Coffee (plant)
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Arabica coffee ( Coffea arabica ), illustration |
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Coffea | ||||||||||||
L. |
Coffee ( Coffea ) is a plant genus in the family of the redness plants (Rubiaceae) with currently 124 known species . The most famous of these are the Arabica coffee ( Coffea arabica ) and Robusta coffee ( Coffea canephora ), which are preferred as plantation plants , the latter better known under the name Coffea robusta , which is now only a synonym . But the seeds ("beans") of at least five other types are also roasted and sold to make coffee .
Coffea species are evergreen, small trees or shrubs . The opposite, stalked leaves have a simple, shiny leaf blade. The stipules can be 8-15 cm long and 4-6 cm wide.
Multi-flowered, zymous inflorescences are formed. The fragrant, hermaphrodite flowers are four to nine-fold. The white petals are fused tubular; the tube being shorter than the corolla lobes. The stylus ends in a two-lobed scar.
The stone fruits called coffee cherries or coffee berries have a fruity, sweet taste, but have very little pulp. This is surrounded by a thick, soft shell . Under the fruit pulp is the parchment membrane surrounded by mucus. Underneath is the silver membrane that covers the seeds. There are usually two seeds in the fruit, the so-called coffee beans . Occasionally, only one seed forms, which is then called a pearl bean.
Five-fold flowers of Arabica coffee ( Coffea arabica )
Stone fruits of Arabica coffee ( Coffea arabica )
The seeds, known as coffee beans, serve as the raw material for the hot beverage coffee . To do this, the beans are dried in different ways, fermented (with or without the pulp of the stone fruit) and later roasted . The peel of the coffee cherry can be used to make cascara .
Coffee bean oil, which is mainly used in the production of sunscreens and body lotions, is obtained from the raw or roasted seeds of the coffee bush. Roasted until charred and ground into powder, medicinal coffee charcoal is used as a natural remedy primarily for the treatment of diarrheal diseases.
Almost all species have their original home in tropical Africa , Madagascar and the Mascarene Mountains .
Coffee has been drunk in Europe since the 17th century, spread by the Arabs and Turks. Originally the coffee plant from the highlands of Ethiopia and Sudan, but today worldwide in tropical and subtropical zone as a crop grown.
The genus Coffea was established in 1753 by Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum , p. 172. Synonyms for Coffea L. are Buseria T.Durand , Cafe Adans. , Hexepta Raf. , Leiochilus Hook. f. , Nescidia A. Rich . , Paolia Chiov. , Pleurocoffea Baill. , Psilanthopsis A. Chev. , Solenixora Baill. The genus Coffea is divided into the two sub-genera Baracoffea and Coffea . Some 124 species in the genus Coffea were not described until the 21st century. The genus Coffea belongs to the tribe Coffeeae in the subfamily Ixoroideae within the family of Rubiaceae .
Of the large number of botanical species, nine are either cultivated worldwide or at least regionally and are used to brew coffee.
There are about 124 species in the genus Coffea :
- Coffea abbayesii J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in south-eastern Madagascar .
- Coffea affinis De Wild. (Syn .: Coffea stenophylla var. Camaya Portères ): It iswidespreadin tropical West Africa. It is perhaps a hybrid of Coffea liberica × Coffea stenophylla .
- Coffea alleizettii Dubard : It occurs in central Madagascar only in Anjozorobé .
- Coffea ambanjensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in north-western Madagascar.
- Coffea ambongensis J.-F.Leroy ex APDavis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2008 from northwestern Madagascar.
- Coffea andrambovatensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar only in Andrambovato .
- Coffea ankaranensis J.-F.Leroy ex APDavis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2001. It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea anthonyi fabric. & F.Anthony : It was first described in 2009. It occurs in Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo .
