Nymphenburg Talks

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The Nymphenburg Talks are an ideal association of different groups and people for intercultural and interreligious dialogue , founded in 2007 in Munich .

Logo of the Nymphenburg Talks


The organizing committee consists of representatives of the cooperating groups and individuals. Its members represent different religious and cultural traditions. The members of the organizing committee are or were:

  • Mehmed Celik (Intercultural Dialog Center Munich eV)
  • Ralph Deja (Pax Christi Munich and Freising)
  • Isa Güzel (Intercultural Dialog Center Munich eV)
  • Jutta Höcht-Stöhr (Evangelical City Academy Munich)
  • Mehmet Pekince (Intercultural Dialog Center Munich eV)
  • Matthias von Sarnowski (position for intercultural work at the LH Munich), until 2019
  • Stefan Jakob Wimmer ( Friends of Abraham eV )
  • Stephan Leimgruber (Chair for Religious Education LMU), until 2014
  • Margret Spohn (position for intercultural work at the LH Munich), until 2015
  • Bayram Türksezer (Intercultural Dialog Center Munich eV), until 2014
  • Antje Herbst (position for intercultural work at the LH Munich), until 2016

The patron of the Nymphenburg Talks is Franz Duke of Bavaria , head of the Wittelsbach family .


The events as part of the Nymphenburg Talks take place in the vicinity of Nymphenburg Palace , but also in other venues in Munich, such as B. in the large meeting room of the New Town Hall , in the Munich Residence , in the Künstlerhaus , in the main building of the Ludwig Maximilians University , etc. a. instead of. The speakers so far have included Alois Glück (then President of the Bavarian State Parliament), Ercan Karakoyun (urban sociologist and managing director of FID Berlin), Jörg Lau (journalist "Die Zeit"), Marian Offman (then vice-president of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria ), Benjamin Idriz (Imam, Center for Islam in Europe - Munich (ZIE-M)), Cem Özdemir (MEP, Alliance 90 / The Greens), Mustafa Cerić (Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Matthias Drobinski (journalist, "Süddeutsche Zeitung"), Navid Kermani (journalist and writer), Eric Nelson (Consul General of the USA), Dirk Ippen (publisher "Münchner Merkur"), Jakob Finci (President of the Jewish Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Switzerland), Mathias Rohe (Former judge and Islamic scholar, University of Erlangen), Thomas Michel SJ (Washington and Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Vatican), Rainer Hermann (Abu Dhabi, editor "Frankfurter Allge mine "), Leonid R. Sykiainen (lawyer and orientalist, University of Moscow), Savas Genc (political scientist, University of Istanbul), Ruprecht Polenz (Member of the Bundestag, CDU), Christel Morehouse ( Bertelsmann Foundation ), Hamed Abdel-Samad (author), Ahmad Milad Karimi (Islamic scholar), Ilija Trojanow (author), a. a. - For the fifth anniversary, a panel event was held on November 21, 2012 in the Künstlerhaus in Munich with the top candidates in the 2013 state elections on the question of "Migration, Integration and Welcoming Culture". Since 2014 people like Timofey Neshitov (journalist), Aylin Aykan (pianist), Lamya Kaddor (Muslim religious educator), Ahmad Mansour (psychologist and author) and others have been participating in the event series "The New Faces of Germany" . a. presented.


According to his own presentation, "The basis and prerequisite for the Nymphenburg Talks are the perception of social responsibility, which becomes concrete in the resolute commitment to peaceful coexistence of the various groups in society. ... Problems in our society are independent of origin, religion and culture. The Nymphenburg Talks want to contribute in particular to promoting the social coexistence of different cultural, religious and ethnic groups, to get the conversation between such groups going and to keep going and to discuss, propose and the The common values ​​that all people have in common, namely the ethos of humanity, form the basis of these efforts. "

The following is formulated as the objective:

"The primary goal of the Nymphenburg Talks is to serve as a source of inspiration for the multipliers of the intercultural and interreligious dialogue, who aim to promote peaceful coexistence between people from different cultures, religions and nations and to raise awareness of the common values ​​in the The Nymphenburg Talks are intended to help ensure that cultural and religious diversity is perceived as enriching and that this diversity is fully exploited within our city of Munich. We do not fail to recognize the dangerous tendencies that threaten to divide our society: Mutual demarcation and exclusion, religiously based incompatibility of cultures and traditions, preservation of one's own identity by demonizing others. It is precisely these tendencies that the Nymphenburg Talks want to counteract. There is no sensible alternative to dialogue. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.jungeakademie.de/cms/?q=node/1192 ( Memento from August 3, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )
  2. Small steps towards rapprochement. In: sueddeutsche.de. May 17, 2010, accessed September 9, 2018 .
  3. http://www.nymphenburger-gespraeche.de/archiv.html
  4. a b www.nymphenburger-gespraeche.de/ansracht.html