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Under the name OSTLUFT monitor Ostschweizer cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein , the air quality in common, the data analyze and publish the findings. OSTLUFT includes the cantons of Appenzell Ausserrhoden , Appenzell Innerrhoden , Glarus , Schaffhausen , St. Gallen , Thurgau and Zurich , the Principality of Liechtenstein and - in some areas - the Canton of Graubünden . The registered office of the joint project is in St. Gallen .


As part of the intercantonal cooperation between the cantons of Eastern Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, OSTLUFT was created in 2001 for joint monitoring and assessment of air quality and for informing the population. The cooperation is regulated in an agreement between the cantons involved and the Principality of Liechtenstein. The OSTLUFT activities are coordinated by their management and the business committee, in which the air hygiene departments of the partners involved are represented.


  • Monitoring of air quality in accordance with the Swiss Clean Air Ordinance (LRV) by means of measurements
  • Investigation of the development over time and the spatial differentiation based on the measurements and with the help of models
  • Allocation of the pollution situation to the emission sources as a basis for measures
  • Success control
  • Informing the public

Activity and measuring stations

In the OSTLUFT area, the air quality is recorded at around 30 locations using the key pollutants nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), fine dust (PM10) and ozone (O 3 ) with automatic measuring stations with high temporal resolution. Two thirds of these stations are operated by OSTLUFT, individual locations are only measured every two years. This network is supplemented by additional measuring systems that can be used flexibly in terms of space and time to answer specific questions. These measuring systems include, for example, passive collectors for nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and ammonia (NH 3 ). The knowledge about the air quality can be deepened and clearly illustrated by means of own model calculations. Specific questions are examined in projects. OSTLUFT works with countries close to the border (e.g. International Lake Constance Conference ), the federal government ( FOEN ), other cantons and scientific institutions (e.g. Paul Scherrer Institute ).

Individual evidence

  1. Press text Switzerland: Ostluft.ch clarifies air values ​​on article from April 25, 2001
  2. DRS 1 : Ostluft measures new on the green meadow Regionaljournal Ostschweiz from Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 12:03 p.m.

Web links