- Coffea arabica L. (Syn .: Coffea bourbonica Pharm. Ex Wehmer nom. Nud., Coffea corymbulosa Bertol. , Coffea laurifolia Salisb. , Coffea moka Heynh. , Coffea sundana Miq. , Coffea vulgaris Moench , Coffea arabica var. Angustifolia Cramer nom . illeg., Coffea arabica var. typica Cramer , Coffea arabica var. straminea Miq. ex A. Froehner , Coffea arabica var. sundana (Miq.) A. Chev. , Coffea arabica var. polysperma Burck , Coffea arabica var. amarella A .Froehner , Coffea arabica var. Maragogype A.Froehner , Coffea arabica var. rotundifolia Ottol. ex Cramer , Coffea arabica var. murta Lalière , Coffea arabica var. bullata Cramer , Coffea arabica var. columnaris Ottol. ex Cramer , Coffea arabica var. erecta Ottol. ex Cramer , Coffea arabica var. mokka Cramer , Coffea arabica var. monosperma Ottol. & Cramer , Coffea arabica var. pendula Cramer , Coffea arabica var. purpurascens Cramer , Coffea arabica var. variegata Ottol. ex Cramer , Coffea arabica var . bourbon Rodr. ex Choussy , Coffea arabica var. brevistipulata Cif. , Coffea arabica var. Longistipulata Cif. , Coffea arabica var. Pubescens Cif. , Coffea arabica var. Culta A. Chev. , Coffea arabica var. Cultoides A.Chev. , Coffea arabica var. Latifolia A. Chev. , Coffea arabica var. Myrtifolia A. Chev. ): It originally occurs only in eastern South Sudan , southwestern Ethiopia and northern Kenya (only on Mt. Marsibit). It is grown for arabica coffee in many areas. It originated from Coffea canephora × Coffea eugenioides .
- Coffea arenesiana J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea augagneurii Dubard (Syn .: Coffea diversifolia Jum. , Coffea bonnieri var. Diversifolia (Jum.) A. Chev. ): It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea bakossii Cheek & Bridson : It was first described in 2002 from western Cameroon.
Coffea benghalensis B. Heyne ex Schult. : There have been two varieties since 2010:
- Coffea benghalensis var. Bababudanii (Sivar., Biju & P.Mathew) APDavis (Syn .: Psilanthus bababudanii Sivar. ): This new combination took place in 2010. It comes from northeastern India.
- Coffea benghalensis B. Heyne ex Schult. var. benghalensis (Syn .: Coffea floreifoliosa A. Chev. , Coffea semiexserta Colebr. ex Roxb. ): It is widespread from Nepal to Indochina .
- Coffea bertrandii A. Chev. : It occurs in southern Madagascar.
- Coffea betamponensis Portères & J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea bissetiae A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2008. It occurs in northwestern Madagascar.
- Coffea boinensis A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2008. It occurs in northwestern Madagascar.
Coffea boiviniana (Baill.) Drake : There are two subspecies:
- Coffea boiviniana (Baill.) Drake subsp. boiviniana : It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea boiviniana subsp. drakei J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in northwestern Madagascar.
- Coffea bonnieri Dubard (Syn .: Coffea bonnieri subsp. Androrangae J.-F.Leroy ): It occurs in northern Madagascar only on Mt. d'Ambre and Mt. Anjenabe.
- Coffea brassii (J.-F.Leroy) APDavis (Syn .: Paracoffea brassii J.-F.Leroy , Psilanthus brassii (J.-F.Leroy) APDavis ): This new combination took place in 2010. It occurs in New Guinea and northern Queensland .
- Coffea brevipes Hiern (Syn .: Coffea montana K.Schum. Ex De Wild. , Coffea staudtii A.Froehner ): It occurs in tropical western-central Africa.
- Coffea bridsoniae A.P. Davis & Mvungi : It was first described in 2004. This endemic occurs in Tanzania only in the eastern Usambara Mountains.
- Coffea buxifolia A. Chev. : It occurs in central Madagascar.
- Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner (Syn .: Coffea arabica var. Stuhlmannii A. Froehner , Coffea bukobensis Zimm. , Coffea laurentii De Wild. , Coffea maclaudii A. Chev. , Coffea quillon Wester nom. Nud., Coffea robusta L. Linden , Coffea ugandae Cramer , Coffea welwitschii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora subvar. robusta (L.Linden) A.Chev. , Coffea canephora var. laurentii (De Wild.) A.Chev. , Coffea canephora var. stuhlmannii ( A.Froehner) A.Chev. , Coffea canephora var. Hiernii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. Hinaultii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. Kouilouensis De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. Nganda Haarer nom. Illeg. , Coffea canephora var. muniensis Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. oligoneura Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. trillesii De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. wildemanii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. welwitschii (Pierre ex De Wild.) A. Chev. , Coffea canephora var. opaca Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. mac laudii (A.Chev.) A.Chev. , Coffea canephora var. Crassifolia Laurent ex De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. Sankuruensis (De Wild.) De Wild. , Coffea canephora var. Ugandae (Cramer) A.Chev. , Coffea canephora var. Gossweileri A. Chev. , Coffea canephora var. Oka A. Chev. ): It is distributed from tropical West Africa to South Sudan and northern Angola. It is a neophyte in some areas. It is grown for Robusta coffee in many areas.
