Nicole Makarewicz

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Nicole Makarewicz (born April 1, 1976 in Vienna ) is an Austrian author and journalist.


Nicole Makarewicz studied communication science , sociology and psychology at the University of Vienna . Since 1994 she has been working as a journalist and editor for Austrian journals and magazines (including Kurier-Freizeit , Moments, Lebensweise).

Her debut novel "Dropside" was published in April 2009 by the Viennese Seifert Verlag; At the end of 2010 the series of stories "Every Night" followed. In 2018 her thriller debut "Dein Fleisch und Blut" was published by Holzbaum Verlag in Vienna. In addition, many of her stories have been published in literary magazines and anthologies. She is a member of the Austrian Writers 'Association , the IG Authors' Authors , the Syndicate, the crime writers and the Murderous Sisters.

Nicole Makarewicz is married, has two daughters and lives in Vienna.


  • 2009: 12th Munich Short Story Competition (1st prize)
  • 2009: Forum Land Literature Prize 2009 (1st prize)
  • 2013: Alpine Crime Competition (3rd place)
  • 2018: Thriller manuscript award from Holzbaum Verlag

Literary scholarships

  • 2012/04: Crime scholarship Tatort Töwerland
  • 2012/12: Working grant for literature from the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture
  • 2013/06: Working grant for literature from the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture
  • 2014/01: Working grant for literature from the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture
  • 2015/01: Working grant for literature from the Federal Chancellery
  • 2016/06: Working grant for literature from the Federal Chancellery
  • 2017/01: Working grant for literature from the Federal Chancellery


Web links