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Nireus ( ancient Greek Νιρεύς ) is a king of Syme in Greek mythology and a participant in the Trojan War .

He was the son of Charopos and Aglaia and was one of Helena's suitors , which is why he had to take part in the Trojan War with three ships as leader of the small contingent of Syme on the side of the Greeks. Nireus was considered the second most beautiful participant after Achilles , but non-warlike. He was killed in battle by Eurypylos or by Aeneas .


Web links

  • Nireus in the Greek Mythology Index

Individual evidence

  1. According to Diodorus 5, 53 he also ruled over part of the peninsula of Knidos .
  2. ^ Hyginus , Fabulae 81.
  3. Homer , Iliad 2, 671 ff.
  4. Quintus of Smyrna 6, 410 ff .; Hyginus, Fabulae 113; Dictys Cretensis 4, 17.
  5. Dares Phrygius 21.