New Fruitful Society

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The “ New Fruit Bringing Society of Köthen / Anhalt e. V. - Association for the Maintenance of the German Language “(NFG) was founded on January 18, 2007 in Köthen .

She places herself in the nursing tradition of the fruitful society . While the old fruitbringers did not accept women, they play a leading role in the new one. The computer linguist Uta Seewald-Heeg has been chairman since it was founded . The poet Reiner Kunze is an honorary member of the NFG and gave the first speech on the German language in Köthen in September 2007 (on the day of the German language ) .


The 16 founding members included citizens of Köthen as well as several language care associations and the President of the Pegnese Order of Flowers , as well as the Lord Mayors of Köthen, Kurt-Jürgen Zander, and Roßlau (Elbe) , Klemens Koschig , and Klaus Conermann, who scientifically dealt with the original fruitful Company busy.

At the time of its founding, the new society adopted a Köthen declaration . Accordingly, she has set herself the task of “maintaining, practicing and cultivating the German language in its fundamental essence and meaning”. Based on the word of the Fruitful Society of 1617 “Everything to Use”, the New Fruitful Society places its actions under the motto “Everything to use - to everyone's use!”


Board of the New Fruit Bringing Society

  • 1st chairwoman Uta Seewald-Heeg
  • Deputy Chairman Wolfgang Hildebrandt
  • Treasurer Julia Schinköthe



The company wants to make Köthen a center of language maintenance and has, among other things, set up a house for the German language. To mark the 390th anniversary of the founding of the fruit-bearing society on August 24, 2007, the successor society organized the 1st Köthener Language Day . The language day has taken place annually since then. Since 2008 the society has held an annual writing competition for schoolchildren.

The former minister of culture of Saxony-Anhalt Werner Sobetzko is chairman of the advisory board of the society.


The then President of the German Academy for Language and Poetry , Klaus Reichert , accused the society in May 2007 of wanting to “put the German language under a glass bell”. The chairwoman Uta Seewald-Heeg rejected the allegations and in return invited Reichert to the language day in Koethen so that he could change his mind. Reichert then took part in the jury for a school competition organized by the NFG.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New Fruit Bringing Society in Köthen / Anhalt
  2. ^ Matthias Bartl: Köthen as a bridge and roof. Neue Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft wants to join forces for the German language , in: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Köthener edition), January 20, 2007, page 10
  3. Köthen Declaration , January 18, 2007
  4. the New Fruit Bringing Society on
  5. Thomas Paulwitz : Look at this city. A center of attraction for language cultivation is emerging in Köthen / Anhalt , in: Deutsche Sprachwelt 27, spring 2007, page 3
  7. Language maintainer in the garden realm. Klaus Reichert at the conference of the German Academy for Language and Poetry in Wörlitz . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, May 8, 2007
  8. Invitation to Koethen . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, May 12, 2007