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Neopopularismo is a style within Spanish poetry at the beginning of the 20th century. The name was introduced by Federico Carlos Sainz de Robles . Neopupularismo is a mainly Andalusian phenomenon that arose as a reaction to several modernist currents. The neopopularists were repelled by the elitist and universalist attitude of Spanish modernism as well as by the barreness and reticence of the Spanish avant-garde of the time, especially on the part of so-called ultraismo .

Turning to more popular poetry does not mean turning to backward-looking poetry in a negative sense "rustic". On the contrary, neopopularismo is based on the rediscovery of modern, dissonant structures in old, especially Andalusian folk songs . In terms of literary history, neopopularismo represents the paradox of a 'progressive regression', which is not uncommon in Spain . H. recognizing the most modern stylistic devices in an old tradition .

The stylistic devices of neopopularismo include

  • the laconic ,
  • the suggestion ,
  • bold - especially visual - metaphors
  • turning away from personal experience,
  • the stylization towards the goal of "emotional correctness" (Lorca),
  • the evocation of mysterious processes.

As an example of stylistic elements of neopopuralismo, here is a lullaby (nana) from Andalusia :

¡Ay! No los quiero del campo ni de la era los quiero marineritos que vayan y vuelvan.

¡Quítate de la esquiina chiquillo loco! que tu madre no quiere ni yo tampoco.

¡Ay! Que mi niño currito dormido se queda.

Ay! I don't like them from the land, nor from the threshing floor, it should be sailors who come and go.

Away from the corner, you great rascal! your mother doesn't want it, and neither do I.

Ay! And my busty child is already sleeping.

Juan Ramón Jiménez was the first to discover and use modern elements in oral literature. Other early authors of neopupularismo are Antonio Machado and Miguel de Unamuno . However, the real masters of this style are Federico García Lorca ( Romancero gitano , 1924–1927; Poema del cante jondo , 1921) and Rafael Alberti ( Marinero en tierra , 1924). But Fernando Villalón and especially Gerardo Diego wrote a considerable part of their poems in a neo-popular style. Neopopularismo found its last climax with Miguel Hernández ( Cancionero y romancero de ausencias , 1938–1941).


  • G. Siebenmann: Modern lyric poetry in Spain. Stuttgart 1965. (Extended Spanish version: Madrid 1973)
  • G. Siebenmann: F. García Lorca (1898-1936). An attempt to justify its size. In: G. Siebenmann: Essays on Spanish literature. Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 3-89354-413-5 , pp. 226-243.

See also