Olaf Gersemann

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Olaf Gersemann  (born June 18, 1968 in Ibbenbüren ) is a German journalist and book author. Since 2010 he has been head of the business, finance and real estate department of the WELT Group ( Die Welt , Welt am Sonntag , N24 ).

Life and professional development

After graduating from high school and doing community service in Ibbenbüren, Gersemann attended the Cologne journalism school from 1989 to 1992 . Between 1991 and 1996 he studied economics at the University of Cologne and Trinity College Dublin .

From 1996 onwards he worked as an editor for the Holtzbrinck publishing group , first for Handelsblatt , then for Wirtschaftswoche . Between 1999 and 2005 he was the Washington correspondent for Wirtschaftswoche. In 2005 he became head of the Financial Times Deutschland's international office . Two years later he moved to the WELT Group, initially as deputy head of business.

Since 2010 Gersemann has been head of the department for economics, finance and real estate, with Thomas Exner until 2016, and with Ileana Grabitz since then .

In November 2017, he defended tax havens among other things as "protection from the greed of finance ministers" and protection "against arbitrary state rule" and "attacks" for people "who simply have too much money to put in their mattresses or wall safes".

Gersemann is married and has two children. He lives in Berlin.


Gersemann has received several awards for his journalistic work: with the Ludwig-Erhard-Förderpreis für Wirtschaftspublizistik (2001), the Templeton Enterprise Award (2007), the Herbert Quandt Medien-Preis (2009) and the State-Street-Preis für Finanzjournalisten ( 2012, 2016).

Book publications

  • “Controlled heroin distribution. Options of a future drug policy ”, Hamburg 1996, S + W Steuer- und Wirtschaftsverlag, ISBN 978-3891614525
  • “American conditions. The Germans' false fear of cowboy capitalism ”, Munich 2003, FinanzBook Verlag, ISBN 978-3898790789 . Translations into Portuguese, Russian and English ("Cowboy Capitalism: European Myths, American Reality", Washington, DC, 2004, Cato Institute, ISBN 978-1930865785 )
  • “The Germany bubble. The last hurray of a major economic nation ”, Munich 2014, DVA, ISBN 978-3421046574

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Axel Springer SE: WELT Group founds investigative department: Jörg Eigendorf becomes chief reporter and member of the Axel Springer SE editorial team. Retrieved October 31, 2017 .
  2. And after that? | Cologne School of Journalism. Accessed November 1, 2017 (German).
  3. Olaf Gersemann . In: THE WORLD . ( welt.de [accessed November 1, 2017]).
  4. Ulf Poschardt is editor-in-chief WeltN24 . In: kress . ( kress.de [accessed on November 2, 2017]).
  5. Three Reasons We Need Tax Haven , Welt, November 6, 2017
  6. ^ Award winners »Ludwig Erhard Foundation . In: Ludwig Erhard Foundation . ( ludwig-erhard.de [accessed on November 1, 2017]).
  7. Templeton Enterprise Award | Book awards | LibraryThing. Retrieved November 1, 2017 .
  8. ^ Johanna Quandt Foundation: 2009. Accessed November 1, 2017 .
  9. Sebastian Mohila: Press release from November 22, 2012 . (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on June 22, 2017 ; accessed on November 1, 2017 (German). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.state-street-preis.de
  10. Martin Dziura, Tobias Bedranowsky: JournalistenPreise.de - State Street Prize for Financial Journalists - Winner. Retrieved November 1, 2017 .