Natalia Vladimirovna Starova

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Natalja Wladimirowna Starowa ( Russian: Наталья Владимировна Старова ; born August 15, 1923 in the village of Polyana, Belgorod Oblast ; † 2004 in Ufa ) was a Soviet - Russian geneticist and university teacher .


Starowa worked after the beginning of the German-Soviet War 1941-1942 in a school in Karaganda and then for two years as a pioneer company leader in a children's home. Then she studied at the 1,944 from the evacuation returned Kharkov Agricultural Institute with completion in 1948 (since 1991 National Kharkiv Dokuchaev -Agraruniversität).

In 1951 Starowa became a research assistant at the Stepnoye Forest Research Station . After publication of the book about her by Sergei Sergeyevich Pjatnizki supervised work on the methodology of cultivation of poplars she became the candidate of agricultural sciences doctorate.

In 1965 Starova switched to the Ukrainian Research Institute for Forestry and Forest Improvement in Kharkov. In 1974 she received her doctorate in biological sciences, after defending her dissertation on the biological principles of poplar cultivation in 1971 .

In 1983 Starova became the head of the laboratory of the Department of Biochemistry and Cytochemistry of the Bashkir Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) in Ufa, and in 1988 she became the Vice Director of the Institute of Biology of the Bashkir Scientific Center of the Urals -Department of the AN-SSSR as well as head of the botanical garden . She supervised 16 candidate dissertations and 4 doctoral dissertations. In 1990 she was appointed professor . From 1991 she was acting director (until 1998). She remained chief scientific officer of the Botanical Garden.

Starowas research were the breeding of forest tree plants , the forest - population genetics and ecological genetics . She bred new poplar and willow - species . She explained the laws of inheritance of some characteristics of wood plants. She developed a clone-biological model of the heterosis effect .

Honors, prizes

  • Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan (1993)
  • Honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan (1995)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan: Старова Наталья Владимировна (accessed July 10, 2020).
  2. Н.В. Старова. Библиография печатных трудов (к 75-летию со дня рождения) . Ufa 1998.
  3. Старова Н. В .: Методика селекции и сортоиспытания тополей . Укр. науч.-исслед. ин-т лесного хозяйства и агролесомелиорации, Kharkov 1959.
  4. Старова Н. В .: Биологические основы селекции тополей: Автореф. дис. на соискание учен. степени д-ра биол. наук: (094) . АН СССР. Гл. ботан. сад., Moscow 1971.