- Coffea carrissoi A. Chev. : It occurs in Angola only in Malange.
- Coffea charrieriana fabric. & F.Anthony : It was first described in 2008. She comes from southwestern Cameroon.
- Coffea cochinchinensis Pierre ex Pit. : It occurs in Cambodia and Vietnam .
- Coffea commersoniana (Baill.) A. Chev. : It occurs in southeastern Madagascar.
- Coffea congensis A. Froehner (Syn .: Coffea congensis var. Chalotii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea congensis var. Froehneri Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea congensis var. Oubanghensis Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea congensis var. Subsessilis De Wild. , Coffea congensis var. Micrantha Lebrun ): It is common in tropical western-central Africa.
- Coffea costatifructa Bridson : It occurs in eastern Tanzania only in Rufiji and Kilwa .
Coffea coursiana J.-F.Leroy : There are two subspecies:
- Coffea coursiana J.-F.Leroy subsp. coursiana : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea coursiana subsp. littoralis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea dactylifera Robbr. & Material. : It occurs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo .
- Coffea decaryana J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in west-northwestern Madagascar.
- Coffea dubardii Jum. : It occurs in northern and northwestern Madagascar.
- Coffea ebracteolata (Hiern) Brenan (Syn .: Coffea lamtoensis Portères ): It occurs from tropical West Africa to Cameroon.
- Coffea eugenioides in the southern moors (Syn .: Coffea arabica var. Intermedia A.Froehner , Coffea intermedia (A.Froehner) A.Chev. , Coffea nandiensis Dowson ex Bullock , Coffea becquetii A.Chev. ): It is from South Sudan to tropical eastern -central as well as eastern Africa.
- Coffea fadenii Bridson : It occurs in Kenya (only in the Teita Hills) and Tanzania (only in the eastern Usambara Mountains).
- Coffea farafanganensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in south-eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea floresiana Boerl. : It only occurs on the Lesser Sunda Islands .
- Coffea fotsoana fabric. & Sonké : It was first described in 2004 from Cameroon.
- Coffea fragilis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in Madagascar.
- Coffea fragrans Wall. ex Hook. f. : It occurs in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar .
- Coffea gallienii Dubard : This endemic occurs in northern Madagascar only on Mt. d'Ambre.
Coffea grevei Drake ex A. Chev. : There have been two subspecies since 2008:
- Coffea grevei Drake ex A. Chev. subsp. grevei (Syn .: Coffea capuronii J.-F.Leroy , Coffea morondavensis J.-F.Leroy ): It occurs in western Madagascar.
- Coffea grevei subsp. mahajangensis A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2008. It occurs west-northwest Madagascar.
- Coffea heimii J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea × heterocalyx fabric. (Syn .: Coffea brevipes var. Heterocalyx A.Chev. ): It occurs in southwestern Cameroon. It is a hybrid of Coffea eugenioides × Coffea liberica var. Dewevrei , which may have originated in culture.
- Coffea homollei J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea horsfieldiana Miq. : It only occurs on Java.
- Coffea humbertii J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in south-west and west-central Madagascar.
- Coffea humblotiana Baill. (Syn .: Coffea arabica var. Humblotiana . (Baill) A.Froehner , Coffea arabica var. Rachiformis . (Baill) A.Froehner , Coffea rachiformis Baill. ): This endemic just comes down to the belonging to the Comoros island Njazidja ago.
- Coffea humilis A. Chev. : It occurs in Sierra Leone , Liberia and the southwestern Ivory Coast .
- Coffea jumellei J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea kapakata (A.Chev.) Bridson : It occurs in the Republic of the Congo only in Bas-Kouilou and Angola only in Cuanza Sul .
- Coffea kianjavatensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea kihansiensis A.P. Davis & Mvungi : It was first described in 2004 from central Tanzania.
- Coffea kimbozensis Bridson : It occurs only in Morogoro in eastern Tanzania.
- Coffea kivuensis Lebrun (Syn .: Coffea eugenioides var. Kivuensis (Lebrun) A. Chev. ): It occurs in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- Coffea labatii A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2008. It occurs in central-western Madagascar.
