Order of Bernardo O'Higgins

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Breast star of the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins

The Order of Bernardo O'Higgins is a Chilean order given exclusively to foreigners for achievements in the field of the arts, sciences, education, industry, trade or social and humanitarian cooperation. The awards are made by the President of the Republic at the request of the Chilean Foreign Minister .


The order was founded on April 28, 1956 as an extension of the order Al Mérito by the Chilean President Carlos Ibáñez del Campo and at that time comprised two classes, namely the Medalla Bernardo O'Higgins, Primera Clase (medal Bernardo O'Higgins 1st class) and the medalla Bernardo O'Higgins, Segunda Clase (medal Bernardo O'Higgins 2nd class). In 1967 it was reorganized and divided into four classes; In 1968 the Grand Cross was added as the fifth class.

Order classes

Order decoration

The medal is a silver - gold - plated five - pointed star with a white enamelled frame, which is offset on a five-pointed star. There are small spheres on the star tips. Three small leaves protrude between the rays of the star. The medallion shows the left-facing bust of Bernardo O'Higgins in uniform with the surrounding inscription BERNARDO O'HIGGINS CHILE .

Carrying method

The Grand Cross is carried with a sash from the right shoulder to the left hip and with a breast star . The Grand Officer and the Commander carry the award as a neck medal ; Grand officers additionally with a breast star. Officers and knights decorate the medal on the ribbon on the left side of the chest, with a rosette on the ribbon of the officer's cross .

The ribbon has a wide blue and red stripe.

Known porters


  • Robert Werlich: Orders and Decorations of all Nations - Ancient and Modern - Civil and Military. Washington 1990.