Norad - The Resurrection

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German title Norad - The Resurrection
Original title Norad - Resurrection
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1999
length 65 minutes
Age rating FSK without
Director Robert Amper
script Robert Amper
production Robert Amper
music Thomas Amper
camera Johanna Herbst
cut Robert Amper

Norad - The resurrection is the fifth of five films about the spaceship Highlander , who after the success of the first part, The Return of Captain Norad , Captain Norad, ruler of the universe , Captain Norad, King of the impossible and spaceship Highlander: History produces has been. It is a parody of the science fiction film genre , especially Star Trek , but also other works. The film was broadcast on Sat.1 . After finishing the work on this film, Robert Amper declared the series around the spaceship Highlander to be over and did not allow himself to be carried away by repeated requests for a sequel.


On the way to the vacation planet Disney , a small asteroid penetrates the shell of Captain Robert T. Norad's ferry. Norad is forced to go into cold sleep. But instead of the expected 23 minutes, he slept for 23 years. When he is found, the members of his former crew are scattered in all four directions. At the instigation of a slightly senile Chief Admiral Stone they are summoned together again in a hurry and put on the HIGHLANDER to protect Norad from a shock and to give him the illusion that he really only lay in a cold sleep for 23 minutes. This leads to various breakdowns, because the bridge of the new HIGHLANDER - not U SS, but only "SS" - looks completely different, of course. The old crew members also address each other with their new titles, chief physician Hurdel is now professor, T'Para captain and Vesk admiral. Donovan, on the other hand, complains about his dirty retirement.

At first, Norad is completely clueless and gropes from one misery to the next. Meanwhile, Chief Admiral Stone wrote down Norad's name on a piece of paper. What he does not notice: the note is actually the list for the candidates for the election of the President of the Planetary Union. And apparently Norad is a man of the people, because he wins the election with an outstanding result.

At the same time, Norad is catching up to the age of 23 and he's starting to age. The crew has mercy on him and tells him the truth. At first he can't believe it, but then he has to accept reality. When T'Para asks him if he really hasn't noticed that everything in the ship is different, he says he missed the buttons. His captain's chair had buttons that could be pressed on both sides.

At this very moment, Stone arrives on the HIGHLANDER to announce the election results. At first Norad refuses, because he wants to stay with his crew, but T'Para encourages him, because as president he would have buttons as many as he wanted. That convinces Norad and he agrees to take over the office.

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