Coffea lancifolia A. Chev. : There are two varieties:
- Coffea lancifolia var. Auriculata J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea lancifolia A. Chev. var. lancifolia : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea lebruniana Germ. & Kesler : It occurs in tropical western-central Africa.
- Coffea leonimontana fabric. : It comes from southwestern Cameroon.
- Coffea leroyi A.P. Davis : It was first described in 2000 from eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea liaudii J.-F.Leroy ex APDavis : It was first described in 2000. It occurs in central-eastern Madagascar.
Coffea liberica W.Bull : There are two varieties and one form. It is a neophyte in some areas. It is grown for Liberica coffee in many areas:
- Coffea liberica f. bwambensis Bridson : It occurs in Uganda.
- Coffea liberica var. Dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Lebrun (Syn .: Coffea arnoldiana De Wild. , Coffea aruwimiensis De Wild. , Coffea dewevrei De Wild. & T.Durand , Coffea dybowskii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea dybowskii H.C. Hall nom. illeg., Coffea excelsa A.Chev. , Coffea neoarnoldiana A.Chev. nom. nud., Coffea royauxii De Wild. , Coffea sylvatica A.Chev. , Coffea zenkeri De Wild. ex A.Chev. ) : It occurs from Cameroon to South Sudan.
- Coffea liberica W.Bull var. Liberica (Syn .: Coffea abeokutae Cramer , Coffea excelsoidea Portères ex A.Chev. , Coffea klainii Pierre ex De Wild. , Coffea oyemensis A.Chev. , Coffea liberica var. Pyriformis Fauchère , Coffea liberica var . indeniensis Siebert nom. nud., Coffea liberica var. gossweileri A. Chev. , Coffea liberica var. ivorensis Siebert , Coffea liberica var. liberiensis Siebert , Coffea liberica var. aurantiaca A. Chev. , Coffea liberica var. grandifolia A.Chev . ): Spread from tropical West Africa to Uganda and Angola.
- Coffea ligustroides S.Moore : It only occurs in Chirinda in eastern Zimbabwe.
- Coffea littoralis A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2001. It occurs in northeastern Madagascar.
- Coffea lulandoensis Bridson : It occurs in Tanzania only in Mufindi .
- Coffea mabesae (Elmer) J.-F.Leroy : It comes from Malesia to Queensland (only on Torres Strait Island).
- Coffea macrocarpa A.Rich. (Syn .: Coffea bernardiniana J.-F.Leroy , Coffea bojeriana J.-F.Leroy , Coffea grandifolia Bojer ex Baker ): It occurs only in Mauritius.
- Coffea madurensis Teijsm. & Binn. ex Koord . : It only occurs on the island of Madura ,which belongs to Java.
- Coffea magnistipula fabric. & Robbr. : It comes from southwestern Cameroon and western Gabon .
- Coffea malabarica (Sivar., Biju & P.Mathew) APDavis (Syn .: Psilanthus malabaricus Sivar. ): This new combination took place in 2010. It comes from southwest India.
- Coffea mangoroensis Portères : It occurs in central-eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea mannii (Hook. F.) APDavis (Syn .: Coffea gilgiana A. Froehner , Psilanthus comoensis Pierre ex De Wild. , Psilanthus ledermannii A. Chev. , Psilanthus mannii Hook. F. , Psilanthus tetramerus Hiern ): This new combination took place in 2011 It is common in tropical western and western-central Africa.
- Coffea manombensis A.P.Davis : It was first described 2000th It occurs in south-eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea mapiana Sonké, Nguembou & APDavis : It was first described in 2006 from Cameroon.
- Coffea mauritiana Lam. (Syn .: Coffea arabica var. Mauritiana (Lam.) Willd. , Coffea campaniensis J.-F.Leroy , Coffea mauritiana var. Lanceolata A.Chev. , Coffea nossikumbaensis A.Chev. , Coffea sylvestris Willd. Ex Schult. ) : It occurs in Mauritius and Réunion .
- Coffea mayombensis A. Chev. (Syn .: Coffea brevipes var. Longifolia A. Froehner ): It is widespread from Nigeria to tropical west-central Africa.
- Coffea mcphersonii A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2001. It occurs in northeastern Madagascar.
- Coffea melanocarpa Welw. ex here : It occurs in Cabinda and Angola .
