Nikolaus Bustorp

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Nikolaus Bustorp (* before 1470 in Neumünster ; † 1540 in Hamburg ) was a German theologian of the Reformation period in Hamburg.


Nikolaus Bustorp enrolled at the University of Rostock in September 1482 with the indication of origin "de Nouo Monasterio" . From 1497 he worked as a canonicus and preacher at the Hamburg Cathedral . As a veteran Hamburg preacher and advocate of the old faith, from 1521 onwards he vehemently opposed the introduction of the Reformation in Hamburg. Between the University of Rostock, which was committed to the old faith during the Reformation until 1542, and the Hamburg Cathedral, close relationships have existed since Heinrich von Geismar's occupation of the architecture at Hamburg Cathedral by members and graduates of Rostock University. In 1525, the Rostock theologian Barthold Moller , who came from a patrician family in Hamburg, was elected Lector Primarius at the Hamburg Cathedral for the late Johann Engelin . He took up this office in 1526, but as a Catholic he stayed in Hamburg with, among others, his former student Stephan Kempe , who had become a Lutheran pastor at St. Katharinen in 1527 , and Johann Zegenhagen von St. Nikolai , the first Lutheran chief pastor in Hamburg Reformation disputes. Kempe certified Nikolaus Bustorp in this dispute to be a powerful theological spokesman for the old faith. After a disputation on April 28, 1528, chaired by the mayor, many Catholic priests in Hamburg were expelled from the city. Moller was not one of them, but left the city voluntarily on May 19, 1528 and returned to the University of Rostock.

Bustorp was one of the five Catholic clergymen who had to leave Hamburg in 1528 on the advice of the council. This was the breakthrough of the Reformation in Hamburg. Five years later he returned to Hamburg, gave a revocation sermon and promised not to attack Lutheran doctrine any more. Thereupon he became pastor and Lector secundarius th. Appointed at the Hamburg Cathedral and remained in office until his death.



  • Hans Schröder : Bustorp, Nikolaus . In: Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present /… elaborated. by Hans Schröder ..., Volume 1, Hamburg 1851, No. 0544
  • Rainer Postel : The Reformation in Hamburg . Poppy, 1986
  • Jana Jürgs: The Reformation Discourse of the City of Hamburg: Event-dependent Text Type Occurrence and Text Type-Dependent Event Representation of the Reformation in Hamburg 1521–1531 , Tectum Verlag, 2003 ( )

Individual evidence

  1. Entry 1482 in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. ^ Wilhelm Sillem:  Zegenhagen, Johann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 44, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1898, pp. 764-768.
  3. Bustorp's identity as the collector of the publication emerges from the first letters of the lines of a Latin poem at the end of the volume ( fol. CCXXXVII verso f. ).