Bradybaena similaris

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Bradybaena similaris
Bradybaena similaris

Bradybaena similaris

Order : Lung snails (pulmonata)
Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Superfamily : Helicoidea
Family : Shrub snails (Bradybaenidae)
Genre : Bradybaena
Type : Bradybaena similaris
Scientific name
Bradybaena similaris
OV Müller , 1774
Housing of Bradybaena similaris

Bradybaena similaris is a species of snail from the family of shrub snails (Bradybaenidae) in the suborder of land snails (Stylommatophora). It isnativeto Southeast Asia but has established itself as an invasive species in North America , South America , Africa, and Oceania . It feeds on a variety of crops, among other things.


The housing of Bradybaena similaris is about 12 mm to 16 mm in size and has about 5½ spherical turns, which increase regularly and are convex. The shell shows fine, irregular growth lines and fine spiral lines. The shell is light brown in color, often with a single central maroon band. In the adult snail, the lip of the muzzle is bent and the spindle partially covers the umbilicus.

Life cycle

Love arrow by Bradybaena similaris

Bradybaena similaris is around 2 to 3 years old. The hermaphrodites mate to exchange sperm and shoot lime love arrows in the process. Ready-made snails hatch 2 to 4 weeks after egg-laying.


Bradybaena similaris is native to Southeast Asia. It is widespread in China , Indonesia , Japan , Singapore , Sri Lanka , Taiwan , Vietnam , but also as an invasive species in North America , South America , Central America , Africa and Oceania . Here it was spread by humans with plant shipments.


Bradybaena similaris feeds on a wide range of plants. Among the monocots , these include flower cane ( Canna ), sweet grasses such as Panicum brachyanthus and lilies such as Lilium canadense , among the dicotyledons, among others, bougainvillea , lagerstroemia , Averrhoa carambola , coffee , mango , white cabbage , watercress , common bean and various citrus beans . With its radula , the snail can grate both the shell of fruits and the epidermis of leaves.


The land planaria Endeavouria septemlineata eats Bradybaena similaris

In addition to birds , reptiles and amphibians , predatory snails such as the rosy wolf snail and land planarians belong to the predators .

Importance to humans

Since Bradybaena similaris feeds on numerous cultivated plants , it is considered a plant pest.


Web links

Commons : Bradybaena similaris  - collection of images, videos and audio files