Nikolai Ivanovich Summer

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Nikolai Ivanovich summer ( Russian Николай Иванович Зоммер * April 19 . Jul / 1. May  1824 greg. In Saransk , † September 27 jul. / 9. October  1847 greg. In Kazan ) was a Russian sinologist .


After completing his training in the Cadet Corps (graduation in 1793), Sommer's father was a drawing teacher in Saransk. Sommer's uncle was a German teacher at the grammar school in Penza . Summer attended the 1st high school in Kazan from 1837–1841, where he learned Chinese and Mongolian . After graduating from high school, he was obliged to work for 6 years in a position assigned by the Ministry of Education.

From 1841–1845, Sommer studied at the Chair of Mongolian Literature in the 1st Department of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Kazan . His teachers there were Iossif Pawlowitsch Woizechowski , with whom he studied Manchurian , Daniil Siwillow and Alexander Wassiljewitsch Popow , who was his teacher at the grammar school. During his studies, he received 142 rubles a year, of which 1% went to the pension fund . In 1843, the secretary of the Academy of Sciences, Christian Martin Joachim Frähn , asked the curator of the Kazan Science District, Mikhail Nikolajewitsch Mussin-Pushkin, to recommend a capable Sinology student from the Eastern Department for work in St. Petersburg . Then in 1844 Józef Kowalewski created a special study program for summer to prepare for work as an adjunct of the Academy of Sciences. In June 1845, Sommer successfully defended his work on the foundations of the new Chinese philosophy , so that in December 1845 he received his doctorate as a candidate in Eastern literature after Wilhelm Schott had given the work a positive assessment.

The other work in summer in close contact with the Academy of Sciences was made known by the Academy with a view to the Master's examination at the University of Kazan. In February and March 1847, Sommer took his master's degree in Kazan in order to then defend his master's thesis on the development of philosophy in China from its beginnings to the present, as well as the struggles of the schools of philosophy and their influence on life in China. Thereafter, Sommer should be seconded to Paris and Troitskossawsk for further studies . But Sommer died during the cholera epidemic . The master's thesis was lost, while the candidate thesis was published in 1852 and republished in 2009. The work on the foundations of Chinese philosophy was the first Russian study of neoconfucianism .

Individual evidence

  1. Зоммер, Николай Иванович . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 7 , 1897, p. 450-451 ( Wikisource [accessed August 20, 2018]).
  2. Зоммер (Николай Иванович, 1824–47) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XIIa, 1894, p. 664 ( Wikisource [accessed August 20, 2018]).
  3. Мартынов Д. Е .: Научное наследие Н. И. Зоммера в архивных материалах . In: Учёные записки Отдела Китая ИВ РАН . 2010, p. 365-368 .
  4. Н. Зоммер: Об основаниях новой китайской философии . In: Учёные записки, издаваемые Императорским Казанским университетом за 1851 г . tape 1 , 1852, p. 109-167 .
  5. Д. Е. Мартынов: Николай Иванович Зоммер - первый исследователь неоконфуцианства в России . In: Четвёртые Торчиновские чтения: Философия, религия и культура стран Востока . 2007, p. 452-458 .
  6. Д. Е. Мартынов: Конфуцианское учение: учебное пособие . Казанский гос. ун-т., Kazan 2009, ISBN 978-5-98180-727-5 , p. 116-144 .