Obama ladislavii

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Obama ladislavii
Obama ladislavii, dorsal view, head side up

Obama ladislavii , dorsal view, head side up

Class : Vortex worms (Turbellaria)
Order : Tricladida
Family : Land planarians (Geoplanidae)
Subfamily : Geoplaninae
Genre : Obama
Type : Obama ladislavii
Scientific name
Obama ladislavii
Graff , 1899

Obama ladislavii is a type of land planarians ( flatworms belongingto the vortex worms ). Frequent sites are human-modified habitats in southern Brazil . The green color of the back is species-specific.


Detail of Obama ladislavii , the side eyes can be seen as black dots at the edge of the front end.

Obama ladislavii is a medium-sized land planarie with a lance-shaped body. Individuals reach a body length of approximately 100 millimeters. The back is colored green, varying from bright to brownish green tones. The ventral side shows a yellowish color.

Many eyes, approx. 800, of O. ladislavii are distributed over the first millimeters on the edge of the body, they can be recognized as small black dots. Further back, the eyes are mainly on the back side, where they occupy the midline. The eyes on the back are surrounded by an area without color pigments, so that these can be seen as small, bright points under magnification.

In adult animals, two irregular rows of dark green colored spots can be seen in the front half of the body, these are testicles that shine through the body surface.


Obama ladislavii occurs in the southern states of Brazil , Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul . The habitats are both anthropogenically modified habitats, such as gardens and plantations , as well as untouched environments, for example moist forests. The forest areas in which O. ladislavii has been identified include forests of the Brazilian araucarias , Atlantic rainforests and forests in which the trees sometimes shed their leaves seasonally.


Obama ladislavii captured a snail of water.

Like most land planarians, O. ladislavii is a predator . In laboratory experiments, O. ladislavii caught and ate small snails , including agricultural pests such as Bradybaena similaris , spotted garden snails and water snails . The hunters can detect and follow the slime trail of snails.

As soon as the land planaria finds a prey, it is held in place by muscle power and, if the hunt is successful, it puts the pharynx over small snails in order to consume them completely. In large snails, O. ladislavii penetrates the prey body through the pharynx and sucks the inside out after digestive enzymes have been injected into the body.


The name Obama is derived from the Tupi language that was spoken on the Atlantic coast of Brazil . It is a combination of the words oba (German leaf ) and ma (German animal ). This refers to the outer, leaf-like shape.

The botanist Ladislau de Souza Mello Netto , who was director of the Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro from 1874 to 1893 , was posthumously honored with the species epithet ladislavii .

Web links

Commons : Obama ladislavii  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Piter Kehoma Boll, Ana Maria Leal-Zanchet: Predation on invasive land gastropods by a Neotropical land planarian . In: Journal of Natural History . 49, No. 17-18, 2014, ISSN  0022-2933 , pp. 983-994. doi : 10.1080 / 00222933.2014.981312 .
  2. a b Marta Álvarez-Presas, Silvana V. Amaral, Fernando Carbayo, Ana M. Leal-Zanchet, Marta Riutort: Focus on the details: morphological evidence supports new cryptic land flatworm (Platyhelminthes) species revealed with molecules . In: Organisms Diversity & Evolution . 15, No. 2, 2015, ISSN  1439-6092 , pp. 379-403. doi : 10.1007 / s13127-014-0197-z .
  3. ^ Israel Alberto Fick, Ana Maria Leal-Zanchet, Emerson Monteiro Vieira: Community structure of land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Terricola): comparisons between Araucaria and Atlantic forest in Southern Brazil . In: Invertebrate Biology . 125, No. 4, 2006, ISSN  1077-8306 , pp. 306-313. doi : 10.1111 / j.1744-7410.2006.00062.x .
  4. F. Carbayo, M. Álvarez-Presas, CUT Olivares, FPL Marques, EXM Froehlich, M. Riutort: Molecular phylogeny of Geoplaninae (Platyhelminthes) challenges current classification: Proposal of taxonomic actions . In: Zoologica Scripta . 42, No. 5, 2013, pp. 508-528. doi : 10.1111 / zsc.12019 .
  5. Blog entry by Piter Kehoma Boll, a (co-) author of several publications on land planarians. Retrieved June 30, 2020 .