- Coffea merguensis Ridl. (Syn .: Coffea merguensis var. Orientalis Craib ): It occurs in Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.
- Coffea millotii J.-F.Leroy (Syn .: Coffea ambodirianaensis Portères , Coffea dolichophylla J.-F.Leroy ): It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea minutiflora A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2003. It occurs in east-southeast Madagascar.
- Coffea mogenetii Dubard : This endemic occurs in northern Madagascar only on Mt. d'Ambre.
- Coffea mongensis Bridson : It occurs in northeastern Tanzania.
- Coffea montekupensis fabric. : It occurs in southwestern Cameroon.
- Coffea montis-sacri A.P. Davis : It was first described in 2001. This endemic occurs in eastern Madagascar only on Mt. Vatovavy.
- Coffea moratii J.-F.Leroy ex APDavis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2003. It occurs in western Madagascar.
Coffea mufindiensis Hutch. ex Bridson (Syn .: Coffea mufindiensis Hutch. ex A. Chev. ): There are four subspecies:
- Coffea mufindiensis subsp. australis Bridson : It occurs in southern Malawi, eastern Zimbabwe and western Mozambique.
- Coffea mufindiensis subsp. lundaziensis Bridson : It occurs in northern Malawi and northern Zambia.
- Coffea mufindiensis Hutch. ex Bridson subsp. mufindiensis : It occurs in Tanzania.
- Coffea mufindiensis subsp. pawekiana (Bridson) Bridson (Syn .: Coffea pawekiana Bridson ): It only occurs in northern Malawi.
- Coffea myrtifolia (A.Rich. Ex DC.) J.-F.Leroy (Syn .: Coffea vaughanii J.-F.Leroy , Coffea vaughanii var. Defuncta J.-F.Leroy ): It occurs only in Mauritius.
- Coffea namorokensis A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2010. It occurs in west-northwest Madagascar.
- Coffea neobridsoniae A.P.Davis : It was first described of 2010. She comes from southwest India.
- Coffea neoleroyi A.P.Davis : It was first described of 2010. It occurs in southwestern Ethiopia, Sudan, and northeastern Uganda.
- Coffea perrieri Drake ex Jum. & H.Perrier : It occurs in Madagascar.
- Coffea pervilleana (Baill.) Drake (Syn .: Coffea brachyphylla Radlk. , Coffea antsingyensis J.-F.Leroy ): It occurs in northern Madagascar (including the island of Nosi Bé).
- Coffea pocsii Bridson : It occurs in eastern Tanzania only in Morogoro.
- Coffea pseudozanguebariae Bridson : It occurs in southeastern Kenya and northeastern Tanzania (including Zanzibar ).
- Coffea pterocarpa A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2008. It occurs in west-northwest Madagascar.
- Coffea racemosa Lour. (Syn .: Coffea ramosa Schult. Orth. Var., Coffea mozambicana DC. Nom. Illeg., Coffea swynnertonii S.Moore ): It occurs in eastern Zimbabwe, in KwaZulu-Natal and on the Mozambican Channel Islands.
- Coffea rakotonasoloi A.P. Davis : It was first described in 2001. It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea ratsimamangae J.-F.Leroy ex APDavis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2001. It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea resinosa (Hook. F.) Radlk. (Syn .: Coffea resinosa var. Thouarsii A.Chev. ): It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea rhamnifolia (Chiov.) Bridson : It occurs in central Somalia and in eastern Kenya.
- Coffea richardii J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea sahafaryensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in north-eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea sakarahae J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in south-central Madagascar.
- Coffea salvatrix Swynn. & Philipson : It is common in southwestern Tanzania to tropical southern Africa.
- Coffea sambavensis J.-F.Leroy ex APDavis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2001. It occurs in northeastern Madagascar.
- Coffea sapinii (De Wild.) APDavis : It was first described in 2010 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- Coffea schliebenii Bridson : It occurs in southeastern Tanzania and northern Mozambique.
- Coffea semsei (Bridson) APDavis : It was first described in 2010. In Tanzania it occurs only in Ulanga.
Coffea sessiliflora Bridson : There are two subspecies:
- Coffea sessiliflora subsp. mwasumbii Bridson : It occurs in Tanzania only in Kisarawe .
- Coffea sessiliflora subsp. sessiliflora : It occurs only in southeastern Kenya.
- Coffea stenophylla G.Don : It is widespread in tropical West Africa.
