New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra

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The Sumida Triphony Hall , the main venue for the New Japanese Philharmonic Orchestra

The New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra ( Japanese 公益 財 団 法人 新 日本 フ ィ ル ハ ー モ ニ ー 交響 楽 団 , Kōeki Zaidan Hōjin Shin Nihon Firuhāmonī Kōkyō Gakudan , English New Japan Philharmonic ) is a professional Japanese symphony orchestra for classical music . It was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Kinshi, Sumida Ward , Tokyo . The orchestra is a regular member of the Japanese Orchestra Association .


The founding of the orchestra goes back to a dispute between the Japanese Philharmonic Orchestra in 1969, Nippon Cultural Broadcasting and Fuji Television . The announcement that the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, financed from license fees, was to be dissolved, prompted two thirds of the orchestra members to found a new and independent orchestra together with Seiji Ozawa and Naozumi Yamamoto in 1972. Since 1997 the orchestra has practiced and played in the Sumida Triphony Hall in Tokyo. In 2001 the orchestra performed there together with guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen . It typically occurs 16 times in Triphony Hall and eight times in Suntory Hall over the course of a calendar year . Toshiyuki Kamioka has been leading the orchestra since September 2016 .

Selection of former conductors


together with Joe Hisaishi :

  • 2004 World Dreams
  • 2005 Works III
  • 2005 An American in Paris ( パ リ の ア メ リ カ 人 )
  • 2006 Manatsu no yoru no akumu ( 真 夏 の 夜 の 悪 夢 )
  • 2006 Wdo (sampler of the past three concerts)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Toshiyuki KAMIOKA. New Japan Philharmonic, accessed February 22, 2017 (Japanese).
  2. Biography. (No longer available online.) New Japan Orchestra, 2014, archived from the original on December 13, 2014 ; accessed on December 12, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /