Nele Graf

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Nele Graf (born June 25, 1977 in Hamburg ) is a German non-fiction author and professor of human resources and organization at the University of Applied Management , where she also initiated and initiated the CILL research center (Competence Center of Innovations and Quality in Leadership and Learning) in 2013 since then. Together with her colleague Anja Schmitz from Pforzheim University, she developed the first German-language definition for the term agile learning. In 2009, Graf founded Mentus GmbH together with Frank Edelkraut with a focus on agile learning and working.


Nele Graf studied business administration at the University of Hamburg and Uppsala University . She completed her studies in 2002 with a diploma specializing in human resource management . In 2010 the doctorate to Dr. rer. pole. with a focus on personnel development. From 2002 to 2004, she successfully took part in the advanced training course “Teaching qualifications in science and advanced training” with a focus on e-learning , which was offered at the Interdisciplinary Center for University Didactics (IZDH) at the University of Hamburg , which was founded by Rolf Schulmeister (today: Center for Continuing Education ).

In 2012 Nele Graf was appointed professor for human resources and organization at the University of Applied Management in Ismaning and Berlin.

She researches, teaches, writes and gives lectures mainly on the topics of agile learning , learning skills , the future of personnel development and professional meta-skills . Four years in a row (2014-2017) Graf received the research award of the University of Applied Management for her research on the topics of team management, setting up a research center, learning skills and media qualification.

In addition to her teaching activities as a professor, she has headed the Competence Center of Innovations and Quality in Leadership and Learning (CILL) since 2013. The CILL is known, among other things, for its extensive study on learning competence, carried out together with the Vodafone Foundation and Michael Heister from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The study "Instructions for use for lifelong learning" co-authored by Nele Graf brings together the findings on further training from a Germany-wide survey of over 10,000 employees.

During her studies, Graf founded her first consulting company, Humex Consulting. In 2009, together with Frank Edelkraut, Mentus GmbH was founded with a focus on consulting: Agile learning in companies and leadership in the age of VUCA .

In 2020, together with learning coach Susanne Heinz, managing director of artaro GmbH, she launched - a knowledge platform on all aspects of learning in an organizational context.


  • 2014 to 2017: Winner of the research award of the University of Applied Management.


Nele Graf is a board member for science and research in the personnel network of the initiative “Paths to Self GmbH e. V. "

Works (selection)


  • with Denise Gramß and Frank Edelkraut: Agile learning - including augmented reality app. New roles, skills and methods in the corporate context. 2nd revised and updated edition, Haufe, Freiburg 2019, ISBN 978-3648130605 .
  • with Stephanie Rascher and Andre M. Schmutte: Teamlead - Leadership 4.0. This is how you synergistically lead teams to top performance. With tips and checklists for practice. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2020, ISBN 978-3658288068 .
  • with Frank Edelkraut: mentoring. The practical handbook for HR managers and entrepreneurs. 2nd updated and expanded edition, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3658151089 .
  • with Frank Edelkraut: The mentor. Role, expectations, reality. Assessment of the position of mentoring from the mentors' point of view. Pabst, Lengerich 2011, ISBN 978-3899677232 .
  • with Christoph Athanas: Innovative talent strategies - with online work aids. Find talents, promote skills, bind know-how . Haufe, Freiburg 2013, ISBN 978-3648041215 .


  • Innovations in human resource management. The most exciting developments from the HR scene and their benefits for companies . Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3658048860 .

Contributions to anthologies

  • Nele Graf and Erich Witte: Leading teams as a system. In: Corinna von Au (ed.): Leadership and applied psychology. Volume 2: Structure and culture of a leadership organization. "" Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-11955-3 , pp. 123-140.
  • Nele Graf and Frank Edelkraut: Blended mentoring for leadership development. In: Corinna von Au (ed.): Leadership and applied psychology. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-11955-3 , pp. 83-97.
  • Nele Graf and Erich Witte: Synergetic leadership: the control of a future microsystem. In: Sven Grote (ed.): The future of leadership. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-31051-5 , pp. 513-529.
  • Nele Graf and David Lowiec: Leadership - Between the cult of personality and the dissolution of leadership. In: Peter F.-J. Niermann and Andre M. Schmutte (eds.): Management decisions. 2nd Edition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-10181-7 , pp. 145-154.
  • Nele Graf and David Lowiec: Synergetic leadership - leading teams in the VUCA world. In: Peter F.-J. Niermann and Andre M. Schmutte (eds.): Management decisions. 2nd Edition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-10181-7 , pp. 183-193.

Journal and magazine articles

  • Nele Graf: New competence model. Metaskills for tomorrow. In: managerSeminare issue 264, March 2020, pp. 64-70.
  • Nele Graf and Anja Schmitz: Agile learning, new learning, learning 4.0. In: Personalmagazin 01.20., Pp. 76-80.
  • Nele Graf and Frank Edelkraut: There is no agile work without agile education. In: changement digital issue 06 Die Agile Organization , Handelsblatt Fachmedien 2019, pp. 22-25.
  • Nele Graf and Andre M. Schmutte: Teamlead. These leadership roles make teams really successful. In: Manuel Sand (Ed.): Leadership and Guiding. Adventure management in theory and practice. UKV Verlag, Munich 2020, p. 76.80.
  • Nele Graf: Moderation and leadership - two contrary role requirements. In: Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting. Vol. 45, Issue 2. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2014.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Definition and demarcation of the terms Learning 4.0, Agile Learning & New Learning. In: Prof. Dr. Nele Graf. November 19, 2019, accessed April 30, 2020 .
  2. Prof. Dr. Nele Graf // Professors // HAM. In: University of Applied Management. Accessed April 30, 2020 .
  3. Prof. Dr. Nele Graf // Professors // HAM. In: University of Applied Management. Accessed April 30, 2020 .
  4. ^ Nele Graf: Instructions for use for lifelong learning: Findings on further training and how companies and employees can use them; a study by the University of Applied Management, funded by the Vodafone Foundation Germany . Düsseldorf: Vodafone Foundation, 2016 ( [accessed April 30, 2020]).
  5. Prof. Dr. Nele Graf - Humex Consulting. Accessed April 30, 2020 (German).
  6. MENTUS - the transformation catalyst. Accessed April 30, 2020 .
  7. Die Lernonauten - Elearning learning online learning methods learning strategies. Accessed April 30, 2020 .
  8. Prof. Dr. Nele Graf // Professors // HAM. In: University of Applied Management. Accessed April 30, 2020 .