Nikolai Alexejewitsch Efimov

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Nikolai Alexejewitsch Jefimow ( Russian: Николай Алексеевич Ефимов ; * 1897 in Chernobyl ; † August 14, 1937 ) was a Ukrainian - Russian officer in the Red Army and KomKor .


Efimov, the son of a civil servant, attended high school in Kiev, and then graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic . During the First World War he was drafted into the Tsarist army in 1916 and was Podporutschik at the end of the war .

After the October Revolution , Yefimov joined the Communist Party in 1918 . During the Russian Civil War , he was given various higher-ranking command duties. He also studied at the Military Academy of the Red Army (1919–1922). 1921–1923 he was chief of staff of the Cheka troops . In 1924 he became managing director of the staff department of the Red Army and in 1926 Deputy Armaments Chief . In 1931 he became head of the headquarters for missiles and artillery and in 1934 a member of the council of war at the People's Commissariat for Defense.

Yefimov was arrested on 22 May 1937 from the August 14, 1937 Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced to death , and on the same day shot . On February 9, 1957, he was rehabilitated.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Репрессии в Красной Армии (accessed July 2, 2018).
  2. a b Ефимов Николай Алексеевич. Начало (accessed July 2, 2018).