Nerina De Walderstein

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Nerina De Walderstein (born July 9, 1925 in Trieste , † February 27, 2011 in Trieste) was an Italian resistance fighter against National Socialism and survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp .


De Walderstein came from a militant anti-fascist family and joined the resistance at a very young age .

Together with her brother she was part of the GAP Venezia ( Patriotic Action Group Venice ). On March 23, 1944, she was arrested in Trieste and locked up in the Villa Triste, where she was interrogated and tortured by fascists .

She was then taken to the Jesuit prison and then to that of Trieste, where she suffered further torture.

On June 21, 1944, De Walderstein was deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and registered there with prisoner number 82132.

After she was initially imprisoned in Auschwitz 1 and Birkenau, she was transferred to the Flossenbürg concentration camp on October 10, 1944, and finally to the Osram lightbulb factory in Plauen . Before leaving for Flossenbürg, De Walderstein defended two little girls from SS men and was injured in the head by one of the men’s rifle butts.

As a result of the Allied bombing of the factory , De Walderstein and her fellow prisoners were freed. Together with a group of other survivors, she fled a transit camp and returned to Italy on her own.

Since the 1950s, De Walderstein has been a very active contemporary witness , especially for young people . In 1952 she stole remains of ashes from a crematorium in Auschwitz-Birkenau, which are now exhibited in the Museum of Risiera di San Sabba .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Unless otherwise stated, all information is taken from De Walderstein's certificate on RAI Educational (see "Weblinks")
  3. Gabriella Nocentini: Tutto questo va detto. La deportazione di Maria Rudolf , Portogruaro: nuova dimensione 2008, ISBN 9788889100554 , p. 26-27