Ongokea gore

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Ongokea gore
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Sandalwoods (Santalales)
Family : Olacaceae
Genre : Ongokea
Type : Ongokea gore
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Ongokea gore
( Hua ) Pierre
Stone fruits with a permanent calyx

Ongokea gore in a large tree in the Olacaceae family from West and Central Africa . It is the only species in the genus Ongokea .


Ongokea gore grows as an evergreen tree up to 40–50 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches 100-150 centimeters. There are root blooms . The bark is fine-cracked and flakes off in small scales.

The simple, leathery leaves are alternate and have entire margins. The thin and short petiole is up to 1 centimeter long. The leaves are elliptical and acuminate and about 5–12 inches long. Stipules are missing.

Axillary panicles with zymo-umbellate flower groups are formed. The four (or five) numbered and thin as well as long-stemmed, greenish, small flowers with double inflorescence are hermaphroditic or functionally unisexual. The small calyx is plate-shaped with short tips and the slightly spatula or tongue-shaped, flap-shaped petals, which are hooded at the tip, are laid back or rolled up. The stamens are fused Roehrig in a synandrium. The unilocular ovary is upper constant, the pen is about as long or slightly longer than the stamen tube. There is a lobed, fleshy discus .

Solitary, round and yellow, fleshy, bald stone fruits , with somewhat recessed, round stylus and anthers at the top, are formed in a permanent, green and thick, two or three-part calyx. They are about 2.5–4 centimeters tall, with a large, spherical stone core.


The first description of Basionyms Aptandra gore was made in 1895 by Henri Hua in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 1: 315. Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre described the monotypical species Ongokea klaineana in Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 2: 1313, 14, then determined the agreement with Aptandra gore and then quickly combined the new combination Ongokea gore . Another synonym is Ongokea kamerunensis Engl.


The fruits should be edible. Isano oil is obtained from the seeds , which is not edible but is used for industrial applications.

The bark is used medicinally.

The medium-hard, quite heavy wood is very durable but difficult to treat. It is known as angueuk .


  • Job Kuijt, Bertel Hansen: The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. XII, Flowering Plants Eudicots, Springer, 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-09295-9 , p. 62 (here the flowers are five-fold).
  • J. Gérard, D. Guibal, S. Paradis, J.-C. Cerre: Tropical Timber Atlas. Éditions Quæ, 2017, ISBN 978-2-7592-2798-3 , p. 114 ff, limited preview in the Google book search.
  • Quentin Meunier, Carl Moumbogou, Jean-Louis Doucet: Les arbres utiles du Gabon. Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux, 2015, ISBN 978-2-87016-134-0 , p. 250 f, limited preview in the Google book search.

Web links

  • Ongokea gore at Useful Tropical Plants.
  • Ongokea gore at PROTA.
  • Ongokea gore at The Parasitic Plant Connection (pictures and illustration).
  • Ongokea gore . In: S. Dressler, M. Schmidt, G. Zizka (Eds.): African plants - A Photo Guide. Senckenberg, Frankfurt / Main 2014.

Individual evidence

  1. online at
  2. online at