Odo of Thoire and Villars

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Odo von Thoire and Villars (* 1354 ; † 1414 ) was the son of Agnès de Montaigu and Jean de Villars, a brother of Humbert VI. by Thoire and Villars. He was "Damoiseau" of the Counts of Savoy, Knight of the Ordre du Camail (or Ordre du Porc-Épic), Lord of Montellier , Montribloud , Saint-Sorlin and Thor, Count of Geneva , Captain General of Pope Clement VII , Rector of the Comtat Venaissin and Governor of Nice .

Coat of arms of Odo of Thoire and Villars'

Odo was one of the most important allies of the Avignon antipope Clement VII (1378-1384), if only because he was a blood relative of his brother-in-law Humbert VII von Thoire and Villars. Clement commissioned him to fight Raymond de Turenne. In 1388 he married Alix des Baux , granddaughter of Guillaume III. Roger de Beaufort , Viscount de Turenne , and thus great-niece of Clement's predecessor Gregory XI. The following year, Odo and Alix unsuccessfully asked their grandfather to hand over the fortress Les Baux . In 1390 Clemens VII appointed Odo Rector of Comtat Venaissin, a task that he gave up a few years later after he had become so involved in a military dispute with Raymond de Turenne , his wife's uncle that he seemed advised to to change the master.

Odo von Thoire and Villars entered the service of Count Amadeus VIII of Savoy, who in 1369 entrusted him with the task of governor of Nice. Here, too, he had to give up after three years after falling out with the Grimaldi . Fortunately for him, he inherited the county of Geneva from his nephew Humbert VII in 1400, which he passed on to Amadeus VIII a year later for 45,000 gold florins and was once again graced with grace. Odo took the opportunity to continue the dispute with Raymond de Turenne, his wife, however, reached 1408 with Pope Benedict XIII. , the successor of Clement VII., the annulment of the marriage. Odo von Thoire and Villars died in 1414.


  • Ch. Cottier: Notes historiques concernant les Recteurs du ci-devant Comté Venaissin , Carpentras, 1808.
  • JF André: Histoire du gouvernement des Recteurs dans le Comtat , Carpentras, 1847.
  • L. Barthélemy: Inventaire chronologique et analytique des chartes de la maison des Baux , Marseille, 1882.
  • Cais de Pierlas: La ville de Nice durant le premier siècle de la domination des princes de Savoie , Turin, 1898.
  • N. Valois: La France et le Grand Schisme d'Occident , Paris, 1896–1901.
  • C. Faure: Études sur l'administration et l'histoire du Comtat Venaissin du XIIIe au XIVe siècle (1229 - 1417) , Paris-Avignon, 1909.
  • F. Menkès: Aspects de la guerre de Provence à la fin du XIVe siècle , Mélanges offerts à E. Perroy, Paris, 1973.
  • H. Dubled: Entrées et fêtes à Carpentras à l'époque pontificale , Rencontres, 113, Carpentras, 1976.
  • B. Galland: Le rôle du comte de Savoie dans la ligue de Grégoire XI contre les Visconti (1372-1375) , Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, Vol. 105, n ° 105-2, 1993.
  • R. Veydarier: Raymond de Turenne, la deuxième maison d'Anjou et de Provence: étude d'une rebellion nobiliaire à la fin du Moyen-Age , thèse de l'Université de Montréal (Québec), 1994.


Archives Nationales, Litige entre Raymond de Turenne et Odon de Villars (1406 - 1408) , série X 2a 14, f ° 343 v °, 347 r °, 378 v °, 379 v °, 391 v °, 392 r °, 400 v °, 407 r °, 413 v ° et 419.