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Rural community Am Ohmberg
Coordinates: 51 ° 28 ′ 13 ″  N , 10 ° 26 ′ 13 ″  E
Height : 341 m above sea level NN
Postal code : 37345
Area code : 036077
Location of the district in the rural community Am Ohmberg
View of the place
View of the place

Neubleicherode is a district of the rural community Am Ohmberg in the Eichsfeld district in Thuringia .


The Neubleicherode settlement is about two kilometers west of the Neustadt im Eichsfeld location . It goes back to a former potash pit and a previous single farm. At the edge of the forest below the Ohmberg (529 m), the Marienthal forester's house is next to a small pond.


On April 1, 1262, the first documentary mention of the settlement at that time took place. Potash salt was mined here from 1908 until after the First World War . After that, the systems served as a weather shaft for the neighboring pits . While the mine was in operation, there was also a connection railway to the Großbodungen station on the disused Bleicherode – Herzberg railway .


  • Christel Funke and Georg Brockt: From the Neubleicherode potash plant. In: Eichsfelder Heimatzeitschrift. Vol. 56 (2012), No. 6, pages 253-256

Web links

Commons : Neubleicherode  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Kahl : First mention of Thuringian towns and villages. A manual. Rockstuhl Verlag, Bad Langensalza, 2010, ISBN 978-3-86777-202-0 , p. 197