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Stigmella betulicola, preparation

Stigmella betulicola , preparation

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Subordination : Glossata
without rank: Heteroneura
Superfamily : Nepticuloidea
Scientific name
Stainton , 1854
The mine of a caterpillar of Stigmella hemargyrella

The Nepticuloidea is a global superfamily of butterflies (Lepidoptera) comprising around 700 species . It occurs in Europe with about 270 species and subspecies .


The adults of the Nepticuloidea have a wingspan of 1.5 to 8.3 millimeters. The smallest butterflies in the world are included in this group. The vertex of the head is rough and has erect, hair-like (piliform) scales . Point eyes ( Ocelli ) and Jordanian organs (Chaetosemata) are missing. In the antennae , the scapus is characteristically widened to a large cap in front of the eyes. The flagellum has specialized, often ramified sensory hairs. The maxillary palps are five-limbed and folded. The short haustellum is naked and reaches a length of 75 to 150% of the length of the labial palps . The prosternum has receded. The wings have a receding vein . The discal cell is usually absent on both pairs of wings, or is only present on the front wings. In the males, a frenulum is only formed on the hind wings of the dwarf leaf miners (Nepticulidae) . In both sexes, however, there is a dense series of long subcostal, pseudofrenular setets on the hind wings. Microtrichia are distributed everywhere on the wing surfaces of the dwarf miners , but they have regressed in the Opostegidae . The anterior rails ( tibia ) of the legs have none, those of the middle two and those of the posterior four spurs. One epiphysis is missing. The tibiae of the hind legs also have showy spiky scales. On the abdomen, the sternum 2a is separate in the dwarf miners, and in the Opostegidae with the lateral grooves (venulae). A tergosternal connection is usually absent and only occurs in some dwarf leaf miners. The Ovipositor is extremely short and cannot be used for drilling. He's ventral heavily covered by the seventh sternite.

The caterpillars have no legs. They only have a single pair of stemmas . In the doll , all hips ( coxae ) are exposed and the second to eighth abdomen segment is thorny on the terga .

Way of life

The caterpillars of the mini miners live as miners in leaves or branches. They have been found in more than 40 families of the Bedecktsamer and are often found in the Holarctic in beech-like (Fagales) and rose-like (Rosales). The large genera are not picky about their food plants, but there are smaller groups that specialize in particular plant families. The caterpillars of the Opostegidae live as miners in leaves, but also in the bark, branches and fruits of various bedding plants. Before the butterfly hatches, the pupa partially frees itself from the oval and lenticular cocoon .

Taxonomy and systematics

The superfamily is placed within the Heteroneura together with the Tischerioidea and the Palaephatoidea in the group Nepticulina , which is considered a sister group of the Incurvariina with the superfamily Incurvarioidea . The following families are included in the superfamily:

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Niels P. Kristensen: Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies . In: Maximilian Fischer (Ed.): Handbook of Zoology . 1st edition. tape 4 - Arthropoda: Insecta , volume 35. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1998, ISBN 3-11-015704-7 , p. 404 (English).
  2. Nepticuloidea in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved June 29, 2012
  3. a b c Niels P. Kristensen: Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies . In: Maximilian Fischer (Ed.): Handbook of Zoology . 1st edition. tape 4 - Arthropoda: Insecta , volume 35. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1998, ISBN 3-11-015704-7 , p. 67 f . (English).
  4. Niels P. Kristensen: Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies . In: Maximilian Fischer (Ed.): Handbook of Zoology . 1st edition. tape 4 - Arthropoda: Insecta , volume 35. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1998, ISBN 3-11-015704-7 , p. 407 (English).
  5. Niels P. Kristensen: Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies . In: Maximilian Fischer (Ed.): Handbook of Zoology . 1st edition. tape 4 - Arthropoda: Insecta , volume 35. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1998, ISBN 3-11-015704-7 , p. 65 (English).


  • Niels P. Kristensen: Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies . In: Maximilian Fischer (Ed.): Handbook of Zoology . 1st edition. tape 4 - Arthropoda: Insecta , volume 35. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1998, ISBN 3-11-015704-7 (English).