Nicolas de L'Hospital

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Nicolas de L'Hospital, duc de Vitry
Coat of arms of the L'Hospital family

Nicolas de L'Hospital , marquis, then duc de Vitry, seigneur de Nandy and Coubert , also known as Maréchal de Vitry (* 1581 ; † September 28, 1644 in Nandy ), was a military and aristocrat at the beginning of the 17th century. From King Louis XIII. he was appointed Marshal of France .


He was the eldest son of Louis Gallucio de L'Hospital and Françoise de Brichanteau and the grandson of François de L'Hospital. His younger brother, François de L'Hospital , also became Marshal of France.

He married Lucrèce Bouhier de Beaumarchais, an illegitimate daughter of Louis de La Trémoille , marquis de Noirmoutier , and sister-in-law of Charles I er de La Vieuville. They had three children, one of whom later became an extraordinary ambassador to the Electorate of Bavaria .

Military career

Nicolas de L'Hospital rose under Louis XIII. to the captain of the royal guard . As such, he was instrumental in the execution of Concino Concini , protégé and favorite of the regent and mother of Louis XIII, Marie de Médicis . On April 24, 1617 he received, probably from Charles d'Albert, duc de Luynes , the order to eliminate Concini.

After this raid for reasons of state, he was made Marshal of France and Governor of the Bastille . Here he also acted from May 4, 1617 to May 11, 1617 as jailer for the so-called "Maréchale d'Ancre", Léonora Dori , wife of Concino Concini and a confidante of Marie de Médicis, who then transferred to the Conciergerie , sentenced and was executed.

From 1631 to 1637 he was governor of Provence . His domineering and haughty manner and abuse of power brought him into constant conflict with the Parliament of Provence. In 1634 he was summoned to court for this and disciplined by being temporarily replaced by the Marquis de Saint-Chamond , who was the exact opposite of L'Hospital. After he was allowed to return to his post in Aix-en-Provence in 1635, he picked up where he left off. Thereupon he finally fell out of favor. On October 27, 1637, on the orders of Cardinal Richelieu , he was arrested on the way to Saint-Germain and taken to the Bastille. He was charged with perpetrating acts of violence under the (disgraced) Archbishop Henri d'Escoubleau de Sourdis .

Released on January 19, 1643, he died in Nandy in 1644 .

L'Hospital was Chevalier de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit .


  1. extramarital
  2. Lucrèce Bouhier. In: Geneanet .
  3. Marie Bouhier. In: Geneanet.
  4. ^ Prosper Cabasse: Essais historiques sur le parlement de Provence, depuis son origine jusqu'à sa suppression, 1501–1790. Volume 2. Pihan Delaforest, Paris 1826, p. 173 ( full text in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ).

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