- Coffea tetragona Jum. & H.Perrier : It occurs in north-western Madagascar.
- Coffea togoensis A. Chev. : It occurs in Ghana , Benin and Togo .
- Coffea toshii A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2010 from Madagascar.
- Coffea travancorensis Wight & Arn. : It occurs in southern India and Sri Lanka.
- Coffea tricalysioides J.-F.Leroy (Syn .: Coffea tsaratanensis J.-F.Leroy ): It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea tsirananae J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in northern Madagascar.
- Coffea vatovavyensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea vavateninensis J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea vianneyi J.-F.Leroy : It occurs in south-eastern Madagascar.
- Coffea vohemarensis A.P. Davis & Rakotonas : It was first described in 2003. It occurs in northeastern Madagascar.
- Coffea wightiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn. : It occurs in southern India and Sri Lanka.
- Coffea zanguebariae Lour. (Syn .: Coffea ibo A. Froehner , Coffea schumanniana Busse , Coffea zanzibarensis R.M. Gray ): It occurs from southern Tanzania via Mozambique and Zimbabwe to Swaziland .
Cultivated types of coffee
- Coffea arabica : The cultivation takes place preferably at altitudes of 1000 to 3000 meters, the stature height is about 5 meters, leaves 5–20 cm long, bears fruit after 3 - 5 years for 50 - 60 (- 100) years, fruits 9–11 Ripe months after fertilization, the usual coffee in Germany, 1.5% caffeine, several types, over 60% of world coffee production
- Coffea canephora (Robusta), originally West and Central Africa, only known as a coffee plant since the 19th century, natural growth height up to 8 m, leaves up to 40 cm long, fruits ripe 6–8 months after fertilization, 2.7 % Caffeine, tart taste, several types, drunk v. a. in southern France, Spain, Portugal, approx. 36% of world coffee production
- Coffea liberica , stature height up to 9 (- 20) m, originally flatlands of West Africa, now also Philippines , Indonesia , Vietnam , leaves up to 35 cm long and 15 cm wide; Cherries larger and harder than Arabica and Robusta, high-yielding and resistant to parasites
- Coffea stenophylla , discovered around 1890, height of growth max. 3 m, originally mountainous countries of Guinea , Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast , today also other countries in West Africa and non-African countries at altitudes up to 700 meters, only bears after 7 years for only 9 years, beans round, large and black, mild taste
- Coffea congensis , Congo (Kinshasa) , small narrow leaves, large white flowers
- Coffea bonnieri , Northern Madagascar , large dark green leaves, white petals around the coffee cherries
- Coffea racemosa , Mozambique, local use
- Coffea zanguebariae , Tanzania, local use
- Coffea benghalensis , wild and cultivated plant in Bengal , at altitudes of 300 to 900 meters, difficult to cultivate outside the region of origin, bush-like, long thin leaves, small white flowers, large beans, aroma similar to Robusta, except as a drink also for medicinal purposes utilized.
- Coffea arabica var. Maragogype , mutation from Arabica or cross between Arabica and Liberica, beans one third larger than Arabica, grown in Mexico and Nicaragua at altitudes of 400 to 1200 meters, low yield
- Hans Becker , Volker Höhfeld , Horst Kopp : Coffee from Arabia. The change in the meaning of a world economic good and its settlement-geographical consequence on the dry line of ecumenism. (Series: Geography Knowledge. Series of publications for research and practice. Issue 46). Wiesbaden 1979.
- Antoinette Schnyder von Waldkirch: How Europe discovered coffee. Travel reports from the Baroque period as a source of the history of coffee. Zurich 1988.
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Erin Meister: Ever Wonder What a Coffee Cherry Tastes Like? In: serious eats. February 1, 2011, accessed July 16, 2019 .
- ↑ Pearl bean in the coffee dictionary. Retrieved March 5, 2015 .
- ↑ Prospero Alpini : De Plantis Aegypti Liber. Venice 1592.
- ↑ Coffee bean oil. Retrieved March 5, 2015 .
- ↑ Coffee charcoal - a medicinal powder not just for the intestines. April 22, 2011, accessed March 27, 2015 .
- ^ Coffea in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Coffea. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved October 18, 2017.
- ↑ a b Flora of Thailand. Retrieved July 16, 2019 .
- ↑ a b c
- ↑ Plant directory of a Bengali national park