Nedirbai Aytakov

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Nedirbai Ajtakow ( Russian Недирбай Айтаков , scientific. Transliteration Nedirbaj Ajtakov * 1894 near Fort-Shevchenko , Mangyshlak , General Turkestan , Russian Empire today area Mangghystau in Kazakhstan ; † 28. October 1938 in the Moscow Oblast ) was a senior Turkmen party functionary and soviet statesman .


The Turkmen Nedirbai became a half-orphan early on. Around 1899 the father, a fisherman, drowned together with one of the older sons and left the wife - a carpet weaver - with six children. But in 1905 Nedirbai was accepted into a boarding school. From 1908 he worked as a porter, kitchen assistant and worked in fish processing.

In February 1920 the Red Army occupied Krasnovodsk on the east bank of the Caspian Sea . From 1920 to 1921 Nedirbai Ajtakow there was Chairman of Aul soviets and then a member of the Revolutionary Committee of the volost Krasnovodsk. He made it to the position of chairman of the Executive Committee in the Krasnovodsk City Soviet and joined the KPR (B) in 1922 . In 1924 he held leading positions in the Turkestani ASSR and a year later in the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (TuSSR) (see below in the section “Presence in the bodies of Soviet power”).

On the night of July 22, 1937, Nedirbai Aytakov was arrested in Ashkhabad . The Moscow prosecutors treated him as a conspirator who wanted to lead Turkmenia out of the Soviet Union. He was convicted and shot.

On December 12, 1956 - during the Khrushchev thaw - Nedirbai Aytakov was posthumously rehabilitated.

Presence in the bodies of Soviet power

  • January to October 1924: Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Turkestan ASSR
  • November 1924 to February 1925: Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of Turkmenistan
  • February 1925 to July 1937: Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the TuSSR
  • May 21, 1925 to July 21, 1937: One of the seven chairmen of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union


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  1. The novel Years of Terror by Anatoly Rybakov is a narrative analysis of the Stalin Purges . In the 11th chapter of the novel, the reader learns something about the history of Nedirbai Aytakov's shooting. Anatoly Rybakov writes: "On July 7, 1935, Stalin chaired the plenary session of the Constitutional Commission." (Rybakov, p. 123, 1. Zvo). The author echoes Stalin's thoughts during the session. Stalin considers the Aytakov present to be "unreliable" (Rybakow, p. 129, 6. Zvo) and thinks: "Everything that is potentially dangerous must be exterminated". (Rybakow, p. 129, 17. Zvo)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Russian chairwoman of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union