berlin . In 1998 he completed his habilitation. From 2001 to 2005 he was senior assistant and from 2005 to 2009 a permanent academic assistant at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of the Free University of Berlin.

Since 2009 he has been an adjunct professor of modern history there . Since 2005 Puschner has been a permanent member of the “Center d'Études Germaniques Interculturelles de Lorraine” (CEGIL) at the University of Metz and visiting professor at the Universities of London (Canada) , Metz and Montpellier . Puschner is also a liaison professor at the German National Academic Foundation and a member of various commissions at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute at the Free University of Berlin.

His research areas include the national movement , the history of handicrafts, the history of the Jews in Germany and the history of readers and reception. Together with Walter Schmitz and Justus H. Ulbricht he is the editor of the handbook on the “Völkische Movement” 1871–1918 , with Kai Brodersen , Martin Kintzinger and Volker Reinhardt he is the editor of the history compact series at the Scientific Book Society and with Ina Ulrike Paul he is the editor of the civilizations series & History of Peter Lang Verlag .

Puschner is a founding member of the Geschichte und Zukunft e. V. The association promotes scientific publications dealing with the ethnic sciences under National Socialist rule.

Fonts (selection)


  • The Volkish Movement in the Wilhelmine Empire. Language - Race - Religion , Darmstadt 2001 (At the same time: Habil., FU Berlin, 1998).
  • From the French Revolution to the Congress of Vienna 1789–1815 (=  German history in sources and representations , vol. 6), Stuttgart 1995 (together with Walter Demel ).
  • History of the Jews in Germany. Sources and Controversy. A workbook for the upper level of the grammar school , Munich 1992 (together with Michael Wolffsohn ; awarded the German School Book Prize 1993).
  • Craft between tradition and change. The Munich craft at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century (=  Göttingen Contributions to Economic and Social History , Vol. 13), Göttingen 1988 (At the same time: Dissertation , LMU Munich, 1986).


  • The Volkisch-Religious Movement in National Socialism: a history of relationships and conflicts. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-525-36996-8 (edited with Clemens Vollnhals ).
  • Remembrance days. Turning Points in History from Antiquity to the Present , ed. together with Etienne François , Munich 2010.
  • Crisis perceptions in Germany around 1900. Magazines as forums of the time of upheaval in the Wilhelmine Empire / Perceptions de la crise en Allemagne au début du XXe siècle. Les périodiques et la mutation de la société allemande à l'époque wilhelmienne (=  Convergences , vol. 55), ed. together with Michel Grunewald , Bern [u. a.] 2010.
  • Folkish and national. On the topicality of old thought patterns in the 21st century (=  scientific supplements to the Anzeiger des Germanisches Nationalmuseums , vol. 29), ed. together with G. Ulrich Großmann , Darmstadt 2009, ISBN 978-3-534-20040-5 .
  • Le milieu intellectuel protestant en Allemagne, sa presse et ses réseaux (1871–1963) / The Protestant intellectual milieu in Germany, its press and its networks (1871–1963) (=  Convergences , vol. 47), ed. together with Michel Grunewald, Bern [u. a.] 2008.
  • Médiation et Conviction. Mélanges offerts à Michel Grunewald (=  De L'Allemand ), ed. together with Pierre Béhar, Françoise Lartillot, Paris 2007.
  • Le milieu intellectuel catholique en Allemagne, sa presse et ses réseaux (1871–1963) / The Catholic intellectual milieu in Germany, its press and its networks (1871–1963) (=  Convergences , vol. 40), ed. together with Michel Grunewald, Bern [u. a.] 2006.
  • Anti-Semitism, Paganism, Völkische Religion / Anti-Semitism, Paganism, Voelkish Religion , ed. together with Hubert Cancik , Munich [u. a.] 2004.
  • Le milieu intellectuel conservateur en Allemagne, sa presse et ses réseaux (1890–1960) / The conservative intellectual milieu in Germany, its press and its networks (1890–1960) (=  Convergences , vol. 27), ed. together with Michel Grunewald, Bern [u. a.] 2003.
  • Handbook for the “Völkische Movement” 1871–1918 , ed. together with Walter Schmitz and Justus H. Ulbricht, Munich [u. a.] 1996 (Paperback 1999).
  • "Forward, you should look forward ...". History, politics and art under Ludwig I. , Vol. 2: Essays , ed. together with Johannes Erichsen, Munich 1986.

Series Editorships

  • Studies on the history of modern publications (of knowledge) (together with Olaf Blaschke ), Munich 2010 ff.
  • Civilizations & History (together with Ina Ulrike Paul), Frankfurt et al. 2009 ff.
  • History compact , vol. 1 ff. (Together with Kai Brodersen, Martin Kintzinger and Volker Reinhardt), Darmstadt 2002 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Profile and curriculum vitae of Uwe Puschner at www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de .
  2. ^ Founding members . In: Geschichte und Zukunft eV Retrieved on October 7, 2019.
  3. Review by Gregor Hufenreuter (PDF; 64 kB).