Fruit bumblebee

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Fruit bumblebee
Bourdon Bombinae bombus ponorum bourdon.jpg

Fruit bumblebee ( Bombus pomorum )

Superfamily : Apoidea
without rank: Bees (Apiformes)
Family : Real bees (Apidae)
Subfamily : Apinae
Genre : Bumblebees ( bombus )
Type : Fruit bumblebee
Scientific name
Bombus pomorum
Tank , 1805

The fruit bumblebee ( Bombus pomorum ) is an insect in the group of bees .


The range of the fruit bumblebee has shrunk significantly in recent years. Today it only occurs in central and eastern parts of Europe . The northern border is in southern Denmark and the southern border is on the Alps .


The fruit bumblebee is medium-sized, with the queen reaching a length of 20 to 22 millimeters. Workers and queens are black with a reddish-brown abdomen. The males can have a slightly lighter front part. In general, it is comparable to the stone bumblebee , but the red-brown part usually predominates. This bumblebee's trunk is relatively long.

Way of life

This bumblebee prefers open agricultural areas and has been strongly influenced by the switch to monocultures , which usually do not offer any food crops for this species. It is not known which plants this bumblebee prefers, but the choice is likely determined by the length of the trunk. The nest is underground.


With the entry of the Eastern European countries into the EU , the agricultural methods there changed according to the Western European pattern, which is a great threat to the fruit bumblebee. Researchers from Hungary have suggested that this species should be given Critically Endangered (CR) status in their country. So far, the fruit bumblebee has been listed as acutely endangered in Latvia . In Germany and Lithuania it is one of the critically endangered species. In Great Britain , the animal was last sighted in Kent in 1864 . The same situation prevails in the Netherlands (last seen in 1948), in Belgium (last seen in 1946) and in central Denmark (last find was in 1937 near Skallingen on Jutland ). The fruit bumblebee also disappeared in the Königsberg wing in 1924 .


Web links

Commons : Obsthummel ( Bombus pomorum )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files