Nordheimer Kreuzberg

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The Kreuzberg vineyards on the right

Nordheimer Kreuzberg is one of the most famous vineyards in the Franconian region . It is located in the district of Nordheim am Main in the Lower Franconian district of Kitzingen .

Geographical location and geology

The vineyard is on the so-called wine island near the village of Nordheim am Main. It occupies the northeastern part of the 287 m high mountain of the same name, which forms the center of the island. In the north and northeast, the Main limits the vineyards, on the opposite side of the river lies the Astheimer Karthäuser vineyards . To the east are the nature reserve Wald an der Hallburg and the Hallburger Schlossberg , while the vineyards of the Sommeracher Rosenberg border in the south . The west is taken by the Nordheimer Vogelein .

Today, the North Heimer Kreuzberg occupies an area of about 91 hectares and is part of the major site Volkacher Kirchberg in the range Volkacher Main loop . The area has decreased to almost half since the beginning of the 21st century (170 hectares in 2004). The location is oriented to the north and northwest and was created in parts with a 25% incline on slightly steeper slopes than the neighboring Vogelein. A heterogeneous microclimate prevails on the slope, which makes cultivation difficult. The grapes grow on the soils of the shell limestone , and Lettenkeuper can also be found at the top of the slope .



Viticulture has been demonstrated on the Main loop since the beginning of the 10th century . Already in the document of 918, in which Nordheim was mentioned for the first time, there is talk of vineyards in the district. The Münsterschwarzach monastery , which was able to consolidate its influence over the village in the later centuries, was one of the focal points of Franconian viticulture in the Middle Ages. On the one hand, the monks needed wine for liturgical services, on the other hand, sales were an important economic factor.

After the dissolution of the monastery in the course of secularization at the beginning of the 19th century, viticulture in Nordheim fell into a crisis. The vines were outdated and the monastery ceased to be a sales market. In the previous years, worse locations had also been planted with vines. From 1900 phylloxera appeared in Nordheim and many vineyards were given up. It was not until the 1980s that viticulture was able to stabilize.

In the 20th century, the Nordheim district consisted of a total of 25 vineyards with different names. The eastern part of the district, which was made up of vineyards, was occupied by eight individual layers. The locations Am Volkacher Weg and Am Hallburger Weg have been preserved as street names in the village. In the implementation of the Wine Act of 1971, all eastern locations were combined to form the single location Nordheimer Kreuzberg.

Origin of name

The origin of the name Kreuzberg for the vineyard and the mountain itself is unclear. Possibly it goes back to Slavic or Wendish settlers, who drove the clearing of the forest on the mountain and planted the vineyards. In Old High German , the mountain was therefore probably called Gereutsberg (from reut for clearing). The older literature assumes that there was a Christian place of worship on the slope. Perhaps there was a cross there against accidents during the grape harvest.

Wineries (selection)

Several renowned wineries now own vines around Nordheim. In addition to some locally recognized companies, there are also a number of nationally known wine growers and excellent goods:


  • Hans Bauer: District of Kitzingen. An art and culture guide . Market wide 1993.
  • Franziskus Büll: The importance of viticulture for the Benedictine abbey Münsterschwarzach . In: Historical Section of the Bavarian Benedictine Academy (ed.): Studies and communications on the history of the Benedictine order and its branches, Vol. 119/2008 . St. Ottilien 2008. pp. 189-221.
  • Barbara Holtz: The vineyard names in the Kitzingen district . In: Andreas Pampuch (Hrsg.): Nature and landscape of the district of Kitzingen II. Volume . Kitzingen 1981. pp. 124-160.
  • Franz Pfrang: The history of viticulture on the Main loop . In: Ute Feuerbach (Ed.): Our Main Loop. 1978-1992 . Volkach 2008. pp. 23-28.
  • Michael Steinbacher: Slavic traces along the Volkacher Mainschleife . In: Yearbook for the district of Kitzingen 2017. Under the spell of the Schwanberg . Dettelbach 2017. pp. 303–323.

Web links

Commons : Nordheimer Kreuzberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Vineyard information: Nordheimer Kreuzberg , accessed on October 15, 2018.
  2. Nordheim am Main: Weinlage Weinschleife , PDF file, accessed on October 15, 2018.
  3. ^ Bauer, Hans: District of Kitzingen . P. 191.
  4. ^ Büll, Franziskus: The importance of viticulture for the Benedictine abbey Münsterschwarzach . Pp. 207-210.
  5. ^ Pfrang, Franz: The history of viticulture on the Main loop . P. 25.
  6. Holtz, Barbara: The vineyard names in the district of Kitzingen . P. 126.
  7. Steinbacher, Michael: Slavic traces along the Volkacher Mainschleife . P. 303.
  8. Weingut am Kreuzberg: Homepage , accessed on October 15, 2018.

Coordinates: 49 ° 51 ′ 15.2 ″  N , 10 ° 12 ′ 1.3 ″  E