Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev

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Nikolai Rastorgujew in October 2016

Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguyev ( Russian Николай Вячеславович Расторгуев ., Scientific transliteration Nikolaj Rastorguev Vjačeslavovič * 21 February 1957 in Bykovo , Moscow Oblast , Russian SFSR , Soviet Union ) is a Russian singer , musician , actor and politician . He is the band leader of the folk-rock band Ljube , one of the most famous music groups in Russia. For this activity Rastorgujew was honored in 2002 as a People's Artist of the Russian Federation . Since 2010, parallel to his music career, he has been a member of the United Russia party in the State Duma of the Stavropol region .


In addition to his work as a singer in the group Lyube, Nikolai Rastorgujew also works as a solo artist.

Publishing year Original title Transcribed title Translation / Notes
1996 Четыре ночи в Москве Tschetyre notschi w Moskwe Four nights in Moscow
2007 Birthday (With Love) Birthday (With Love) Birthday (with love)


Feature films

Publishing year Original title Transcribed title Translation / Notes
1985 Витражных дел мастер Vitaschnych del master Stained glass manufacturer
1994 Зона Любэ Sona Ljube Zone Ljube
1996 Старые песни о главном 1 Starye pesni o glawnom 1 Old songs about the important 1
1997 Старые песни о главном 2 Starye pesni o glawnom 2 Old songs about the important 2
1997 Старые песни о главном 3 Starye pesni o glawnom 3 Old songs about the important 3
1998 На бойком месте Well boikom meste In a busy place
2000 Чек Chek The check
2000 Я вспоминаю Yes vspominaju I remember
2001 Женское счастье Shenskoe stschastye Women happiness
2011 Первая осень войны Pervaya osen woiny The first autumn of the war
2014 Деньги Dengi money

TV Shows

Publishing year Original title Transcribed title Translation / Notes
2003 Полосатое лето Polosatoe leto Striped summer
2015 Людмила Гурченко Lyudmila Gurchenko Lyudmila Gurchenko

Awards and honors

Individual evidence

  1. Presidential Decree of October 10, 2002 , № 1149, October 10, 2002
  2. Presidential Decree of February 21, 2007 , № 231, February 21, 2007